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Student copy editor links


Grammar and more

The Curmudgeon's Stylebook: Offered as a supplement to The AP Stylebook and Libel Manual. By Washington Post copy editor Bill Walsh on his site The Slot. Excellent.

The Elements of Style: Full text of William Strunk, Jr.'s 1918 classic style guide.

Grammar Bytes!: Grammar terms are listed and many are is linked to their own pages of explanation with examples of correct and incorrect usage. There are also online exercises and handouts. By one Robin L. Simmons.

PMS - Punctuation Made Simple: Well-organized site covering colon, semicolon, comma, dash and apostrophe. From JAC Online: Journal for Composition Theory.

Common Errors in English: Aside from the common mistakes, this guy, Paul Brians of the Department of English at Washington State University, talks about perfect English that is commonly changed in error by well-meaning editors. Plus links to resources. Great site.

Easily Confused Words: Bone up for those tricky tests on your job interviews. This brief list of words includes the ever-popular alternately-alternatively and hanged-hung. From Information Please.

Style Guide: This site uses The Associated Press Style Book, but has no affiliation with The AP. It's a reference site for beginning journalists. Contains common style problems, (the nearly obsolete) proofreader's marks and more.

Nonsexist language: Easy to read on deadline, these guidelines offer alternatives to those awkward "he or she" phrasings. The server is frequently overloaded, though. From the Purdue Online Writing Lab. Guidelines suggested by the National Council of Teachers of English.

Writers' Workshop: This online workshop has great information on grammar, including short quizzes. Easy to navigate. From the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Garbl's Writing Resources Online: Links page to sites about grammar, style, punctuation and more. There are some fun links here, too, like the Word Play Online page.


To see more journalism organizations, please go to the Professional Links page.
Most of the professional organizations welcome student members.

NSPA/ACP: Associated Collegiate Press is a division of NSPA. It says it is the largest and oldest membership organization in the United States for college and student media. Great information and links.

Quill and Scroll Society: International honorary society for high school journalists. Scholarship information. Site hasn't been updated in awhile, but there's an e-mail address.

Student Media Membership Associations - ACP/NSPA: Links page to journalism student organizations.

ACES: The American Copy Editors Society encourages student membership. Also sponsors scholarships and an annual conference with myriad workshops.

JEA: Journalism Education Association for journalism educators. There is a lot of information for students as well.

Conferences, workshops, seminars

Workshops - JEA: Links page of student and teacher workshops on the Journalism Education Association Web site.

Education & Training - ACES: Links to opportunities to learn more about copy editing and journalism.

Conferences - ACES: Links to information about conferences, including the Baltimore convention in 2000.

Poynter Institute: This school for journalists in St. Petersburg, Fla., is a gold mine of resources. Among its offerings are its year-round seminars for copy editors, designers, reporters and others.

Internships, jobs

ACP Guide to Internships: Listings of journalism internships and links to other internship Web sites. Terrific resource from the Associated Collegiate Press.

Dow Jones Newspaper Fund: Dow Jones offers up to 100 copy-editing internships for college-level students every summer. The internship begins with a two-week training program. Programs also available for high school students.

Internship list - ACES: ACES page contains lists of internships available annually. Organized by state.

The National Diversity Newspaper Job Bank: Job-hunting tips and job-bank links with an eye on diversity. From the Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville. Site requires an online resume submission to obtain login/password access to listings.

Job postings - ACES: The American Copy Editors Society job listings.

JobsPage: The Detroit Free-Press' links page to job boards, job fairs, internships, career guides and more.

Job search - SND: Search for news-design jobs compiled by the Society for News Design. There's a new, efficient search filter.

Job Board - Copy Editor newsletter: Great, timely online resource for job listings. From a terrific print-only newsletter.

Job links - ASNE: Job-bank links from the American Society of Newspaper Editors.

E&P Classifieds: Online editorial ads in the Editor & Publisher trade journal.

Getting Hired - OJR: This two-part series by Julia Frazier, published in the Online Journalism Review, contains tips about the professional world, resumes, interviews, etc. It's written for those seeking online journalism jobs, but most of the information applies to print, as well.

Editors Ink - ACES: Results of surveys of more than 100 newspaper editors describing their jobs. From ACES.

The Newspage: Information and opinions from newspaper journalists about working at specific papers.

News Blues - A forum for TV newsroom whiners: TV newsroom employees talk about their jobs. Listed by town and station. Paid-access only; $10 twice a year.

University links

Academic and educational sites: List of links to undergraduate and graduate school journalism programs. From Allan Andrews' amazing WebSites for Journalists.

Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism: Information about the New York City school with links galore.

NYU Department of Journalism: New York University's journalism department online site has great links.

University of Missouri School of Journalism: Site offers information for prospective students, journalism resources and more.

Medill School of Journalism: Northwestern University's journalism school. Great linkage.

UNT Department of Journalism: University of North Texas Department of Journalism in Denton. Good links and more. My alma mater.

UT Department of Journalism: University of Texas Department of Journalism. Good linkage.

Texas A&M University: Texas Aggies' Department of Journalism home page. Good links.

UH School of Communication: University of Houston. Good linkage.

Student online publications The College Press Network provides news and information for college journalists. Lots o' links.

TRENDS in college media: A faxed publication appearing every two months from the Associated Collegiate Press. Online and archived here.

The National Edition: Highwired.Net's online high school newspaper, which is compiled from stories in high school publications from around the world. Updated weekly. Search available for high school newspapers.


INK: Internet News Knowledge site designed by and for high school journalism students.

Highwired.Net: Great resource for high school students interested in journalism.

SPLC: The Student Press Law Center, a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to providing legal help and information to student media and journalism educators. It's an excellent source for legal information.

Sourcebook - ACP/NSPA: Good links page to reference material, student organizations and more.

Journalism industry news

Jim Romenesko's Daily updates on happenings in newspaper, TV, radio and online journalism.

Media Central: Newspapers: Constantly updating headline-news site on the newspaper industry.


Communications Jargon: A few journalism terms. From Richard Weiner, a public relations consultant, author and lexicographer.

Glossary of Typographic Terms: From Graphion's Online Type Museum.

Media History: The Media History Project's site, which promotes the study of media history "from petroglyphs to pixels."

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