
This is the C'aracter page... one of t'e t'ings I'm allowed to goof on cause it's not about yours truly, well.. except me own bio, Vic wrote t'at for me. But 'ere are me good Jellicle friends, and even not so good friends, maybe an enemy or two...


Mungojerrie is my reason for living. Without his funny little quirks, and his silly expressions, the junkyard would be a very boring place. There isn't another tom that I would prefer over Mungo, because there is no comparison.


Wot can I say about Vicki t'at'll take less t'an a 'undred pages... Well, first off, I love 'er. S'e is my salvation for s'e found t'e love in me 'eart, and I t'ank 'er everyday. I one day 'ope t'at we can 'ave our own litter... but I 'aven't told 'er t'at yet.


My baby sister... S'e lives wif me at Victoria Grove, an we both get into trouble, but the masters always say... it's t'at 'orrible cat!


Mistoffelees is a conjuring cat and a prankster. 'E loves to pull kittens out of a 'at, play card tricks and just plain annoy 'is family. 'E's cool and nice and is very s'y. You'll mostly find 'im dancing rather t'an singing.


Alonzo is a rat'er intrestin tomcat. 'E usually keeps to 'imself, but once you get to know 'im, 'es a really cool cat.


Demeter is a tense cat. S'e knows when to relax and 'ave fun sometimes. It's from a recent relationship with Macavity. S'e loves Munkustrap with all 'er 'eart (hehe kinda loike me an Vic), an 'opes one day to 'ave a family of 'er own.

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