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some links are broken down there so just click the top link i don't have time to fix it at the moment.


Characters on that Page

Main Characters 

(Hero, Gremio, Cleo, Pahn, Viktor)

Extra Characters (Windy, Barbarossa, Ain Gide, Hanzo, Kanaan, Kraze)
More Extras (Leknaat, Neclord, Special Sword, Ted, Teo)
recruits(2-7) (Lepant, Mathiu, Luc, Humphrey, Kasim Hazil, Kwanda Rosman)
recruits(8,10-12,14-16) (Pesmerga, Warren, Kun To, Valeria, Griffith, Clive)
recruits(17-22) (Flik, Camille, Kreutz, Stallion, Kage, Fu Su Lu)
recruits(23,24,26-29) (Kirkis, Milich, Sonya, Anji, Tai Ho, Kanak)
recruits(30-36) (Yam Koo, Leonardo, Hix, Tengaar, Varkas, Sydonia, Eileen)
recruits(37-42) (Leon, Georges, Ivanov, Jeane, Eikei, Maximillian)
recruits(49-54) (Blackman, Joshua, Morgan, Mose, Esmeralda, Melodye)
recruits(55-60) (Chapman, Liukan, Fukien, Futch, Kasumi, Maas)
recruits(61-66) (Crowley, Fuma, Moose, Meese, Sergei, Kimberly)
recruits(67-73) (Sheena, Kessler, Marco, Gen, Hugo, Hellion, Mina)
recruits(74-79) (Milia, Kamadohl, Juppo, Kasios, Viki, Rubi)
recruits(80-85) (Vincent, Meg, Taggart, Giovanni, Quincy, Apple)
recruits(86-91) (Kai, Lotte, Mace, Onil, Kuromimi, Gon)
recruits(92-97) (Antonio, Lester, Kirke, Rock, Ledon, Sylvina)
recruits(98-103) (Ronnie, Gaspar, Window, Marie, Zen, Sarah)
recruits(104-108) (Sansuke, Qlon, Templeton, Krin, Chandler)

Suikoden Midis

theme song (also on very first page)
song on world map (not playing anywhere on my page)
from the dragons den (not on suikoden page anywhere)

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