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Site history

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Dragon guarding the Temple of Literature


INTRODUCTION - And then there was great rejoicing! Updated: 01 April 2000

WARRIOR CULTURE - learn about the Viet Nam's swords, her history, the heroes, and the philosophy. Updated: 4 August 2000

CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE - "Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it." - Thoreau. Updated: 6 August 2000

THE SPRATLY FLASH - Flashpoint... Spratly Islands. Updated: 3 August 2000

THE FRONTLINES - What's new in Viet Nam's military? Updated: 28 October 1999

ACTION REPORT - Conflicts, conflagrations, and chaos, oh my! Updated: 31 July 2000

THE HOMEFRONT - General news in the Motherland. Updated: 16 March 2000

THE CROSSHAIRS - Military analyses and papers. Updated: 27 March 2000

FRIEND OR FOE - A general section dedicated to military alliances and wary foes. Updated: 06 April 2000
INDIA-VIET NAM ALLIANCE - Dedicated to military and cooperative news between India and Viet Nam. Updated: 05 August 2000

NAVY - provided by World Navies Today. Updated: 23 April 1999
GRIST FOR THE MILL- news and rumors about the Navy and Coast Guard. Updated: 7 August 2000

THE PEOPLE'S ARMY - the groundpounders and mudmarchers. Updated: 29 April 1999
EAR TO THE GROUND - going ons in the army. Updated: 02 May 1999

FLYING DRAGONS - the airforce. Updated: 31 July 2000
WHAT'S UP? - What's up in today's airforce? Updated: February 2, 2000

MISSILES OVER VIET NAM - Viet Nam's arsenal of missiles. Updated: 27 April 1999
THE MISSILE GAP - news on things that go BOOM! Updated: 18 October 1999

TOP 20 EAST ASIAN MILITARY FORCES - ranked and profiled according to author Frank Dunnigan. Updated: 30 April 1999

RESOURCE DEPOT - good readings, resources, and links. Updated: 30 April 1999

HELP - Learn how you can help me out... STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION.