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Nomocotton, Texas


School Board Election


Hi, it’s me Junie again, you know Enoch’s wife the town Historian. I’m here this week to set the record straight about that school board election that Uncle Hiram and Big Bobby are always telling Jokes about. The election was back in 1974 but the story really begins in 1970.

In August 1970 when the new School year began the Principle Angelen Riddle called her annual "Meet the new Teachers" meeting. The 1st new teacher she introduced was Julie Faye Hogston, the new Kindergarten teacher. Next she introduced Amanda Jean Poore, now we didn’t know it at the time but Amanda is real sensitive about her last name. Then the whole Auditorium stood up and started to cheer and applaud as Ms Riddle introduced the final new teacher. Personally, I think this was where the problem began, Amanda Jean didn’t know it but the 3rd teacher was a local girl, the Homecoming Queen at James Traywick High and the Granddaughter of Big Bobby & Cindy Jean. She was of course Michelle Rich. Julie Faye told me she heard Amanda mutter "That’s not funny."


Amanda and Michelle were both great teachers, but they were exact opposites. Michelle was a local girl and a free spirit, always laughing and cutting up with the kids. Amanda was from up North (Boston, Massachusetts) and very private person. Everyone knew Michelle and her new Husband Tim had been a football star for the University of South Alabama, while Amanda was new in town and her husband worked for the IRS over in Greenville.


Needless to say they started competing against each other almost immediately. Michelle took over the local Girl Scout troop from her mother, so naturally Amanda started a Camp Fire Girl’s troop. Amanda volunteered to coach one of the Tball team, so Michelle decided to coach the other one.


But it was never really a mean thing unless you wanna count that time the Methodist Church was holding a pie-eating contest with the prize being two front row seats to the Glen Campbell concert. Well I guess Amanda figured she was losing cause she started throwing pies at Michelle. Of course Michelle threw them back and the pie fight was on, by the time we got them separated they were both covered head to toe. The Good Reverend Johnny Bob Belmont disqualified them both and gave the tickets to Julie Faye.


I guess the Reverend’s little talking he gave them did some good, because things quieted down for a while. We all thought the "feud" was finally over and sorta forgot about it.


In the summer of 1974 Lester announced he was retiring from the school board and the race was on. Amanda filed first then Michelle did. I wanna tell you that was the dirtiest election in our little town’s history. Michelle accused Amanda of voting for McGovern in 72 and Amanda said Michelle was all jiggle and no brains. They both made it clear if elected they would fire the other one. The low point in the campaign had to be at the debate put on by the Maudel Adams chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Michelle came in carrying a Rebel flag escorted by Her husband Tim who was all decked out in Confederate Gray. In her speech she emphasized maintaining the Southern traditions of Nomocotton against the influx of Yankee ideals. When it was time for Amanda to speak she stood up and said, "If you are going to fall for the cheap tricks of this bubble headed blonde bimbo then I fear for our children’s future. I know the history of Nomocotton and I think its charming. The only tradition she can teach your kids is what to do under the bleachers after the football game is over!" The Fight was on; them two went after it like two wildcats. Punching, hair pulling and cussin, finally the Sheriff had to be called into break them up. The Newspaper the next day showed Amanda (with a bloody lip) and Michelle (with a black eye) behind bards in the county jail with the headline "These are the best we can do?"


Thankfully Election Day finally came. The sheriff spent the whole day at the polling place watching for trouble. When the polls closed Michelle immediately declared herself the winner and promised to kick Amanda’s "Skinny but" out of the schools.

When Amanda was told about this she said "I knew the girl couldn’t count, I guess this means she wont even try now."


As is our tradition the whole town was down on the square eating picnics while waiting for the election results. At 11:15 the County Judge came out and read the results:


Amanda Poore - 1 Vote

Michelle Rich - 1 Vote

Billie Sue Toliver - 4 Votes

(That’s Lester’s girl)

And the winner and new School Board Superintendent

Julie Faye Hogston - 187 Votes.


Amanda looked at Michelle and said they elected that goofy kindergarten teacher. Michelle shook her head and said, "They don’t deserve us, either of us." To this day Amanda and Michelle are best of friends and the two best teachers in our town but don’t mention Julie Faye in front of either of them.


That is the story of how Nomocotton came to elect its first African American School Board President. I did mention that Julie Faye was African American didnt I?