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The Battle of Frosted Twinkie Road


Hi yall come on in and set down. My name is Cindy Jean Bullen and I came here today to set the record straight about what folks around here been calling the Battle of Frosted Twinkie Road.

Now yall know my son Little Bobby and his friend CG Mhin build housing subdivisions for a living. Well about 10 years ago they build the Rams Head Subdivision on the old Margison Ranch. I guess its no secret that Lil Bobby gets his sense of humor from his Daddy. CG and Lil Bobby had planned on naming the streets of the new subdivision after breakfast cereals and cookies. When they submitted the street names to the city council Councilman Hall got real upset. He said it wasn't dignified to name streets Capn Crunch and Fruit Loops. To be honest the boys didn't really plan on using those names but they really enjoy pulling the Councils chain. The only thing that went wrong was sweet old Linda Curtis decided it was none of the councils business what they named the streets as long as they paid for the sewage extension. She stood up in open council and said "Mayor Hogston I don't care if them two boys name the streets frosted flakes or Frosted Twinkie. They are building nice homes and growing our little town without it costing us anything. Now I know Mr. Paul Hall owns the nut factory and can afford higher taxes but I cant! So I vote yes for Frosted Twinkie Road."


Now back then Judge Hogston was still the Mayor and yall now how emotional she can be. Well she jumped and said "Ms Linda is right Frosted Twinkie road or Councilman Hall pays for the new sewers."


CG started chanting "Frosted Twinkie Road or Paul Pays." Some of the other folks in the audience started chanting with him.


Councilman Hall got up and said "I will not sit here and be insulted. Madam Mayor either you control this mob or I'm walking out."


Now I don't want yall to think badly about Nomocotton or its people but some of them are about as normal as a cow with three horns. When they saw the chanting was bugging Councilman Hall they all decided to join in.


Now Julie Hogston may like to be the people's leader but she still has enough of that Kindergarten teacher in her to want her council meetings to be orderly. She started gaveling as loud as she could and shouted "Pearly you're the Sheriff get this crowd under control."


For those of yall that don't know him Pearly Johnson is a retired Marine that fought in World War 2 and Korea. He served 31 years then came home and got elected Sheriff. By the time this meeting happened he had been Sheriff for 18 years. He was 65 or thereabouts and tended to be a bit on the cranky side. Everyone in the Council chambers got real quiet when he pulled out his revolver. Pearly shouted "Sit down and Shut UP!"


Councilman Hall stood up and said "Colonel Johnson why don't you put away the gun. There aint gonna be anymore trouble."


Pearly smiled and said "Paul I sorta like Frosted Twinkie road too."


"Ok, Colonel come to think of it so do I. Why don't you holster the pistol now?"


Pearly started laughing and said "Paul think about it, you know Kary Kay aint let me have any bullets in years."


"You mean the gun aint loaded?" asked Linda Curtis.


Pearly Said "No way" and then pointed the gun at the ceiling and pulled the trigger. Councilman Hall passed out when the bullet went through the ceiling. By the time he came too, the streets names had been passed and Sheriff Johnson had decided to retire.