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Chapter Eight: A Funeral and a Homecoming


December 9th 1942, Nomocotton Texas



"So I don't mean to sound uncaring but since Joey is dead who is gonna be the new Sheriff?" asked Tyrel Jones.


"We don't know yet, are you volunteering?" Asked Ben Abrahamson


"Dog No, I can't even control little Enoch. But I got a few ideals. We don't really got any crime here in town except the prices you charge for Ling Pau's donuts. What we really need is a man that will stand up to Tolly and the Klan."


Dozier Lunsford asked "Tyrel do you have someone in Particular in mind or are you just talking?"


"Tyrel we are open to suggestions. We all like "Tiptoe" Taylor and he is a real good reserve Deputy but he just aint the man for the job." Said John Margison.


"Yall know I aint gonna bad mouth Tiptoe, he is one of the best trackers in East Texas. I mean that son of a dog even found my still last year but he aint the man to back down Tolly. What we need is a man mean enough to slap a rabid bull and tough enough to ride him."


"Tyrel do you got a point or are you just talking to hear yourself talk?" Grumbled Abner Beddingfield


"Alright, Alright I was thinking we should hire Laredo Grayeagle and Jake Wesson."


"Tyrel have you lost your mind, Laredo Grayeagle has got to be 70 years old and we both know he has rustled more cattle than my Grandpappy did!" Shouted Dozier Lunsford


"Laredo Grayeagle, good lord that old Indian is so mean his own Grandma didn't like him." Muttered Abner

"Are you trying to start trouble, You know how Tolly and his Klansmen would react if we appointed Grayeagle Sheriff! We wanna put an end to this night riding not start a full-scale war!" Yelled Ben


John Margison started laughing "Now that would be a real kick in the but wouldn't it? I mean Grayeagle and Wesson are the two most notorious Rustlers in this county."


"Now I know it sounds crazy but stop and think about it. Yea, Laredo is about 70 or 71 years old but aint none of yall willing to go head to head with him in a fist fight or any other kinda fight. Dozier you know he aint never stole a cow in his life. He always leaves one of his carvings and if your wife would let you sell them, you would get more than enough money to pay for one of your mangy cows. Besides, we all know he gives the meat to the folks around this area that needs it."


John Margison said "Abner you just think he's mean cause of what he did to you 30 years ago when he caught you in the hayloft with his daughter. I don't care if I live to be a 100 years old, I aint ever gonna forget seeing you come into town tied up on that mule nekid with all your hair shaved off."


Everyone started laughing and Abner Beddingfield turned red. After a few minutes he started laughing too and said "Yall don't know the half of it, he yanked me up by the nape of my neck and cussed me in every language he knew. Then he pulled out that big OLE Bowie knife and I just knew I was a dead man."


"Abner that was 30 plus years ago and you still say Yes Sir Mr. Grayeagle evertime you see him, and I know for a fact you don't go to the Methodist church cause his daughter Maria goes there." Laughed Tyrel Jones


"Well Tyrel, if that man told you he was gonna cut off your manhood if he ever saw you near his daughter wouldn't you keep your distance?" sputtered the laughing Abner Beddingfield.


---------------In the Kitchen of the Bullen House


"Cindy Jean are you going to Joey's funeral this afternoon" asked Adie Traywick, as she came through the back door.


"No, Adie, I am gonna watch CG and Clarissa so that Ling Pau and Susan can go. That was such a terrible thing that happened to Joey. Do you have any ideal who they are gonna pick as the new sheriff?"


"I Don't know Cindy, but I hope its someone who will stand up to that bully Tolly."




"Adie can you get the door, I really wanna finish feeding the boys while they are behaving?"


Adie said "Sure" and headed for the front door. Cindy Jean heard her gasp "Oh My God, NO!" and ran into the front room to see what happened. Deputy Sheriff "Tiptoe" Taylor was at the front door "Mrs. Bullen, I have a telegram for you." Cindy broke down crying, suddenly Tiptoe realized what they thought and said "Cindy Jean it's from Bobby, not the President."


"Its from Bobby?" asked Cindy Jean "Let me have That." She tore open the telegram and read



Cindy Jean


Coming Home. Will try to call when I get Stateside.


Big Bobby


"Bobby is coming HOME! Bobby is coming HOME!" Screamed Cindy Jean and started dancing around the room.


--------------------------The Lunsford Ranch


"Margie you aren't going to the Funeral?" asked Susan Margison


"No, I already had plans for tonight."


"What in the world are you gonna be doing tonight?"


"Mat Bodine is taking me dancing over in Tawakoni."


"Margie do you really think its ok for you to be dating? I mean Tommy Joe is overseas fighting the Nazi's, it aint fair to him."


"Susan you are such a prude, I aint doing nothing wrong."


-----------------Laredo Grayeagles' Shack on the outskirts of town


Laredo Grayeagle sat on his porch carving a piece of wood and watched the town Elders pull into his yard. He couldn't imagine why they were there he hadn't gone cow shopping for a couple of months. Laredo frowned and started to slip his Bowie Knife out of its sheath when he noticed Abner Beddenfield among them. As they started to cross his yard Laredo shouted out "That's close enough, what do yall want? Tell me yall didn't bring that fool Abner with you?"


Abner Beddenfield Yelled out "Mr. Grayeagle we just want to talk to you about some trouble in town. We know you aint involved but you might be able to help us put a stop to it."


---------------Barracks 3, A German POW Camp somewhere in Europe


"Hey Yank, what are you doing?" asked Flight Leftenant Edward Howcott


"Ssshhhh, Shut up Eddie, you gonna get me caught. I found a blind spot on the wire. I am getting out of here tonight! I'll be dogged if some Nazi loving Colonel is gonna keep me out of this war." Hissed Lt. McCullum


"Yank, I'm going with you. I got some unfinished business with a bird in London."


"Ok, but be quiet and stay with me."


The two men dashed from building to building till they got to the kill zone around the fence. When the searchlight passed their position they ran to the fence and started to cut the wire.


Lt. McCullum hissed "Quick flat against the fence here comes the light again."


As the light passed over them both men held their breath and prayed that this was a blind spot. After the light passed over them, they quickly finished cutting the wire and scrambled through. They sprinted across the open field into the woods surrounding the camp. As they ran through the woods Lt. McCullum whispered "We got about 10 minutes till the patrol finds the cut fence. We have to disguise our scent or those dogs will get us before daybreak. I been stealing Black Pepper for two weeks, give me your shirt." Howcott pulled off his shirt and handed it to McCullum, who had also removed his shirt. Lt. McCullum spread the black pepper on the two shirts and buried them in a pile of leaves.


Lt. Howcott asked "Have you lost your bloody mind? What are you doing?"


"Them Dogs are gonna be following our scent, when they hit those shirts full of pepper it will mess up their noses. They won't be able to smell anything for days. An Old Indian back home in Texas taught me that when we used to borrow cows."




"Lt. Johnson, Lt. Johnson wake up" whispered Pvt. Gunderson as he shook the sleeping officer.


"What's wrong?" asked the Groggy Pearly Johnson


"Sir there is a column of Japanese soldiers passing about a quarter of a mile east of us. Sir it appears they have American Prisoners with them!"


"How Many Japs?"


"At Least 20"


"How many American Prisoners"


"Five or six I couldn't be sure"


"Ok, there are only nine of us that can move and fight. Go get Dinkel while I think this thing through."


Private Gunderson hurried off to get Pvt. Dinkleman while Lt. Johnson tried to plot a strategy that would free the American Prisoners.


As he watched the wounded Pvt. Dinkelman limp towards him a plan crystallized in his mind. After determining that Dinkelman was capable of guarding the other wounded men Lt. Johnson called together his other eight soldiers and quickly outlined his plan.


Pearly and his men swiftly and silently moved through the jungle until the they were in position in front of the Japanese troops. The American Marines silently paralleled the Japanese for two hours until they made camp for the night. The marines patiently waited until the camp was asleep and the second shift of look outs had begun to doze before making their move. They silently took out the look outs with knives and then infiltrated the camp.


Two of the privates went directly to the American Prisoners, quickly but quietly waking them and arming them with the sidearms from Pearly's squad. Lt. Johnson and one private approached the sleeping Japanese officer. After insuring that all his men were in position, Pearly woke the sleeping officer by gentling prodding him with his rifle.


Lt. Johnson asked "You Speak English?"


The Japanese officer nodded yes.


Lt. Johnson smiled and said "Do you know what Sitting Bull said to Custer at the Little Big Horn?"


The Japanese officer obviously confused by the strange question said "No."


Pearly smiled and said "Gotcha Sucker"


-----------------On a troop transport ship somewhere in the North Atlantic


"Lord, I would recognize that voice anywhere. Big Bobby Bullen is that really you?"


"Yea, its me, who's asking." Growled Big Bobby as he scanned the faces of the other wounded soldiers returning home.


"My Lord Bobby, Don't tell me you forgot old Stan Mierzejewski. We played beside each other on the line for two years."


"I'll be durned, Ski get your shaggy drunk but down here or I'm gonna tell everyone about the time you got arrested in Racine Wisconsin for Singing."


"OK, Bobby but keep talking so I can find you. Orderly come give me a hand. I know you can hear me boy, let's get it done."


A couple of minutes later the orderly pushed a wheel chair holding Corporal Stan Mierzejewski. Big Bobby gasped and said "What the dog happened to you?"


Stan chuckled "You never were a man to beat around the bush. I got real friendly with an artillery shell in North Africa. I aint complaining though. I lived and that idiot Lt. that told me we wouldn't have any trouble didn't. So tell me Bobby where are you wounded?"


"I lost a leg in North Africa. Stan, I don't understand how you can be laughing and smiling. You lost both legs, an arm and apparently your sight, how in God's name can you be happy."


"Bobby, you always were a little slow, I still got one arm to snuggle on my Jan with. I can still here her sing, I can still see her in my mind and if you remember I never was much of a runner.