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Below is the fine print, I think it's ugly but everyone says it's the fine print, so here it is:
The following pages were created for fun, and by fun, so, any non-living, non-human (Including the FBI), non-breathing orientated, or any other things that may hurt the physical or emotional conditon of the following sensative pages, do not have the right to enter this page with or without a warrent. (I might as well piss them off more) If you are harmed by the following pages, I am not legaly at fault and there for am not responsible, also, if by any means you are 'accidently-on-purposely" harmed the following pages do NOT have the numbers to any hospitals, firedepatments, police stations, or pizza and ice cream parlors, so please have the numbers yourself. Thank you. This document was copyrighted by TearDrop at 6:52 PM Tuesday, June 29th of 1999. I am not resposible for the Y2K bug, although some sources believe otherwords. I'm sick of all the lawsuits. Thank you and come again...(!~~note to page, 'send subliminal message to visitor to sign Guest book now!)

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