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Well, Mom's been promising to share pictures of our new brother for quite a long time now...she's quite a procras...procrast...oh yeah, PROCRASTINATOR! This is Harley Blue, Harley for short, and believe me when I say SHORT! I thought I was the littliest furbaby, but this guy's got me beat by a mile!!!! He's 2.5 lbs of hot pepper fire!!!! Mean as a junkyard least he thinks he is! Well, enjoy the pictures and let us know what you think of him!

The New Kid on the Block

OH I am finally! Mom is sooooo slow! I was beginning to think she didn't want to show me off like the other guys! I am quite the handsome guy aren't I? I love to bark. 'Nuff said. It doesn't matter at what...just like to hear myself I guess! I love to chase that cat thing and tease all the other furkids. They sure get tired of me fast...they just don't have the energy I do!.

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