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The House of Thoth....the Magick of Words

Thoth, sometimes called Tahuti, was the Great Master of Magicks and Mystery. I chose to call this page of links the "House of Thoth" in tribute to the High Magick of words and images made of light that flash across our screens as we surf the Net.

I am listing some of the links I have used to assemble this website as well as a few that are related in Topic. A few are just Favorites of mine. Visit if you choose to, but I make no promises about content other than there are no Adult sites listed in this page.
The Surf is up, the Net awaits....Hang 10 and let's go see what the WWW has to offer...

Links Focused on Egypt

Official site for the Ministry of Tourism and Web Information for the Arab Republic of Egypt
A seventh grade class project on Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Pharoahs
The Papyrus Newsletter
Hathor's Relm
Hatshepsut, Queen and Pharoah of Egypt
Moses, Music and the Worship of Hathor
Virtual Egyptian Temple
Channel 2 in Boston, the PBS station's Nova presentation about Egypt
Awakening Osiris, a spectacular book by Normandi Ellis, Phanes Press

Scholarly links to reference materials

Duke University - Papyrus Archive
The University of Memphis - Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Newton Institute - Egyptology Resources
Utrecht University - Center for Computer Aided Egyptological Research
Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford - A Portal to the Land of Ancient Egypt
The Archeological Museum of Bologna, Italy
ABZU: Index of resources for the study of Ancient Egypt
Belgisch-Franse Archeologische Missie van Sjenhoer
The Tel el Amarna Collection of M.A.Mansoor
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
The Liberal Egyptologist Monthly
Virtual Egypt
Egyptological Museum of Torino, Italy
The Curse of the Pharaohs, one of my very favorites...this site is by an Egyptian physician in Cairo

Magick Carpet links to Facinating Places

The AMORC, The Rosicrucians... Official Home Page for North America
I have had the opportunity to speak with these people and am taking their Mists of Avalon Tour this summer..hooray!!!
Facinating place to find page counters, for FREE!
Selrach's Game site...fantastic site for folks who groove on sci-fi games
Ok, so I confess, I am a Dilbert Zone regular...Hail Catbert!!!
I read Ovid, too
Well, no excuses, I think Chuthulu is kewl...this is the HP Lovecraft Official Website
fantastic cyber candy, change your puter's look daily!
Free Horoscopes and neat things about natal charts
Tips and Tricks for solving the obnoxious things about the Windows98 OS that we all know and hate...

Pagan and Thelemic sites

The Aleister Crowley Foundation
The Goddess Circle
Witch-Pagan Resources, Banner Exchange
The House of The Beloved...Thelemic magick
Scarlet Woman Lodge, OTO, Austin, Texas
Spectacular Goddess site by a Dianic High Priestess ( and my best friend )
The Norse Rede of Honor
Goddess 2000 Project Official Website
Firesilk's Demesne, an exquisite site, she offers free pagan graphics, some of which are greatfully used on this website...Thank you Firesilk...
At Home with EarthAngel, awesome site, Shema studied in Egypt and has pictures!!
Lady Amber's House of Life..Brand new website ( currently under heavy construction ) for coyotemoon Coven. The High Priest and High Priestess were circled out of my own Coven...this should end up being an awesome site...keep watching..

Warning! The flame above is a link that will break your heart. It is the Official website of the Tibetan Government in Exile and discusses the atrocities against the people of Tibet.
Walk softly when you enter here, tears are falling.

"Something infinite,
Older than heaven and earth,
Silent, Solitary, and vast;
Eternal, unchanging,
Yet ever evolving
Throughout ten thousand things.
Not knowing its name,
I call it Tao.
A mystery beyond words,
I call it Great."
( Tao 25 )

"Whatever violates Tao
Will not endure."
( Tao 55 )

In recognition of the piety and holiness of the Dali Lama and his heroic efforts to be a Light for his people during the occupation of their country, Priestess burns a candle continuously on her personal altar as a petition to Heaven for the liberation of Tibet and the right of its people to practice their ancient beliefs in Peace.
This candle burns in cyber, yet its glow is a symbol standing for the right of ALL people to approach and celebrate their individual or collective vision of Divinity without fear of persecution, torture, imprisonment or death.

Note from Priestess: When I placed this link on my website I certainly did not even dream of getting a response. I am posting the reply I received from His Holiness, the Dali Lama. To receive the notice of such an Enlightened One was a precious moment for me and I wish to share it with all of you so that you will know that the Dali Lama is a man of great strength and kindness, and took time from his many duties to e mail a woman in Texas who mentioned him and his country on her website. Thank you, Sir.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ thank you


================================================= THE OFFICE OF TIBET, TIBET HOUSE, 1 CULWORTH STREET

The Office of Tibet is the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Tel: 0044-171-722 5378
Fax: 0044-171-722 0362

This website is proud to support The Goddess 2000 Project as a contact in Grand Prairie, Texas.

I hope you have enjoyed your time here on my website ..Love, Light, and Liberty to you all, Priestess.

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again...


"Y'all come back, now, hear?".....Priestess waves a fond farewell and slips quietly back into the shadows of cyber; moonbeams guide her feet, stars shine over her head, and the shimmering echo of harp strings is left behind as she disappears into the mist.