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Evolvement of a global civil society
By Miklos Fornai Journalist and Political Scientist
A small conversation with an African friend of mine has drawn my attention to an interesting problem in world politics. In his opinion, it is very objectionable that a white and wealthy American minority elects the president of the United States; although, his personality is not also indifferent for other nations. Although, he did not explain his theory more correctly, I think. it is worthwhile to examine this question in the frames of a 3000-word-long research essay. My friend is a medical professional in a small African hospital whose everyday problems are related to the known health problems of Africa such as health care, nutrition, AIDS, infant mortality, life expectancy and so on.

Marshall McLuhan Canadian media scientist's "Global Village" theory occurred to me from the 60s or 70s(1.). In his opinion the electronic media unifies and retribalizes the world. However, I think, actually nobody thought about it that how will this process affect the international politics. Usually, cultural and economic advantages of it are examined; however, its effects are also important in the theory and experience of world politics. Undoubtedly, dozens of examples illustrate it that with eluding of governments and official ways users of the most interactive electronic media, the Internet form new and new temporary or permanent economic and political movements and organizations. These activities usually form rings around four questions of international relations: the economy, culture and education, politics and, finally, infrastructural issues of the electronic communication.

From our point of view, in particular, political effects of this process are the most important.
There are currently thousands of children  
left orphans in Eastern Europe and Africa  
as a result of war. Some 2 million children  
have been killed, 4 to 5 million disabled,  
1 million orphaned and 12 million left  
homeless! These children need special love  
and care to help them grow into peaceful  
and productive citizens of our planet. 
Source: PEACE 2000 Institute, Reykjavik,  
By a basic review of the related scientific literature, it can be indicated that theoretical sides of this question are not elaborated. Different documents of our age reflect a new challenge of political sciences such as H. Bull's "International Society", Andrei Sakharov Russian Physicist's "Interconnectedness" theories, Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations", the Bush Administration's, New World Order or, as an introduction of the 21st century, the Clinton Government's Information Society theory, or the latest work of an UN organization from the September, 1997 "Our Global Neighbourhood"(2.) A new human ideal, "the world citizen" has also been appeared in these years including in government documents(3.) However, other tendencies, such as the classical World State, the High-Tech or alternative society theories, Ruppert Murdoch media businessman's "New Golden Age", George Soros's "Open Society Program", Bill Gates "Information Superhighway" or extremists' world conspiracy and freemasonism theories also reflect the evolvement of a new international society. In the political philosophy in particular the European School of Philosophy, works of Hegel, Imanuel Kant, Gyorgy Lukacs on the ontology reflect the mechanism of these changes. 

From a historical point of view, the Helsinki process built the fundamentals of a global civil society whose one of the most important results was also Michael Gorbachev's famous Glasnost and Perestroika programs in the 80s. Essentially, a more and more obvious superiority of the United States in the international security politics created the fundamentals of these changes. Although, personally, I also avoid the term "Post Cold War", these spectacular transition process of Russia and other European societies also open the way before a new ideal of an international society. Ones of the first documents of this process were George Bush's New World Order policies. However, the Clinton Administration's Information Society policies and other documents also

reflect the evolvement of a global civil society as a type of introduction of the 21st century. However, the most complete work of this theory is the "Our Global Neighborhood" which was issued by the mentioned UN organization, the Commission on Global Governance only a few days ago, in the September of 1997.

By a basic review of the related scientific literature, it can be indicated that theoretical sides of this question are not elaborated. Different documents of our age reflect a new challenge of political sciences such as H. Bull's "International Society", Andrei Sakharov Russian Physicist's "Interconnectedness" theories, Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations", the Bush Administration's, New World Order or, as an introduction of the 21st century, the Clinton Government's Information Society theory, or the latest work of an UN organization from the September, 1997 "Our Global Neighbourhood"(2.) A new human ideal, "the world citizen" has also been appeared in these years including in government documents(3.) However, other tendencies, such as the classical World State, the High-Tech or alternative society theories, Ruppert Murdoch media businessman's "New Golden Age", George Soros's "Open Society Program", Bill Gates "Information Superhighway" or extremists' world conspiracy and freemasonism theories also reflect the evolvement of a new international society. In the political philosophy in particular the European School of Philosophy, works of Hegel, Imanuel Kant, Gyorgy Lukacs on the ontology reflect the mechanism of these changes.

From a historical point of view, the Helsinki process built the fundamentals of a global civil society whose one of the most important results was also Michael Gorbachev's famous Glasnost and Perestroika programs in the 80s. Essentially, a more and more obvious superiority of the United States in the international security politics created the fundamentals of these changes. Although, personally, I also avoid the term "Post Cold War", these spectacular transition process of Russia and other European societies also open the way before a new ideal of an international society. Ones of the first documents of this process were George Bush's New World Order policies. However, the Clinton Administration's Information Society policies and other documents also reflect the evolvement of a global civil society as a type of introduction of the 21st century. However, the most complete work of this theory is the "Our Global Neighborhood" which was issued by the mentioned UN organization, the Commission on Global Governance only a few days ago, in the September of 1997.

But, what is the meaning of the term "international society" in this context? Hedley Bull and Adam Watson write that "By an international society we mean a group of states ( or, more generally, a group of independent political communities) which not merely form a system, in the sense that the behavior each is a necessary factor in the calculations of the others, but also have established by dialogue and consent common rules and institutions for the conduct of their relations, and recognize their common rules and institutions for the conduct of their relations, and recognize their common interest in maintaining these agreements." (4.) However, it can easily be realized that this concept of the international society is only a burden for citizens of this new society such as users of the Internet. It can also be realized that by this system; although, H. Bull and A. Watson are not averse to it, individuals do not have political rights, they can not elect representatives, usually can not express their opinions, can not participate in international political movements or public affairs and so on. In our conversation my African doctor friend drew my attention to an Internet document from South Africa. In Oukasie the activity of an American mining company polluted its environment resulting several extraordinarily serious medical cases including among children. However, the local leadership did not stop this company because Africa and the township need investors. Finally, with the assistance of a community liaison worker they secretly called ten scientific, environmentalist and academic groups of the United States on the computer network. The name of this community liaison worker became known. At present everyone is worried in his environment about the future of their friends, They are thinking about sending a letter to Nelson Mandela.(5.)

More importantly, everyone knows similar examples from his or her personal environment. Basically, an old-fashioned term "society" can much more clearly express this significant change of the international public thinking. Nevertheless, it is also important that, for example, meanings of terms, such as "politics","economy", "market" or, as the above example also illustrates it, "society" have also changed in these years. A new and implied meaning of them is "international" or, sometimes, "global". Additionally, a precedence of the English, as a type of official language of this global civil society also became obvious in these years.

By society we generally mean the people without any additional emphasis of other elements of the society theory such as nations, borders, states and political institutions. In particular in the evolvement of political movements and organizations can this unconscious institutionalization process of a global civil society be observed. More and more international organizations are developing around the world whose activities are based on the opportunities of the electronic communication. For example, uncountable number of international scientific, medical, political, environmental, economic and other organizations operate databanks whose activity also assist citizens of other nations. However, from our point of view, in particular the state-individual relationship is important. Essentially, what is the relation of these individuals and their organizations to the state and a possible evolvement of a global civil society?

As it can be seen by Hedley Bull's and Adam Watson's works, an important category of the "international society" is the sate. At present, by a traditional system of international relations which was elaborated in the previous centuries usually foreign affairs' departments fill the role of the individuals representative in international forums. However, as the above African example illustrates it, the role of individuals is increasing in this new era of the international relations. Naturally, individuals, for example, sailors, guilders, goldminers, travelers and others also had an important role in the previous centuries; however, the motorization and electronic communication are revolutionalised the human relations on a global level. Consequently, it would also be important to elaborate theory and experience of the primitive or civil diplomacy; however, it is not a purpose of this essay.


I did not ask for the opinion of my friend that why does he prefer the United States while there is also a very well elaborated international system at the United Nations? However, it can easily be realized that as a result of the information revolution the United States became a focus point of this international society. Usually every profit or non-profit organization wrote a letter already to the United States whose purpose is usually to find friends, supporters, business and other international partners. However, large centers of the communication or international organizations are usually also in the United States and so on. Hedley Bull's and Adam Watson's "international society" definition, especially, from this point of view is very objectionable.

Another example from security politics can clearly illustrate this problem which is also related to our present days, In 1993 when 23 Tomahawk cruising missiles were launched against the Headquarter of the Iraqi Intelligence Service and other similar government controlled objects is Baghdad, despite of the original plans, this action also had several civilian victims. General Colin Powell said sorry for the families of these civilians at a UN meeting.

Essentially, it is not an indifferent question that what is our relation to a state and/or its citizens?

However, the identities, friends, and attitudes of Iraqi military personnel are also known from their favored songs to the T-shirt what they wear under a military uniform of a foreign nation. It can be said, openly or silently more and more people care friendly attitude to the United States and it is not anyway that who can become a target of a military action? As General Powell's words clearly illustrate it that in the age of precision guided weaponry systems the personal identities of individuals are also an important issue of the legal and ethical system of this new society(6.)

The sophisticated new electronical systems also changed behaviors of citizens and governments of the international society. For example, returning to the mentioned South African example it can also be realized that unconsciously this new international society is also a part of reference systems of both citizens and leadership of Oukasie township. The anxiety of these people clearly reflect the influences of this evolving new society. The ruling values of this invisible international society is the American liberal and democratic system. However, for example, in the behaviors of Iraqi or Irani soldiers, military personnal of two of the most fundamentalist nations, elements of this international worth of values can also be observed. Likewise, similar influences could also be observed in behaviors of Russian and East European citizens and government departments a few years ago, before a transition of these societies.

Basically, it can be said that unconsciously government departments, production systems, moral and material values more and more clearly reflect the evolvement of a new society. For example, in the above Iraqi example, one of the main purposes of precision guided missile systems is exactly the protection of civilians. New categories of strategic sciences also appeared in these years, such as "information war" or "non-leathal weapons" which clearly reflect the importance of this process including in the military law and a changing philosophy of weapons.

Similar process can also be observed in the production and marketing systems of our age. Usually, theoreticians of the international society also mention the importance of the westernization, cocacolanisation, MacDonaldisation which are related to the role of the international media; however, all of them commonly emphasize the importance of similarities in opposition of diversities. Although,generally financial and economic type of questions have a special role in the political system of this evolving new society which is also influenced by environmentalist worth of values, it can be said that in particular UN documents reflect this new economic worth of values. This characteristic of the economic type of thinking of the global civil society is probably related to the importance of community type of financial sources among the first groups of this new society. For example, although some abstinence can also be experienced to other worth of values, larger foundations such as the Ford, Soros, Benton and others are also extremely popular in these groups. Another significant economic tendency of the international society is related to the nature, tourism,computer sciences, artistic and other, usually, workshop type of activities. Their common characteristic is an openness- or freedom-searching behavior. It is probably also a reason that many international voluntary and selfmanagerial activities, such as the Grassroots movement in the Third World countries or small business, private practices, scholarship systems in Western nations also have an increasing importance in these groups. Although, considering the importance of an information mass-culture, at present the United Nations does not have a higher degree in this system, conscious or unconscious representatives of the global civil society such as human rights activists, students, environmentalists, scientist and others commonly agree in the importance of, for example, the safe water, safe sanitation, education, scientific and technical development, health care, social security and so on. It can be said that in particular the Bush Administration's New World Order made fast the economic fundamentals of this international society. In our days an increasing number of free trade zones, tariff and trading agreements, such as the GATT, NAFTa or the APEC characterize this process in the economy. However, there are also methods such as preferential or taxation systems, marketing and governance methods which are usually domestically employed at present.
Of course, it is very difficult to state it that Persian, Iraqi or former Russian soldiers from the Stalinist era, in its potential meaning, are also members of this developing international society. This problem is also related to a present or vanishing style of thinking in the cases of these nations. However, it can be said that these members of the global civil society which in our days becomes distinct represent a far right and a far left of the political system of this society. However, a common element of both political tendencies is that representatives of them would also like to rule other political aspirations such as liberalism, democratic aspirations, including with dictatorial and, in many cases. totalitarian methods. These political wings of the international society can also be described by traditional terms such as Nationalism, Islamic fundamentalism, communist tendencies, Neonazism, and so on. Despite this, more and more elements of an international worth of values can also be observed in behavior, aspiration and operation systems of these social classes of the global civil society in particular on a material level. 

Basically, it is not impossible that, similarly to the way of thoughts such as liberalism, republicanism, democracy, environmentalism or religious tendencies, sometime in the future new international political and election parties will also evolve. In various international documents from the UN or Internet databases several signs of this process can be observed. First of all, a proposal of the described UN report should be highlighted for a World Conference on global governance. However, activities of the Green Peace, Amnesty International, the mentioned Grassroots movements and other known and unknown organizations also clearly reflect the evolement of a global civil society. However, there are also powerful and less powerful lobbies of the civil society in Washington and other capital cities of the world whose interests are also related to international affairs. Nevertheless, including in the activity of both Democrat  and Republican representatives an increasing importance of the international 

Willie Nelson, a VIP of an evolving 
global civil society. His original idea for a benefit concert for American farmers originated from Bob Dylan's comments at the Live Aid Concert in July 1985. In the past 13 years, Farm Aid has granted more than $14 million to over 100 family farm organizations, churches, and service agencies in 44 states. 
openness can be observed. However, unfortunately, it is also a matter of fact that at present a type of power and crises oriented behavior characterizes the legislation mechanism of the United States. Finally, there are similar tendencies in other nations including at the most powerful G-7s whose statistics also reflect an increasing popularity of an international society. It can be said that parliamentary systems of our age will not be able to ignore this more and more obvious challenge to international politics. At present, the most conscious groups of a possible international election party are human rights activists and environmentalists. Probably, they will be the first who, by surfing on democratic political forces will realize this idea of an international society. Therefore, this question is not merely a product of the fantasy that who will elect the American president of the future?

My African friend has also drawn my attention to another problem. As it has been mentioned at the beginning of this essay, it is very objectionable that, at present, a white and wealthy American minority elects the president; although, his personality is not also indifferent for other nations. For example, in Oukasie, South-Africa, it can be said that everyone would like to see a fair parliamentary system of the United States which would have representatives from South Africa and other countries as well. At present, a type of disadvantageous situation characterizes citizens of many nations in their relations to the United States and their citizens. For example, it would not really be impossible to legislate laws of the United States and other nations, including countries of the G-7s by global standards and necessities with the assistance of experts and representatives of other nations. At present an "own expert - national responsibility" system characterizes the legislation of the United States and other nations; although, a "foreign representative - international responsibility" system would be important. However, it would extremely be difficult to indicate why the present system is good or bad? Nevertheless, other researchers of legislation systems answered this question very well. Basically, it is extremely undemocratic and unethical to decide a question without the participations of the interested parties.

However, the Oukasie and other similar examples also determine the political structure of this future society. For example, on one hand, this case would probably affect health and environmental departments of this society, and on the other hand the Department of the Industrial Affairs. Finally, this type of working methods of some mining companies will not probably be indifferent for legal and law enforcement type of organizations of the future. However, everyone commonly agrees that internationally employed laws and policies would really be important. At present, a type of voluntary system characterizes the activity of the United Nations whose policies are not compulsory for member nations.

Although, not every government activity can unambiguously be internationalized; however, for example, health, environment, financial, industrial science and development can be. An interesting characteristic of the global civil society theory that it does not have a Department of Foreign Affairs. In particular, that governance powers hold the future political conflicts of the international society which at present can also be described as national powers. Such departments are, for example, the Education, Defense, National Security and so on. For example, French speaking citizens of the global civil society will stick to the language of Moliere. However, a similar attitude can also be expected from Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and other nations. These departments will probably be divided by nationally and internationally important activities similarly to the present UNESCO. Especially, the employment and social security systems of this society look like the most problematical question because of their financial consequences; although, its solution would be the most important. Signs of a possible future conflict can also be detected by the mentioned UN Global Governance Report between the wealthy North and the poor South. In all probabilities tactics of small steps will characterize the first policies of a conscious "global civil society" politics in employment and social security affairs.

This system will generally be similar to the present federal and state system. However, transitional forms of it can also be pictured. For example, the Global Governance Report also analyses the importance of regions; although, it is not a necessity. However, it is not really important to be a member, for example, of only one bank or one friendly society. Usually, we also visit different shops and supermarkets. Basically, every state and every political organization can be a member of different political formations of the future international society. Nevertheless, another possible transitional form is that the present organizations of the United Nations, the WHO, FAO, ILO,UNICEF, World Bank, UNESCO will become the first departments of a global government system. However, generally, it can be stated that this international civil society unconsciously exists in its worth of values, aspiration systems, movements and political organizations.

1. McLuhan, Marshall:" Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man" 1st MIT press ed. Cambdrige, Mass; MIT Press, 1994

2. The Commission on Global Governance: "Our Global Neighbourhood" Internet editition, 1997

3."Remarks By Vice President Al Gore To G-7 Ministers Meeting On The Global Information Initiative" White House Press Releases, 1995

4. Bull, Hedley and Watson, Adam: "The expansion of International Society" Claredon Press, Oxford, first published in 1984

5. Remer, Tyson: "Africa meets Global Village" Free Press Africa Bureau, 1997

6. Arkin, M. William: "The Urban Sanctuary in Desert Storm" Air Chronicles,Internet edition, 1997