Hello! And well, since this is my welcome page, it's only a given that I say WELCOME to my website. I can't tell you anything like, It's a really great page or something like that, because even though I worked on it forever, it's nothing compared to everyone elses High Tech STUFF. (he he, notice no cussing) Anyways, this page started out strickly fun, but now it's sorta like this big huge project that I work on whenever I get a chance, which hasn't been alot LATELY. (Wow, can anyone say LONG WINDED?) =o) So anyways, WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!

If you have anything you want me to know, and I'd love to hear anything, just E-Mail me... or you can always sign my guestbook, but PUH-LEASE dont be shy, I haven't got many comments about the Actual Website that I've created, so please feel free to say whatever you want (And I mean WHATEVER you want ;oP he, he) Okay well I'm going to quit talking about useless nonesence that like all of you probably wont even bother reading anyways, so on that note, THANKS FOR COMING and ENJOY YOUR STAY! Adios.

My e-mail addy IS >> ThegirIy@aol.com

Oh yeah, before I forget... This is Todd, my webpage Dog!

and.. btw..This SITE is still Under Construction!!

NOWWW...On my LOVELY Welcome page I wanna share some crazy information that someone sent me in the e-mail, to all my knowledge (which isnt alot) it's all TRUE info, isn't that crazy? Anyways, here's some helpful hints before you start reading them....

If you get dissy, back away from the computer no one wants vomit on their computer, he he I'm JUST KIDDING EVERYONE! Anyways.. get to reading these cool/gross/interesting facts!!


~ ants can live under water for more than 2 weeks(wow..i did not know that)
~ cockroaches can live more than 4 or 5 days even after you step on them(interesting)
~ an average american eats 2 or 3 spiders a year (usually accidentaly during sleep)(ewww)
~ giraffes can clean their ears with their 12 inch tongues (yummy!)

Wasn't that just lovely? yeah I thought so..ANYHOW.. Let me show you my links...

Here's the different pages you can look at...
My main Page...(and i was told i should put up a warning of some sort so.. here it goes..)

***WaRnInG*** My poems are Depressing...

There you go Nathan...It's got poems that I wrote on it and other stuff.... LiSsA's Ville...
then we got..pictures of me.. Lissa's Purdy Pictures
pictures of my friends... LiSsA'S BuDdIeS
pictures from my trip to Arizona.. Arizona Pictures
some of my art.... Lissa's Crap!
weird pictures of me.... LiSsA'S SLICK Pics
pictures from Halloween `98.. Lissa The Cheerleader
pictures of me getting a tattooo... LiSsA's Tattoo Experience
and PLEASE be sure to visit thomas's page..... the masterful poetry of thomas hodges

Have fun!..thanks again... tah- tah..


OH YEAH! dont forget to sign my guest book! PLEASE! thanks..

Bye bye! ~Lissa

P.S. Don't step on Todd! (he he)

Interesting Facts Courtesy of Nick the sex machine. :o)
Warning Courtesy of Nathan the man with the band(s).
Oh yes.. and Guestbook courtesy of Beseen.com .. if you hadn't noticed.
Thanks for coming.. adios.

You are the.... person to visit this page.. have a nice day.