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Esthar Inc.

Esthar Inc. News Section

  • Esthar Inc. Updates

  • 2-25-01: Yes i updated. WOOHOO, ok so i only added the flash, but spruces it up, im thinkin bout openng this again, caus eits still coo ya know, has everything needed.
  • 1-21-01:Ok guess I havn't done anything in a long time, not that ther is much to do, Esthar Inc. XXX got shut down, so I started on a couple other pages that are in the quick links.
  • 1-13-01: Ok fixed some links, thats all, still working hard on other pages. Plz visit Esthar Inc. and Esthar Inc. XXX ty.
  • 1-06-01: Well havn't been doing shit to this site, Cause I started another site, a proggy and shit like that site, its coo so go, and vote there too, hahaha.
  • 1-03-01:Well Damn! Ok got more of the colors changed, starting to look better, getting new flash in, hopefully can get my programs to work and can get the good shit up, if not, i'll have someone do it, lol. Ok well dats all for now. Bye bye.
  • 1-02-01:Ok well i have school starting tommorow, so won't get much done. Not that theres anything to do, but i added things to the hentai and femeale sections so i can't get in truoble for not having a warning.
  • 12-31-00:Well happy new year i guess, though mine sucks this year, lol, but i'm still working on the site, trying to get it all color coordinated. Almost done.And I made a top 200 thing so if u have a site and wanna be in it at the bottom of this page.
  • 12-30-00:Ok Added more stuff, av's, Android 20 and Virsus ones, and changed layout as u can tell. I'll Be adding more asap, but until then jus deal with it.

  • Quote Heres my quote ........."You have to breath to think, but you don't have to think to breathe".........ok ya.....confuses me
  • Programs We have no fucking programs! lol, but if we get some we'll tell ya.

  • Shop Rulez

    1.Please Demega upon entering.

    2.No Fighting in the shop please.

    3.Do Not Disturb the painters.

    4.Do not abuse the right to use gestures.

    5.Nothing Larger than Megas.

    6.No Klan Disputes

  • Contest Rulez

    1.No Tubez.

    2.Any Name in room but yours.

    3.Any Filter Allowed.

    No scourning.

    Have Fun. Try to win. And don't let the door hit you on your way out.

  • Contact WebMaster

    This Site is ©Esthar Inc. If you wish to contact us do so to Thank You.

    Please Vote Before Leaving Page.

  • VP Link Exchange