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North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum)

This is my most favorite animal of all. First off lets dispel the myths. Porcupines do not throw their quills. A porcupine some times will dislodge a quill when they slap with their tail. When threatened the porcupine "Slaps" with their tail. The porcupine can be handled if a little care is taken. The tip of the tail and the belly of the animal do not have quills. A porcupine can be trained with relative ease. A porcupine will do almost anything for a slice of apple. Do be sure to core the apple. Apple seeds have a small amount of ARSINIC in each seed that builds up in the porcupines system. The care of a porcupine is relative easy once your animal becomes accustomed to you. Cage size is large. I like for every animal to have at least 10 to 12 sq. foot each. Their diet consists of: dry dog food, rodent blocks , whole corn, vegetables and omnivore diet. The litter size is one offspring. Disposition; An excellent display animal with no bad moods. A docile animal at all times. Do not be fooled by the slow lumbering movements of the porcupine. As this animal is capable of quick bursts of speed. Also this animal is a great climber.

purple line
