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Pika (Ochotona ssp.)

This little animal is new to the industry. We have set up a breeding group in Europe as this animal needs study. It is a fragile animal and it stresses very badly. We have recently obtained our first captive breeders from the zoo, they are exceptional animals. Our animals are third generation. We have no problems with stress and we have them on a manufactured diet; easy to purchase anywhere. This animal as a wild caught animal dies rather abruptly due to nothing other than stress, causing the animals immune system to weaken allowing death due to pneumonia and other problems that would not normally bother these animals. The Pika in the wild breeds up to five times a year with the litter size from 1 to 12. The Pika does well in captivity as long as its vitamin and mineral requirements are met.

"Stupid TV...I'm watching for the fridge to open!! hee hee hee"

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