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Lemmings (Lagurus lagurus)

These are the first babies born in the private sector; on American soil.

The lemming is a curious little animal. It reaches sexual maturity at the ripe old age of 4 weeks. That’s right 4 weeks old!! No wonder they commit suicide.LOL Just kidding: The animals really do not commit suicide. They are such a communal animal once the migration starts they follow the one in front of them blindly. This animal is the size of a medium size mouse. I feed parrot food and a few fresh vegetables. They will drink from a water bottle and are excellent climbers. You can also feed the natural cattle cubes with no urea (urea is an additive put in some feeds). A trio can be kept in a 10 gallon aquarium with room left over. They are one of the fastest animals I have ever seen for there size. In a small exercise wheel you can hardly see the feet move they are so fast. The lemming comes in several different colors but mine have always been gray with a black racing stripe down their back. The stripe runs down the spine from the head to the tail. I highly recommend this little animal for the rodent enthusiast out there. These little animals are in limited numbers in the US and I feel will become a huge part of the pet trade just like hamsters and gerbils.

purple line
