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Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)

The Fox Squirrels has been kept for years in the US and Europe as a pet due to their sociability . It is a animal ranging in color from red to gray with a black mask. An adult will weigh between one and three pounds with a body length of up to two foot. The red squirrel breeds in the spring with a litter size of 2 to 4 young. Some older females may breed twice a year. Gestation is around 45 days. The diet of the fox squirrel is the same as that of the chipmunks but with a large part being dried corn. These animals also eat fresh corn, and a variety of vegetables. Care needs to be taken with the vegetables as these cause diarhea and dehydration. The caging for red squirrels is quite extensive as this is a large squirrel needing ample room. As with the chicory the red squirrel is a vocal animal with the sounds ranging from barks to a hissing sound. There are colonies of both solid white and solid black fox squirrels scattered around the US but in all cases these are protected either by the state they are in or by the cities and townships they reside in.

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