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Fat Edible Dormouse (Myoxus glis)

The fat edible dormouse is a charming little animal. It resembles a miniature squirrel gray in color with a fluffy tail. The Glis as it is known, comes from Europe and is being bred in captivity. All countries that are the natural range for this animal protects it except one. In Europe they call the Glis (forever sleepers) as in the wild they hibernate for up to seven months. The captive ones like my breeders go dormant for approximately 4 weeks. At which time they come out HUNGRY. Once they gorge themselves the male mates the female. Once she becomes pregnant she has little to do with the male.
They eat parrot food and some fruit but do not try to sustain them on fruit alone as they do need the seeds and vitamins. I feed a good parrot food with dried fruit included in the mix. I also feed dry dog & cat food. The Glis will drink from a water bottle or automatic watering system.
Caging for the Glis is not extensive. I prefer a 3 foot tall cage 3 foot square. I house one pair per cage. You must supply two nest boxes though due to the fact the female ejects the male from the nest box once she is bred. The female gives birth to two to six babies after a gestation of twenty to thirty days. The Glis are considered a delicacy in Europe were they are eaten.

purple line
