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The Wolfen

The Wolfen

Evening twilight's bitter gloom;
shadows dance about this room.
Outside, night begins a'falling.
Listen close, the wolves are calling.
The moon is rising at the water's shore.
The air's chill numbs me to the core.
A strange scent carries on the wind in haste,
my prey's essence, I seem to taste.
Faster now, my heart does beat.
This body transforms from head to feet ~
into something primal, fierce and wild,
like that of a spook story read to a child.
No longer human, there is no doubt,
from deep within a howl slips out.
I am no man, yet, I am no beast;
a creature smarter and stronger, to say the least.
By "Lycanthrope" I am known to men ~
but, I am more than that ...
I am the "Wolfen!"

12/31/98 © "Chelle"