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Without You ... Within Me

Without You ... Within Me

Without you there would be
no hope contained within me.
For light would not shine
into this heart of mine.
Dreams sough to fulfill
would be left alone and still.
Without you there would be
no love contained within me.
Passion would no longer burn,
desire's touch would no longer yearn.
Love's comfort from me would abstain
for remote my heart would remain.
Without you there would be
no future shining bright for me.
Day's rise of a sun shining so bright,
would dim, leaving only lonely night.
Gloom would pass across my being,
for without you, heart's pain a'seething.
Without you there would be
no peace within my soul for me.
Past fears would haunt my soul,
without you, they rage out of control.
Tears of dread would flow from my eyes,
for this love for you I could not disguise.
Without you there would be
no eternal bliss given to me.
For in your love lies all my smiles,
your pleasing touch of all my wiles.
Happiness felt in your words spoken,
this heart within I give you as love's token.
Without you, there would be,
simply no existence of me.

10/17/99 © "Chelle"