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Texas Blues

Texas Blues

There are millions of bluebonnets under the snow,
restless ... impatient ... waiting to grow.
It won't be long till the Bluebonnet Show,
so stick around for a spell.
Winds have long since scattered the seeds,
splashing rains have tended the needs ~
of rich brown earth which nurtures and feeds.
Everything's going quite well.
Soon the warmth from the incubating sun
will coddle these seeds until they are done.
They will start sprouting, one by one,
and the sprouts will come up for air.
The brisk March winds, the April rain
will coax bluebonnets to bloom again,
like white-capped waves on a sea-blue main ~
a picture beyond compare~
Look!! The sun has finally melted the snow,
come with me and enjoy the show.
It's a little nippy outdoors, I know,
but, you will be glad you came.
For once you've stood on a Texas hill,
and beheld that beauty, felt that thrill;
and come unglued, as I know you will
you'll never quite be the same.
Listen!! The harbingers of spring
are chirping their curtain call!
The admission is free ... we are about to see
the most breathtaking show of them all.

04/09/99 © "Chelle"