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A Piece Of Peace

"A Piece Of Peace"

Quiet, solitude;
the rain is over, the sun is shining;
the birds are flying from tree to tree.
Cats, dogs and pigs lie dying in the streets;
the little boy's bicycle is bent
into a mass of bars.
Bars: there are still those behind bars
in the forgotten camps.
Its quiet there too.
The victors are int he clouds;
the pilots are there, also.
So, who is the victor?
Is it the one who will descend
and see his work and his purpose.
Or, the many who arouse out of innocence
into the heavens with the birds?
And what of Heaven?
Its quiet there too.
Those who dominated will reign for
only a short while.
For it will not take long for
the masterminds to realize
that they've killed their brothers.
God punishes those who are not
their brothers' keepers.
The conquered hve their own loud voice
which shouts in the conscience's heart.
But the heart ~
what about those forgotten cats, dogs and pigs
and little boys?
Its quiet there too.
And as for the little pup ~
lying alone in the street.
(Not alone because he's the only victim,
but because he's the only one suffering
until pain kills.)
What about him?
Man will kill his best friend,
then he has no friends,
nor, is he, himself, a friend.
And when all friends have killed each other,
the war is over, for a time ...
Then it begins like a new morning,
with quiet, solitude;
the rain is over, the sun is shining again.
And the birds fly all about.
And the little boy's bicycle is bent ~
all out of shape ...
About that "peaceful" new world?
Its quiet there, too.

1/18/99 © "Chelle"