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Follow the music to the bed
where upon red rose petals are spread.
As I there wait clad in black satin
for tonight love will be the main attraction.
Across the room candlelight plays ~
the sight of your nakedness, I'm still amazed ~
of how my passion and love for you grow;
of how hot you make my blood flow.
Your fingers gently slip sating from my skin.
Lips locked together, ecstasy begins.
Amidest the petals, our bodies entwine,
and from my stomach you sip the wine.
Petals cling to our bodies' wet flesh,
their touch almost as tender as your caress.
Ever so gently, with my mouth I remove ~
the petals that cling to your body so smooth.
Slowly now we make love by candlelight,
thus quenching our passion's appetite.
Yet, through the night, on this love we will feed,
fulfilling all emotional and carnal needs.
And when the morning sun begins to rise ...
again we'll see love's reflection in each other's eyes.

07/06/99 © "Chelle"

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