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Against the bed, bind me
with crimson velvet ties,
crimson silken scarf
across my throat and eyes.
Heated passions against me
as you taunt and play,
lost in this enamored moment,
let us forever stay.
Feel of ice traced lightly
against my trembling skin,
buidling a yearning fire
hungering for you within.
Passion's rising fire brought
to a bright crimson glow ~
tonight speak of ecstasy
that only true lovers know.
And upon thy love and thy flesh
I choose to feast divine ...
for you have already made
my heart belong to thine.
So, I must take a bit for myself,
enjoying this feast of love ~
but I must warn you dearest one,
that once is not enough.
Upon desires we both shall feast,
savoring as a finest wine.
And as our souls fly freely,
at Ecstasy's table we shall dine.
Passion's flame of skin to skin,
lips redden with such lust;
bodies tremble with lips to flesh,
so dine this night we must.
Feed me with thy body so,
and I shall return thy need ...
is this love we make tonight,
more than just our greed?
Stay I pray in the dawn's light,
beside me next to lay ...
until the moon of the night,
releases our desires to play.
When the blood red moon does rise,
with hunger we will thirst.
Passion's fire will rise in our eyes,
and by love we will converse.
So stay, my love, lie with me,
fear not what I desire ...
I'll take you beyond ecstasy,
in the coolness of its fire.

12/23/99 © "Chelle"

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