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Two women I know
chance to meet
every morning about this time
for coffee, bagels perhaps,
and for a lot of chat.
To get the day started a certain way,
they do come together it seems
to review their dreams,
and what has happened to them.
They laugh a lot,
they cry some too.
It is a woman's lot.
These creatures of beauty and
of sensitivity.
Their chat is of job,
about the kids,
a husband or two.
And, if alone ...
who they would like to wrap
their name about.
A man who is honest
and trustworthy,
wherever he may be.
Surfing out there on the internet
or AOL to see.
And one day they hope
their dream will come true ~
a cowboy from years ago they will meet.
One, who sits tall and strong
in the saddle of life,
swaying but not breaking
to the wiles around.
Guiding them gently like
he does a steer,
back to him when they have strayed
from life's trail
that is full of children and work
or a change in family life,
that is oft times filled with strife.
Somewhere he rides,
they know he does;
because above all else ~
a woman does have faith
that such a cowboy does exist.
And when she finds a rustler instead
a thief for her love;
she bows her head.
But, soon it straightens
and forward she goes.
Alone with kids and an empty home ~
to look for a cowboy
who sits in his saddle tall and strong.
So, they roam the prairies
and mountains around
exploring each little town.
Nook and cranny of nature's beauty
with faith and hope and charity
for one cowboy to call their own.
And for him to be their dream come true.
Each day at dawn's darken
still they meet ~
one now has a cowboy.
He is so neat.
The other still looks, but
she has rested for long
and has received a special poem
from above ...
it gives her renewed strength
and resolve to keep riding
the plains and prairie gulches,
valleys and mountains so high.
She knows that if her friend can fly
that one day she too
will have wings of love
to fly to
that cowboy she will love.

02/11/99 © "Chelle"

Fantasy & Dreams Poetry
Darkside & Despair Poetry
Intimate Moments Poetry
Humanities & Inhumanities Poetry
Wildlife Inspirations Poetry
Lost Love & Memories Poetry
Simply Love Poetry
Random Thoughts Poetry
Vampyre Passions Poetry