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"Bound To The Night"

Bound to darkness of night,
she's ruled by passion and pride ~
yearning with a burning hunger
that must be satisfied.
Eyes that flash emerald fire, concealing the tempting kiss
that will leave you for dead.
Words that play in your mind,
whispered by her softest voice.
A calling neath star-cloaked night ~
that leaves you no other choice ...
save to surrender to desires
upon which she slowly feeds,
by touch, by taste, by glance
thus fulfilling all her needs.
Dreams of her will haunt you,
for you'll have never felt this way.
She'll leave you wanting more ...
every second of night and day.
Love to her comes easily,
through her wicked games...
and she'll leave you knowing
love will never be the same.

11/08/01 © Chelle

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