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Agony echoes in the screams
of his lost and forsaken soul,
known well to many others,
but lost within himself.
Reflection in the mirror,
one he doesn't recognize ~
pain haunts his being
as tears fall from his eyes.
Once a man of measure,
one who knew his mind.
'till the world turned its back
and love he could not find.
A smile from a stranger
becomes a lost memory.
Anguish his only friend,
as he falls to his knees.
Pleading with his demons
somehow to make things right;
listen close ~ you might hear
the screams of his plight.
He might be your neighbor,
or someone you just met ...
take time for a kind word,
in that there is no threat.
Lend an ear to his cries,
help to heal his heart ...
perhaps with this "humanity"
we can make a new start.
For we all know this world
and its beings we call men
all need a strong shoulder
every now and then.

2001 © Chelle

Fantasy & Dreams Poetry
Darkside & Despair Poetry
Intimate Moments Poetry
Humanities & Inhumanities Poetry
Wildlife Inspirations Poetry
Lost Love & Memories Poetry
Simply Love Poetry
Random Thoughts Poetry
Vampyre Passions Poetry