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AngelRose: Would any other Rose Smell as sweet?

This is my picture page. O:o)I am 26 years old and I live in Houston,Texas. For more about me follow the link to my other pages. Feel free to e mail me to give me pointers and suggestions.
My friends tend to call me Goober, or some variation of it. That is the reason behind this picture. O:o)
This is my High School Graduation picture taken on my 17th birthday.
This picture was also taken on my 17th birthday...another senior picture and no it is not a Glamour Shot..It was taken on the stage of my high school.
This picture was taken when i went to California in August of 1998. I met Erik Estrada on Venice Beach. WOO HOO!!
Me on Hawaiian Day at work 6-03-06! Kim makes me look REALLY tall!

My mother was murdered January 2, 2001. This poem is a tribute to her. After you read the words read down the columns. I love you Mom, where ever you may be.

**To Mom**
Julie Early
November 13, 1952 - January 2nd 2001

Mom, I miss you more each and everyday,

Understanding why you are gone, someday I may.

Reaching up to the stars hoping I'll feel your arms,

Devestated because the world no longer has your charms.

Everything will get better is what I am told.

Right now its you I wish *I* could hold.

Everyday you told me you loved me,

Damn this world for not letting me see.

I am here for the family now,

Losing my strength, still not knowing how.

Over and over I wish you were here.

Vacant feels the spot that held you so dear.

Ever since I was young,

You watched after me and still bit your tongue.

Of course, you let me make my own mistakes.

Unfortunately you left me, but I promise, I'll be Okay.

Copyright ©2002 Erin Morgan Doherty

If you read the first letter of each line, you will find something else as well.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
