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<--© Copyright 1999 Windstorm All Rights Reserved-->
This is a Charter for the newsgroup

The Newsgroup is only accessible to WebTV users.

Charter covers the following topics:

Music, Fashion, Television, Movies, Video Games, Politics, Sports, Major Events, and other aspects of the culture of the 1980s.

Though emphasis is placed on the culture of the United States, the newsgroup also welcomes posts about the culture of other nations during the 1980s, such as that of Canada.

Questions about HTML, homepages, and related topics should NOT be posted to, but one of the html help groups that can be found here.

History was started in December of 1998 as an alternative for WebTV users to the group's USENET counterpart. The HTML posts of WebTV users were not welcomed there.

The group was ahead from day 1 of the voting process, obtaining the required 50 more yes votes than no votes in just the first day. The final vote was 133 yes votes to only 19 no votes.


Though the group is not moderated, certain guidelines should be followed:

1. There should be no flaming or name calling, etc.

The group is about the past, no matter how sweet our memories are of the 80s. It is not worth hurting each other's feelings over. Debate within reason is welcome however, as long as it is not abusive.

2. Personal disputes should be taken to e-mail or another newsgroup.

3. Posts by Trolls should be ignored. Attention is exactly what these people want.

4. Spam is not allowed.

Definition of Spam: Any post attempting to sell a product or promote a commercial website.

If someone comes through asking us to vote for their newsgroup without any other purpose, then it is not spam unless they do it more than once. All such posts should have OT (off topic) in the subject line.

Promotion of Web Pages is ok as long as the homepages are 80s related and the post is not exclusively about the page more than once a month.

Homepages linked in user's HTML signatures do not have to be 80s related.

5. Posts that are explicitly pornographic or profane should be forwarded to abuse@webtv. net.

6. HTML is allowed. One of the major reasons the group was founded is that I wanted a place for WebTV users to be able to talk about the 80s and still use their HTML signatures.

However, posts that take an unreasonable amount of time to load due to an HTML signature should be ignored.

7. Off Topic posts should be labeled OT.

8. Relax and enjoy yourself, sharing memories of the Awesome 80s.

© Copyright 1999 Windstorm All Rights Reserved