The Ultimate Yin and Yang Battle

Prelude: The story so far.

The story began when an American, named "Loki Howls with Laughter" journeyed to Japan in search of the Jusenkyo cursed characters. He teamed up with Happosai, Giving Happosai the Nuwisha personality splitter. Happy Planned on using this item on Ranma, splitting his girl side from his boy side. Unknown to Happosai, Loki also had a vial from "The spring of Drowned virtuous man."

Happosai tried tricking Kaori into helping him in his schemes. Young Daikoku saw through his ruse and didn't trust Happy one little bit. She also gained a life long friend in Loki.

In an all out confrontation. Loki doused Happosai with both the "Personality Splitter" and with the "spring of drown virtuous man." The effect was staggering... Happosai split into two people. Which Loki promptly punted both into low orbit.

It is at this time that both Happosai's return to Furinkan. One, containing all of Happosai's evil has returned for Revenge. The other has returned to defend his students. Only in Furinkan could something like this Happen.

Chapter 1

The sun was just setting in furinkan. The Cat cafe was enjoying its evening rush, and peace reigned in this small Japanese town. That would all change very soon.

Arriving in town was the son of all evil in Japan.. Master Happosai. His diminutive form bounded from rooftop to rooftop in the general direction of the Tendo Dojo. His Mind awash with thoughts of vengeance against the arrogant Gaijin who dared use his own stuff against him. Looking down from the roof of the Cat Cafe he noticed Shampoo riding her bicycle (On the street for a change) returning from a delivery. Mouse in Duck from flew nearby. It was time for Happosai to announce that he was back in town.

As he jumped down for the glomp, he failed to notice Pantyhose Tarou lurking nearby. Pantyhose noticed Happosai jumping down to glomp Shampoo, and he smiled inwardly, he would teach Happosai a lesson today.

Just as he was about to jump up and intercept happosai, his field of vision was blocked by a pair of diminutive feet using his head as a landing pad.

Pantyhose looked down at another Happosai standing on the ground. The second Happosai looked up at Tarou and bowed. " I do apologize for lading on you Tarou-san. It won't happen again." He then Ran toward Shampoo.

Shampoo heard happosai's voice in stereo. One from her right shouting, "look out Shampoo-Chan.!!" And the other one from above shouting, "Shampoo BABY!!!!!".

Shampoo Looked up just in time to see Happosai dive-bombing her. Taro blinked rapidly in confusion. Two Happosais? This had to be a nightmare. "Old man, I don't know what you're up to, but I plan on putting an end to it right now!" he screamed. He then produced a small vial of water from his pocket labeled "in case of emergency, break glass and sprinkle on head".

He did just that, assuming his "Jusenkyo demon" form. He looked down to see the "polite" Happosai. Of course, he really didn't care how polite Happy had been, and immediately grabbed the little old man and threw him like a baseball at his duplicate.

The 'good' Happosai used a bit of anything goes Aeronautics and twisted in mid Air. Landing just a few feet beyond Shampoo. "Tarou I don't want to fight you.. but I will if I have to.. Right now, there's a Lady in terrible danger."

But While happy and Tarou were arguing 'evil" (Like you could tell the difference) happosai was already making his move. Shampoo noticed Happosai and another Happosai to either side.

"Hi-ya! What this?" the Amazon said in total surprise. The evil side of the man had one target in mind, with his sadistic grin and fiendish hands ready to go to work.

"Happosai...NO!" Shampoo pleaded as the evil man started to rip at the poor girl's hair, yanking it back fiercely in long strands. " me!" the lecher said, reaching for the neck of the Amazon, and then prepared to fly away with her. Hands flew and legs kicked, but it was for naught...Happosai had his prize, the rich (and busty) Amazon woman.

"Put the woman down, Happy!" "Why should I? I'm having too much fun." Shampoo mustered enough strength to say "WATER" before she collapsed around the small but unusually strong man. She found just enough leftover reserve to say one more word: "SISTERS". Then she passed out.

"If you want to get Shampoo back, meet me at the Jusenkyo training grounds. I feel that I'm capable of doing anything now, without my positive side!" Happy said. "No! Stop. We need each other!" the positive Happosai said.

The evil man laughed. "You...the weak and feeble part of the man...will not pester me. Tuseko Nukake! The gallery was leveled under the sound attack.

"And will live only for me. You will serve my desires on moment's notice...and when I am done with you, I will kill you." Shampoo only had her hand drop to Happy's side. "A made good ramen noodles.

"With that the man was flying with Shampoo through the trees, and on a long and winding path, disappeared into the distance. Only then did MuMu turn back into Mousse as the hot water flew back on where Happy was...or where Happy should have been. "That's hot! Where's Shampoo?"

"Happy took her."

"Wait a second-you're Happy."

"No...I am Master Happosai of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts."

"It looked that you took her."

And then Loki finally spoke up. "It's...a long story." Poor Loki's timing just never was perfect. This mess erupted as he was on his way to see Kaori. He never knew that the 'Splitter' would have caused so much trouble... Things were getting interesting.

Ranma had just come around the corner and witnessed the confrontation before him.

Mousse was getting desperate by now. "If it wasn't you who took Shampoo, then who did it?" Mousse said, his eyes narrowing as he eyed the small master. He had seen Happosai abduct the innocent Shampoo with his own eyes, and seeing Shampoo in danger made him want to hurt the responsible.

"Son" Happosai looked up at Mousse like an understanding father," I know you are concerned about young shampoo, so I am." As the shock of the comment struck Happosai kept talking. " As Loki-san can tell you, he liberated me from the obnoxious evil tendencies. Unfortunately, they released my evil side as some sort of demon. I want to stop him as much as you do." "Unfortunately I think he wants revenge and I'm not sure what depths he'll sink to achieve his goals."

At some point during the conversation, Pantyhose-Taro had managed to revert back to his normal form. "Hold on a second, old man," he interrupted. "So you say you are the good side of Happosai, and the one that just took off with the amazon is the evil side?" The old man nodded. "Tell you what, old m--er, Master Happosai. As I'm sure you remember, in my cursed form, I once defeated you. I could help you track down and stop this evil Happy... for a price of course."

"Let me guess," Master Happosai said, "you want me to change your name?" Pantyhose-Taro smiled wickedly. "That's right, Happosai. What do you say, do we have a deal?"

"That is horrible!" Mousse gasped. "He must be stopped before he hurts the lovely Shampoo!" Mousse started sobbing as he imagined the object of his love being abducted by evil Happosai. "Where did he go?" Mousse demanded as tears rolled down his face.

Happosai looked first at Tarou and then to the sobbing Mousse. "Tarou, Making deals while a young lady is in danger is dishonorable! I will agree to change your name after we rescue her. I would have changed it right now, but you put your own needs over the needs of that young lady, so you will have to earn it now." happosai spoke sternly.

Master Happosai then turned to Mousse. " You heard the other happosai. he's running to the cursed springs of Jusenkyo. We have to follow him to rescue young shampoo."

Loki stepped from the shadows, his eyes glittering in the setting sun. "I agree to help you also, old man.. It was my prank that put Shampoo in this mess, and I will help fix it."

Mousse wiped the tears from his face. "Then we must go to Jusenkyo, to save the divine Shampoo!" he exclaimed. "Ehh... How do we get there?"

Happosai, sighed.. he had not clue how to get to Jusenkyo. *Ahem" Loki spoke a little louder " I can get us there.. I know a way to go through the umbra to get there. But I need someone who can visualize Jusenkyo really well.. and I've only done this by myself (That's how he got to Japan to begin with) .. I don't know if I can do it with a group." Loki ran his hand gently across the talisman on his wrist. His thought suddenly away from the conversation. " I need someone else to give me the strength" Loki concentrated on the talisman on his wrist.. the one that linked him to his love.

Thinking " Kaori, love.. I need you."


Meanwhile at an out of the way airport in northern Tokyo. Happosai dumped his cargo into a small twin engine plane. No sooner had he closed the door then the pilot launched his small craft in the direction of Mainland China. The evil Lecher drooled over the busty amazon he had captured. "Soon Sweetie pie.. I will have my way with you.. and then your death will welcome in a new age." he laughed maniacally. the laughter could be heard for miles around.


Back in Furinkan... Taro examined his nails as Happosai, Mouse, and Loki made plans for getting to Jusenkyo, all the while paying no attention whatsoever, and thinking only of what he might have his name changed to. "Let me know when you need me to do something," he said. "By the way, does anyone happen to have a bottle of cold water? I could stop evil Happosai without it, but it makes it easier if I'm transformed."

"Well I don't know 'Pantyhose' that depends on how much you aggravate me." Ranma snarled right back at Taro. Ranma then noticed Happosai, "So what did you do this time old Lech."

"Happosai is innocent this time, Akane Tendo!" Mousse said, pointing at Ranma. "And if you feel any camaraderie for my lovely Shampoo, you'll help us to liberate her from the dirty paws of the evil Happosai! Akane Tendo, will you assist us?"

Kaori sighed. "You can't except to do all this alone, silly. If you are going to China I can help. Tell me what I can do," Kaori said forcefully. Then a thought hit Kaori this was partially her doing as well. Actually it was her Fathers but she wasn't going to open up that can of worms for an inner debate.

"Put your glasses on Duck-boy," Ranma said. Then he turned to Loki and eyed him up and down. "You look like you're the one leading this group. Let's get on to china and Jusenkyou. UUUUHHH, I mean saving Shampoo, yeah.

Loki ignored the rest of the group for a moment. he was still locked in 'Mindspeak' with Kaori. " Alright, love.. Follow where the talisman leads you. I'm about 2 blocks away. I'll be waiting for you my love. " Loki thought these words in mindspeak.. but he accidentally said them aloud. Loki's head snapped up as he turned to Ranma. " For one who is afraid of little fuzzy animals, you are too impatient. We will RESCUE Shampoo and end this threat that Happosai spoke of. You should not be so eager.

Jusenkyou stinks of one of Coyotes really bad pranks." Mousse stood there, looking at Ranma. "Ranma Saotome," he said as he adjusted his glasses. "What are you more interested in? Getting to Jusenkyo for free or rescuing the fair Shampoo?"

Moments later Kaori showed up quite confused but eager nonetheless. She looked the group over. Kaori had no idea who the guy with long black hair and glasses but she knew the rest of the group. A member caught her eye. "I should've known, Taro," she smiled as she walk to him and whispered, "I'm sure you'll get what you want this time." She then looked up at Loki, "Well what do you want me to do?"

Behind her, Taro chuckled his trademark Sinister Chuckle. "Oh yes, this is going to be fun; not only do I get to take on a totally uninhibited Happosai, after it's all over, my name will finally be changed to something respectable." But anticipating the confrontation was not enough; Taro was becoming impatient. "How long will it take us to get to Jusenkyo, anyway?" He was not really surprised when everyone around him was to engaged in other conversations to answer his question.

Loki gave Kaori a big hug and a small kiss, "I'm happy that you made it love, I just wish this was a more pleasant occasion. Take my hand love, I need to use some of your strength to open the gate." Holding out his hand toward her.

Happosai watched the entire situation impassively. Only Mousse seemed to be the one going to fight for shampoo.. Ranma was after the spring, Tarou a name change, Loki to fix a mistake, and Kaori out of love for Loki. This was definitely an odd group.

"Tarou" he spoke softly. " The umbra gate should get us there in a couple of hours. Definitely faster than the other Happosai." Taro nodded. "Thank you," he said curtly. He tried to keep his patience in check--they would be on their way soon, and by the end of the day, he was sure, his goals would all be achieved. Something bothered him though, and though he couldn't quite put his finger on it, it nagged at him to no end. What was it about this mission...?

Loki slowly concentrated on the Umbra gate.. All of his concentration and ability focused on opening the gate.. he was using all of his strength and borrowing much from Kaori. Slowly and surely the gate opened. "Hurry through everyone.. " He spoke between gasps " I can't hold it long. The group ran into the gate.. the last two through the gate were Kaori and Loki.. Kaori supports the completely exhausted Loki. The umbra appeared to be outer space.. But they could all breath fine.

Loki looked up completely drained." Con..centrate on Jus..en..kyo.. visualize and the ... umbra... will ..." On the last word All of Loki's energy was spend and he collapsed holding onto Kaori.. who was struggling with his weight. Kaori held him close. She had to move her arms to adjust to his weight. "Loki? Loki, are you all right?" she asked wide-eyed. She used all her emotional and mental energy to hold on. Her focus along with the powers of the others brought them to Jusenkyo within seconds. "Glad that's over. Everyone all right," she sighed as she turned to Taro, "I need a hand over here. I'm not familiar with this part of China."

"No problem," Taro replied. "I grew up here; I know this place like the back of my hand. Where exactly in Jusenkyo do we need to go?" He found that, by concentrating on the mission, he could ignore the nagging feeling within.

Happosai was watching Kaori and Loki very closely. He could help but it had been a great many years since he used his Chi for healing others. He reaches up and put both hands on Loki.. Infusing the young Nuwisha with his on healing chi.

Loki woke up and stood on his own.. still holding Kaori.. but not leaning on her.. he looked down at the old man in flabbergasted surprise.

Happosai spoke to the group. " I Think I know what my other self plans on doing." He gazed into everyone's eyes. " When I was a youth of 19, myself, Khu Lon, and Loki Leaps the Moon trapped a demon in Jusenkyo. To awaken the demon, one must be of the purest evil.. and must Rape and sacrifice an Amazon female. I fear that is what the other Happosai has in mind.. Young Shampoo is in much danger!!"

Ranma looked around Jusenkyo valley, 'I can't believe I'm here,' he thought to himself. Then he overheard what Happosai was saying. The rage became tangible on his face. "What did you say your evil side was going to do old man." Ranma Chi was already flaring up violently.

"Don't blow a fuse, fem-boy," Taro interjected. "Save your short temper for when we find the evil Happosai." Nothing calmed Taro's nerves quite as much as pissing Ranma off.

"Shampoo!" At the mentioning of the potential rape of Shampoo, Mousse lost it. Tears streaming down his face, he fell to his knees. "Poor innocent Shampoo..." he sobbed.

Happosai Jumped up on Mousse's shoulder. He patted him gently on the head. " It's alright Mousse.. That won't happen.. we'll stop Evil Happosai before that happens."

The Jusenkyou guide was sitting peacefully in his hut. He had noticed several bad omens in the past few days. He knew that visitors would be here soon. He heard the voices outside the training area. and knew that his omens were correct.

He stepped out too greet the group. He recognized several of the faces in the crowd. The only two he didn't know were the Dark haired girl, and the young Gaiijin. *Why some many people want to come to Jusenkyo*

"Here customers... " He yelled out to the group. "I don't think you wanna go this way.. Jusenkyou has been giving too too strange omens."

While the group approached Jusenkyou.. A small airplane was flying overhead.

Chapter 2


In the Plane Happosai was strapping on his parachute.. he then nudged Shampoo on a pressure point, and She awoke slowly. The first thing she saw was happosai strapping a parachute on her.. and she noticed that her blouse was opened. Try as she might she couldn't move or speak.

"Don't worry about it sweetie.." Happosai spoke evilly " Your just under the effect of the pressure point I touched.. You won't be able to move for a little while ... after that it won't matter. You'll be gone and I'll have my revenge on everyone who ever wronged me.


Back at Jusenkyou...

Ranma looked around Jusenkyou and remembered the fateful day over a year ago that he had first gotten this stupid curse. "So I'm back where it all began. Though I really want that cure I'll wait until Happosai is here. I may still be able to use my female form to distract him long enough for somebody to take him down."

"Ranma," Kaori said, "I hate to be the pessimist here but you might not get a better chance. Evil Happosai won't let you get cured if you don't do it now. Taro, Mousse and I will go look for Shampoo and Happosai.

My grandmother is an Amazon and so was my Mother. Happosai might come after me letting Taro and Mousse get Shampoo. The pervert is very attracted to me."

Loki was just coming around at that point. "Be Careful Kaori.. That Happosai is completely evil and very dangerous. " Loki sniffed the air a bit.. "This place is strong with Wyrm Taint. Everyone be very careful!" Good Happosai looked up to the sky and begin trotting toward Jusenkyou. He could feel that his other side was near. He began a full scale run knowing that Shampoo was in mortal danger.

"Happosai," Kaori yelled as she ran behind him, "Wait, you can't fight him and save Shampoo all at once!" She turned back to Loki. "Don't worry about me. I'll be very careful," she said then called to Taro and Mousse, "Are you gentleman coming?"

Taro, surprisingly, made no wisecrack and instead nodded grimly. "Yeah, we're right behind you." He then looked back at Mousse and said "C'mon four-eyes, and try not to bump into anything."

Happosai lead the way to Jusenkyou.. followed close behind by the strangest group of rescuers. He knew that no matter what .. he would save Shampoo.. even if it cost him his life. Just as he arrived at the springs.. he saw the evil Happosai landing on the other side of the springs.. with helpless Shampoo in his arms.


The evil Happosai turned and sneered at his good half. "You are a mere annoyance my friend. Go away" Evil Happosai's battle aura grew expanded and stuck out at good Happosai.. The good half had no defense against Chi that strong. With a great booming noise.. the battle aura stuck good Happosai.. the rest of the group arrived just in time to see good Happosai crumple to the ground.

Loki stood up just as he heard the explosion rock the springs. "I must help them.. but I don't even have the strength to Transform... COYOTE!! HELP ME TO STOP THIS WYRM CREATURE FROM CORRUPTING MOTHER GAIA!!!"

Another sceam filled the air. "HAPPOSAI!!! NOW YOU PAY FOR ALL THE SUFFERING YOU HAVE CAUSED!" It was Taro, and the grim, serious look on his face had shattered, replaced by a hideous scowl of hatred and rage.

"DIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!" With alarming speed, he lunged forward at Happosai, forgetting to take time to transform. His fist made a beeline for the evil Happosai, beaning him squarely on the forehead.

"Watch out!" Kaori exclaimed as Happosai sent Taro flying straight into a wall with one of his pipe attacks. She ran quickly over to her, "Are you ok?"

Taro sat up slowly, trying to pretend he didn't notice the huge bump on his head. "Heh..." he muttered. "How silly of me. I forgot to transform. Just give me a minute, and I'll have that little #$@%er on the ground and screaming for mercy..." He reached for something in his pocket, then frowned and swore. "#$@%! I already used that vile of water!"

The group then noticed a long menacing howl from behind. Loki was charging full tilt for the evil happosai... and Loki was in the Manbohzo form.. the huge coyote hybrid.

As he Ran by he tossed his canteen to Taro.."Hurry.. Transform We'll need all the strength we can get!!! "

Ranma suddenly came running at the evil Happosai. "No one hurts my friends while I'm around. MOKO TAKABISHI" Ranma launched a chi blast straight at Happosai. "Take that you old goat."

Taro let out a wild cry and splashed himself with the cold water even as he launched himself forward for another attack. This time he flew straight up into the air, maneuvering himself so his entire massive cursed form would come crashing down on the evil Happosai's head.

It was at this moment that seemed like the Evil Happosai would be an easy win.. but that was not the case today. Loki's monstrous form was attacking from the left and Tarou's form attacking on the right and Ranma's chi attack barreling up the his opponents and simply vanished...

Both Loki and Tarou crashed into one another and Ranma's Chi blast struck both of them.

"Hahahahahahahaha" The evil Happosai exclaimed with glee "C'mon I know I thought all you children better than that. Hahahahahahahah"

While Happosai was laughing Ranma launched his true attack. He pulled a canteen of water out of his shirt and threw the contents on Shampoo. Just the sight of a cat was enough to make him start screaming in terror. "CCCCCCAAAAAAATTTTTTTT"

"That's Shampoo, you moron," Kaori yelled as she hit her forehead with her hand, "Just picture Shampoo. You've gotta get over this fearof cats, Ranma."

She then turned her attention to her suffering fellow fiancée of Ranma. She knew she had to help Shampoo, first thing she need was some hot water. She didn't think, this once, her father would mind her borrowing his special attack. "Volcano Shrimp Cooker!"

Two flaming bursts barley messed cooking Shampoo but it was close enough to heat up the soaked fur and turn her human again. "Now, Ranma, you can quit spazzing!"

Loki pushed Tarou off of him.."Well that accomplished alot of nothing,," He helped Tarou to his feet.. "Happosai.. We will defeat you, save yourself by surrendering now."

"Hahahahaha you overestimate yourself Nuwisha... I'm not the one going down!! " Happosai laughed evilly as he punched toward the ground "BEAN JAM BLOWOUT!!!!!!"

Happosai's blew Tarou, Loki and Ranma into the air powerful whirlwind attack.

During this distraction.. Good Happosai who was not as dead as he appeared grabbed the unconsciense Amazon and pulled her away from the battle.. behind a rock where the Jusenkyo Guide was hiding. "Take her guide.. get her out of here before all hell breaks loose.!!"

Loki and Tarou got back to their feet to face off against the evil Happosai. You can pummel us all day, Happosai!!" Loki shouted fiercely " But you can't take us all old man!"

"I can't believe it!" Taro thought. "I overestimated my own abilities. I'm not as good as I thought!" A tear of mixed frustration and disappointment with himself fell from Taro's large, bovine eye. His mind raced for answers, but the only person who had ever been able to defeat him before was Rouge, and there was no way he could ever use any of her techniques...

Then suddenly he remembered; Rouge was not the ONLY person who had ever beaten him. Once, when he had first come to Nerima and had not yet obtained the tentacles in his cursed form, Ranma had taken him down with a technique called the Shooting Star Kick. That was it. Taro had an idea. He cried out to the evil Happosai, almost unintelligible in this form "OLD MAN! I've taken you down once before, and I'll do it again if it kills me!"

"HA!!" Was Happosai's only response." You wanna shot at the title child?? Bring it on!!"

Happosai started glowing a bright crimson. "When I finish with you, your own mother will cry in fear when she sees what I've done to you!!!"

Just then, the evil Happosai was knocked forward as a barrage of metal balls, chains and knives and other assorted weapons came flying from behind him. "GIVE ME BACK MY SHAMPOO, OLD LECH!" shouted Mousse from behind Happosai while he readied another combination of sharp and blunt objects to launch at the evil Happosai.

While evil Happosai was distracted by Mouse Ranma suddenly shot up and sent a Moko Takabashi directly into an unsuspecting Happosai.

"Everyone hit the old lech with your best shots now." screamed Ranma.

Taro then executed a totally new maneuver. He hurled himself through the air and, upon clearing a large tree, lashed out at it with his sash, which stretched out nearly 15 yards before catapulting him backwards and straight at Happosai, feet first. "METEOR STORM KICK!!!"

Happosai fell back from the Moko Takabishi and seemed to be taking alot of damage. At the last second he sidestepped from the Meteor Storm kick and launched himself into the air. "You punks still have alot to learn!! HAHAHAHHA" Suddenly Happosai began raining down Chi Bombs" HAPPO FIRE BURST RAPID FIRE!!!!!"

Kaori easily worked through the falling chi bombs. "I've sat on the side lines long enough. Happosai, you old fool, you've gotta do better than that."

She jumped back to Mousse. "You are the 'Master of Hidden Weapons', right? I'll keep Happosai busy while you get Shampoo outta here. Once she's gone I'm the only one with amazon blood in me."

Taro seemed to have come out of his berserker-like haze when an idea came to him. In a low enough voice that Happosai could not here, he said "Yes, Kaori, you distract him...I'll sneak up behind him and grab him. I'm probably the only one strong enough to hold him down. Then everyone can hammer him with their strongest attacks while I can keep a hold of him."

Mousse, who had been deterring the chi bombs with his arsenal of weaponry, looked reluctant to let the others take care of the one who had kidnapped Shampoo, but decided that making sure Shampoo was safe was more important. Pulling a canteen of water from his robes, he handed it to Kaori. "Spring of Drowned Fish," he said simply, then before she could say anything, he ran off to the rock where the guide had been hiding with Shampoo.

"Don't play the hero," Kaori called after Mousse, "Don't get dead!"

She motioned to Taro and Ranma, "Come on guys, we gotta back Mousse up besides I gotta plan."

She then noticed that she couldn't find Loki. "Where are you?" Kaori whispered.

Ranma not hearing Kaori launched a Hiryu Shoten Ha at the spring beneath Happosai causing the spring to launch itself into the air like a geyser completely soaking the old leach.

"Ranma, you moron," Kaori yelled running over to him, "I'm not sure you have heard of a thing called "TEAM WORK" but it is where everyone in a group works together to accomplish a goal. I just hope you didn't accidentally get Mousse wet!"

Loki who was conveniently on the ground behind Happosai was also caught up into the Jusenkyou water geyser that caught Happosai.

"Ohhhhh SHI*!!!!!!!" Was all that the group could hear from Loki as he spun about topsy turvey in the geyser.

Happosai shot from the top of the geyser like a cannon. Shooting at supersonic speeds towards the northwest.

"HEYYYY.... *Gurggle* " Loki screamed helplessly from the spinning spring. "Someone stop this *gurgle* thing.. I'm getting sick to my...BLEEEEECH!!"

Strangely enough the chi cyclone that Loki was helplessly caught in was recharging all of his spend power. Loki would be at full power if he could stop the cyclone.

Loki cried out for coyote and the spirits of his ancestors to help him. The cyclone slowed and finally dissipated until he landed right back in the Jusenkyou spring.. still in his Manbohzo form.

He climbed out of the spring shaking himself dry like a dog. the rest of the characters scrambled to get out of the way of the Jusenkyou spray. "regroup everyone.. the evil one's heading for the Amazon village.. we can stop him there!!! HowwwlllL!!!"

"Are you sure you are strong enough, Loki?" Kaori asked unaware he was recharged, "We still don't have any idea how to stop him, do we?" Kaori then paused a minute, "Wait! I think I have it! We are approaching this all wrong. We must think of the Ying Yang. Only the Good Happosai can defeat the Evil one!"

"Good call" Taro mumbled. "So someone distract evil Happosai,I'll grab him and hold him down, and the good Happosai can beat the crap out of him." It was obvious now where the term "bull-headed" came from...

"Taro," Kaori said, "that's too dangerous! They must go at it one on one without interference. That is the only way... you see the ying yang stands alone with nothing aiding or blocking it. To help good Happosai is to disrupt the balance. What we must do is protect the people in the village from the battle!"

Ranma just looked at the others. "Look people are we just going to stand around or are we going to get to the amazon village." With that Ranma took off at a run straight for the amazon village without waiting for the others.

Loki shifted back into his human form. Watching the group before him. he thought a prayer of thanks to the great coyote. Then he mumbled to himself.."they can be taught"

Loki turned to Kaori. "C'mon love.. We've got the right idea now.. Let's stop this monstrous pervert."

"Ahem" was the only sound heard from good happosai." Kaori my dear..your plan makes sense but there is one minor problem... My evil side is MUCH stronger than my good side.. How am I supposed to beat him?"

"Incorrect," Taro's deep bovine voice boomed. "You were split into two halves, and both the good and evil side surely are as strong as one aother. It is not that evil Happosai is more powerful; it is merely that he has no inhibitions and no qualms about using his power to cause destruction, whereas you, the good half, are reluctant to use your fighting potential because of it can cause pain and suffering."

There was a slight pause, then everyone present gave Taro a did-you-of-all-people-just-say-what-I-thought-you-said? stare. "What?" Taro said innocently.

"Nothing, Taro," Kaori said, "We better go get Ranma before he gets hurt. Taro and Mousse, please see if you can keep Ranma out of trouble. I think I have a better plan."

Then she turned to Happosai. "Good Happosai, we really need to get you a better name..." she started to say getting off on a tangent but bringing herself back to her original point, "I know you are the pure side but I need to know... can you inflict pain without hesitation?"

Good Happosai looked downright puzzled. " Why don't you just call me grandfather.. That's what I feel like with you kids."

Grandfather smiled slightly. " I don't know about inflicting pain.. It's just not me, but no one Hurts my students and gets away with it. I think I can handle him, Kaori dear."

Loki was sniffing the air at this point.." GUYS!! I think we got a problem... I can smell corruption of the Wyrm... I think the other Happosai is summoning a demon.. We need to get there or Ranma may be in Deep trouble!!!"

No further prompting was necessary. With that said, Taro grabbed Mousse, slinging him over his gigantic shoulder, and charged after Ranma at the speed of an angry bull.

"Taro and Mousse can take care of Ranma," Kaori said, "Grandfather, we'll protect the village and try to stop whatever the Evil One is calling forth. You just handle him."

She looked at Loki and mentally said, "No matter what happens remember two things... I love you and I do what I have to do. You can't stop me love."

Loki gazed back at Kaori.. his eyes relaying the message " I would never stop you love.. I'll always support you."

Ranma was the first to catch up with the vile master Happosai.

Happosai was standing on the corpses of two Amazon guards. "None may stop me!!" Happosai laughed.

As Ranma ran up to Happosai, the old perverts eyes rolled back into his head as he shouted arcane words of power. The corpses of the 2dead amazons arose.. twisted and evil. Their arms had turned into foul tentacles and their eyes glowed with unholy power.

"Let's see you deal with these PUNK!! I have bigger fish to fry!!! "With that Happosai ran toward the village.

Tarou was catching up with Ranma when he saw the foul creations that Happosai had summoned. Loki, Kaori and Grandfather were right behind him. "Banes!" Loki growled under his breath... "Foul corruption of the Wyrm... UNHOLY PERVERSION OF GAIA!!!!!!!!" Loki dropped to his knees his body convulsing as he transformed into Manbohzo form.

Tarou hardly blinked at the bizarre transformation--this was Happosai they were dealing with, after all. He executed a Jusenkyou Demon Charge almost automatically, smashing one of the reanimated Amazons into a large tree and goring her on his huge horns. "Think you can handle the other one by yourself, Ranma...or do you need me to baby-sit you?"

"Loki, love," Kaori said looking at Loki, "don't go postal on me. It won't do anyone good."

She then turned to Ranma and Tarou, "Grandfather and I will handle the other Amazon, see what you two can do against him."

"GROWWLLLLLLLLLLLL" was Loki's only response to Kaori's inquiry. His eyes rolled back into his head as his animal nature took over. He dives into the last zombie amazon Tearing with his claws and teeth, ripping the animated corpse to shreds.. then turning to the evil Happosai.

Evil happosai was temporarily stunned at the ferocity of both Loki's and Tarou's attacks. grandfather took that opportunity to jump in front of evil Happosai and hit him with a "bean Jam Blowout".

As evil happosai was flung into the air, Grandfather jumped with inhuman strength to attack him in mid air. Loki began charging toward the equally matched happosais. Howling and running forward in a blind, berserker rage. The impressive Manbohzo form scaring all but the most stout fighter.

Taro followed Loki in suite, partially to help in taking out his most hated enemy and partially to make sure Loki didn't accidentally attack the wrong Happosai in his rage. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he screamed incoherently.

"Grandfather," Kaori said knocking a zombie into a house watching it fall on top of them, "is there a chance that you can take control of the zombies or stop the evil one from making any more?"

Grandfather would have liked to answer that question but he suddenly had the wind knocked out of him by a well-placed jab from Happosai..

Before either could recover the whirling mass of fangs and claws that makes up an enraged Nuwisha plowed into both of them.. Loki attacking both with equal abandon.

"Loki," Kaori screamed as she quickly grabbed Grandfather before Loki could rip him in half, "get control of yourself. You are attacking Grandfather as well!"

She felt a agonizing pain in her arm and saw five deep scratches that bled horribly. She ignored her own wounds to tend to Grandfather.

"Taro, Mousse, Ranma," she yelled, "for god sake stop Loki before he kills an innocent person!"

"Loki!!!" Screamed grandfather "Get control of yourself.. You're not helping anyone.. YOUR HURTING THE ONE'S WHO LOVE YOU!!"

Loki paused for a second.. Grandfather's words getting through to him at last.

Seizing the opportunity, Happosai reaches into Loki's duster and pulls the pin on one of his grenades.. Before Loki's enraged mind could fathom what happened, Happosai Hit's him with a "BEAN JAM BLOWOUT" sending him away from the group.

"GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLL" Just as Loki hit the ground, the grenade went off with a huge explosion.

Happosai smiled, " Now that the Nuwisha is dealt with.. let's finish this fight, I'll take you all on at once!!"

Chapter 3

Kaori smiled, "I'm glad to see that you have some spunk in you. You do have your full memories, don't you Happosai? Don't you know how I am? I am your student. You are no longer that carefree positive fool, you have been purified from that silly state. You are now a true master and I am your ever-loving student. I've been helping Grandfather and the Nuwisha for kicks, they really thought that I could love Loki but they were wrong. It was all a game, a simple game to get to you. You are the man I love, Happosai. Please take me back into your care..."

"Oh really??" Was happosai's response to Kaori. Happosai strikes the ground with all of his chi.. The blast blowing mousse and Ranma back to Jusenkyou.. Leaving only Kaori, Tarou, Grandfather, and the apparently dead Nuwisha.

"Hmm.. this is an interesting development.. You can be useful to me, and your part amazon yourself.. very well, I accept"

Happosai Jumps up onto Kaori's shoulder. " Tarou, " Happosai's voice booms" You and I have always been enemies, but our goals are similar.. I know you care for Kaori, so I give you the opportunity to become my student.. Kill that pathetic clone of my self!!"

The blast forced Loki back into his human form.. His duster shredded and his body covered in blood. He rolls over onto his belly, in agonizing pain.. His Nuwisha regeneration factor slowly kicking in. Loki's voice is barely a whisper through blood flecked lips.." Kaori, love.. don't...He' ..........alsooooooo"

Taro stood still and silent for a painfully long moment, considering all that had transpired. His face gave no token of his thoughts; his eyes where cold as dead ice, his mouth neither smiling nor frowned.

Slowly, he turned away, looking at the desolate remains of Jusenkyou. Another moment of silence past and then suddenly, violently, maniacal evil chuckling shook Taro's massive frame.

So! We are to be allies then, old man!? You and I, after all this time together as student and pupil!?" He threw his head back with laughter that echoed throughout the landscape. "How incredibly ironic... don't you think so, Grandfather?" He then shot a glare at the prone duplicate of the evil Happosai, a smile still upon his lips. He then looked to the Nuwisha lying bleeding on the ground, and to the horizon to which Ranma had been cast.

"You've got a deal!"

Happosai laughed maniacally.. shaking Kaori slightly with his laughter.

"Well Bargained and done my young apprentice.." An evil gleam appears in Happosai's eyes. " now take you training... strike down that weak clone.. and Embrace the darkside"


Loki was practically blinded by the blood slowly trickling into his eyes. His regenerative powers stopping the bleeding. "You unholy bastard" He whispered.. "I'll have the last prank." agonizingly Loki drew the coyote's fang dagger from the shredded remains of his coat and began the painful crawl back to the group. "Coyote.. give me the strength to save Her"

"Taro, darling," Kaori said smiling gently, "Welcome aboard. I should've known you'd join us and now together we are going to be unstoppable."

She then whispered to Happosai, "Can I have a little fun with him, Master? I've always wanted to play the seductress. . . the feminine fatal."

Happosai smiled evilly, "by All means Kaori my dear put your feminine wiles to work on that foul clone."

As Kaori turned toward grandfather, he was busy playing 'Deer caught in the headlights. He couldn't believe the last two fighters were turning against him.

"Kaori you don't want to do this"

Loki kept crawling toward Happosai perched on Kaori's shoulder. every movement was agonizing but he never made a whimper. Instead he whispered " I will prank the Wyrm to my dying day great coyote.. I need your help in this darkest hour."

Loki then noticed the coyote's fang had begun to glow. "I am your eternal servant, coyote" was his only response.

Loki fought to get on his feet, coyote dagger in hand as he approached Kaori from behind. Happosai was too wrapped up in his victory to sense the Nuwisha.

Only Tarou had the proper angle to see the battered and bloody Nuwisha rise up with that dagger in his grip.

He paused a moment in consideration. As Loki got his feet beneath him again, however, Taro gave only one small token that he even noticed; he winked at the Nuwisha, then pretended to notice something on the ground. He crouched down as though to pick it up, conveniently placing him in position to execute a Jusenkyou Demon Charge almost instantly...

Rising up like a demon from the Christian hell, Loki seemed to materialize behind Kaori and Happosai, his dagger of vengeance held high, like the sword of Damocles.

With one downward stroke, he plunged the Coyote's fang into Happosai's back. The force of the strike drove the dagger point out of the front of Happy's chest, knocking him to the ground.

"an Enemy is most vulnerable, once he thinks he's won." Loki hissed at the dying old man." You yourself told Kaori that a while back.. She wasn't your only student old man."

With that said he collapsed against Kaori, all of his energy spent. Happosai looked up from where he lay.. he saw the beginnings of a smile on Tarou's bovine snout. He felt so very cold.. he knew he was dying.

" I can't die" he thought " I'm all powerful"

The last thing he saw was Grandfather place his hand on Happosai's forehead, and then Happosai ceased to exist.

Tarou rose to an upright position, seeing his preparation had been unnecessary. "What a pity," he muttered sarcastically. "I got distracted and poor Happosai didn't have anyone to warn him..."

With that he drugged towards the amazon's village to obtain some hot water to return to his natural form with. As he passed Kaori, however, he stopped. "Will Loki...will he be okay?"

"Yes," Kaori said as she knelt down lovingly petting the injured Loki, "I need to get him to his Grandfather. It's okay, Taro-san, go and do what you must. I'll see that we all get home."

A bizarre light comes down onto Loki, "Fear not, Loki, this is a portal to take you to your Grandfather. Everything is okay now, I promise," she said as Loki disappeared. Kaori sat on the ground and didn't move for a while. She wasn't even sure if Taro or grandfather was still there. Right at that moment she didn't care; she had learned a lot today and now she had to turn what she learned into something useful.