Texas Tournament: Day One in the Big House

RNRPG: The Texas Tournament: Day one in the Big house

It was early in the morning in Texas, which translated to late evening for those still on Tokyo time. But the main Ranch house was busy. the regular staff and those who were scheduled to fight later in the day were milling around and causing as much chaos as possible given their limited resources and time constraints. The American staff was amazed at how much food the Nerimites ate.

Shortly after dawn while most everyone was either considering a nap or was still asleep, Silk came in carrying Kodachi. One of the judges was following them and walked up to the Poster and marked it to read:

Alex VS Terry Bogard
Akane VS Johnny Cage
Happosai VS Robert Garcia
Ranma VS Ken Masters
Ryuu VS Andy Bogard
Ryouga VS Paul Phoenix
Keisuke VS Jim King
Kodachi VS Silk ------------------- Silk
Fujiko VS Ukyou
Brush VS Perfume
Mimiku VS Rinse

The tournament had begun. But that didn't stop the rest of the world from turning. "What's for breakfast?" Silk called to whomever was in the kitchen as she laid Kodachi on a couch in the 'living room'. "Anything good left?"

Happosai came bounding into the room at that moment. He was happy and looking very smug. He had come out of his match without his opponent even touching him.

He grabbed a marker and crossed Robert Garcia's name off of the list. "You can call him Toast from now on. "

He smiled at the Heir to the founding school. " I see you have done well for yourself Silk-Chan."

Silk finished pressing some pressure points on Kodachi's forehead, to insure that the unconsciousness became nothing more then natural sleep. "Fighting Kodachi during one of her bouts of insanity is more a test of patience and restraint then of particular skill, Happosai."

Silk went into the kitchen and discovered that breakfast was just getting over, and almost no food was visible on the table. She glared at those who were sitting and picking their teeth with the Texas sized tooth picks provided. "How do you expect to be able to fight when you're loaded down like overgrown ducks?" she asked sarcastically as she took a small square of toast. the last piece. She looked for some butter. Even it was gone. "ARG!"

Happosai smiled at his protege and double checked on Kodachi. Sometimes Happi wished he could do something to help the girl.

Happi leapt upon Silk's shoulder, and whispered in Silk's ear. "I didn't want to be weighed down by a heavy breakfast either... so a stole a bunch of the breakfast food and stashed it in the bunkhouse."

"Why didn't you say so?" Silk grinned. She headed out to the guys' bunkhouse, intent on getting some food. She was hungry enough that she didn't care what might be going on in the bunks at this hour. "Where?" she asked Happi.

"I hid it under my bunk, surrounded by pretties.. no one would ever find it." Happi smiled as he whispered his response.

As the two entered the Bunkhouse a stocky Chinese man was putting away his bags. He whirled to face the possible foes. Then he smiled at the woman and the old man.

"Hello, I'm looking for Jim King." The man smiled and both Silk and Happi recognized his as Jackie Chan. "I'm supposed to be his wild card fighter."

"That was quick," Ryuu stated as he walked into the bunkhouse dragging along an unconscious Andy Bogard, "Someone might want to tend to his wounds or he'll be in serious pain later on." Ryuu looked over at the supposedly good martial artist Jackie Chan and smirked. "Feh," he thought, "The guy isn't even generating a chi aura. Either he's very good, or most likely he's not as good as he's known to be. How often can you practice while rehearsing for movies?" Ryuu tossed Andy onto an empty bunk and headed for the kitchen to make something to eat.


In the main house Kodachi finally woke up. Someone had placed an ice pack on her face. She sat up and probed her face gingerly. All Silk had done to her was bloody her nose, nothing had been broken.

It was true that she had lost, but losing to her friend didn't seem so bad. The side effect was that the other Kodachi was knocked senseless for a while, she was her own person for a bit.

Silk and Happosai came back to the main house fully laden with food. Silk offered Kodachi a Danish from the heap of breads and fruits they'd stacked on the coffee table while she munched on a nectarine. "How's your head?" she asked, "I'm pretty sure nothing was broken, just bruised."

Kodachi gingerly took the offered Danish and began to eat it just a little bit. "I'll be alright, Silk. Just a bruise across the face. Thank you for not hurting me too badly."

Silk nodded. "I knew that you weren't yourself." she said, reaching out, she touched Kodachi's face and the bruise and pain disappeared. But the Other Kodachi didn't wake up. The trio munched in silence for a moment when a loud crash was heard, followed by what sounded like thunder, and finally the sound of water flowing. A yelp from the kitchen moved all three to investigate. The kitchen faucet was spraying water all over the place, then abruptly stopped, though the pipe echoed with the sound of rushing water. "What the hell is going on?" Silk demanded of one of the cooks.

"Mr. King and one of your friends is fighting in the basement. They just broke the water main!" the man shouted back as he tried to close off the pipe which was still occasionally spurting water into the air.

Happosai made the mistake of stepping into the kitchen at that moment. With predictable results. A dripping Happi-Chan stood still in the kitchen. She never expected to get splashed in the ranch house.

"Am I magnetically attracted to water?"

Keisuke dragged the big Texan by his ankles as he trudged up the stairs to where everyone was waiting. He looked like hell. He was completely soaked, cut, bruised, bloody, and just plain whipped. Jim King, on the other hand, was in even worse shape. His clothes were scorched, his hair was frizzled, and he looked like he just peed on a 100000000000000 megavolt generator. He was fried. Keisuke huffed as he slammed the Texan down. "I need a rest." he said, falling into an easy chair and passing out.

Silk had to agree as she tried (and failed on the first attempt) to lift Mr. King onto a nearby couch. She decided she could tend him just as well on the floor. With the help of a first aid kit and voltmeter she soon had him wrapped up and on his way to a quick recovery. His hair was going to take a few days to go back to normal, though. The servants (three really big guys) hauled him off to bed.

As she started on Keisuke's wounds, Silk was glad they only had one fight per day; It looked like she would be playing medic for the duration. "Wakey wakey, lover boy." she said when she had worked her way up to cleaning the cuts on his face. She noted that the alcohol in the first aid kit needed to be replaced. "You messed yourself up good this time."

Happi-Chan looked over Silk's shoulder while munching on an apple. She winced when she saw how much punishment Keisuke had taken. "Oh my.. are you sure he won?"

"He was still walking, your student was out cold and staying that way for a good long time. Keisuke should be waking up any moment now." Silk said as she wiped the last of the blood from her friend's face.

The door opened, and a werewolf and a catwoman came in, carrying Terry and Alex, to set them on a pair of bunks. "Well, that was anti-climatic. They knocked each other out."

"My word.. they are really taking this tournament serious!" Happi chirped in as she set about to helping Silk.

Jackie walked in and sat down at a free chair. "They really pounded each other out there!"

Silk could hardly argue as she went to restore some chi levels and heal the worst of the wounds the two had inflicted on each other. When she was finished this time her face was starting to look drawn. "how many more?" she asked softly.

As some of his ki was restored, Alex awakened. He saw Silk working on the slowly-recovering Terry, then remembered the last moments of the fight, and groaned. "Just great. No clear winner. But it was a good workout." He grinned at Terry. "Want to do it again sometime?"

"Perhaps later." Came Terry's pained reply. "You know, you're almost as tough as Wolfgang Krauser."

Keisuke smiled, trying to disguise the stinging sensation he was getting as Silk tended to his cuts and bruises. "Thanks Silk. I owe you one." He glanced over at Terry and Alex. "Glad to know I'm not the only one who got messed up." he said grinning.

Silk sighed as she fell into a recliner near Keisuke. "Not the only one to get messed up, but the only one who gets healed the next time it happens." Silk's glare at Alex and Terry was almost tangible.

"Thanks for the recharge, Silk." Alex wasn't looking in Silk's direction at the time, but he could feel her glare and cringed slightly as he looked over at Keisuke and Terry. "Nope, you're not man." Alex then replied to Terry, "I've got to say, you're one of the toughest natural humans I've ever fought. We're going to have to do this again sometime."

Fujiko decided at that time to walk in. She looked okay with the exception of a small bruise on the side of her face. "Well, that was interesting...Did any of you hear about supper arrangements? Right now, a bag of tortilla chips and a huge bowl of four-alarm salsa sounds really, really good right now, but I don't want to spoil my dinner if they are about to serve it." Fujiko asked, showing a Cheshire cat smile.

Ryuu entered the bunk carrying a big bag of junk food. That was when he noticed the terrible shape the others were. "Damn," he said to Keisuke and Alex, "What'd you guys do? Walk into a meat grinder?" Ryuu glanced at the tournament listings. "So, who am I fighting next?"

"Fujiko-San, I believe they will not be serving dinner for a while, Keisuke-San and Jim-San trashed the plumbing." Kodachi smiled a bit at the Red Head. "It also seems like you and I are the only tournament losers that didn't get the bean jam beaten out of them."

Terry and Alex both said, "Who lost?" Now that he was conscious, Alex started using his own ki to heal his injuries, using Silk's technique. "Well, first priority: food." John brought Alex some of the food that Happi had stashed away. As Alex began to pack away the food, he said, "That was a good fight."

Silk snatched some of the food before Alex could eat it all and munched it down. then she looked at the clock, doing a few mental calculations. "It's morning, they won't be serving lunch for a while, and the jet lag is starting to get to me. I'm going to sleep. Wake me if anyone looks like they need immediate medical attention. Otherwise, I'll hurt anyone who wakes me up before local noon." the healer walked off, slowly, with the careful precision of someone who is drunk but is firmly convinced that they aren't drunk. It took a while.

"Okay...I'm off to the mini-mart, then. See ya around." Fujiko said as she quickly sped off in search of her food.

Happi hopped up and landed unsteadily next to Silk putting one hand on her shoulder. "Are you going to be alright, Silk-Chan?"

Silk over corrected for the sudden weight increase on one side, re-corrected and finally ended in a kung fu stance called a twisted horse before she answered, "I'll be fine... Don't worrrrrry about it." her voice was thick, and she rolled her r's unintentionally.

Happi wasn't buying it. "I'll help you get to the bunkhouse." She responded with all seriousness.

"You're no fun, Happi." Silk sighed, stepping very carefully towards the bunkhouse. "Slow, isn't it?" she giggled, "but no otherrrr way to do it."

"Actually, there is," Alex said from behind the duo. A quick thought later, Silk was floating into the bunkhouse and being set down on a bed. "Go ahead and sleep it off. I'm going to go and workout with John and Felicia. Have a pleasant nap." Alex then took off, to meet up with his friends.

Silk was not going to blow up for the indignity of being summarily floated to her room, but she was pissed that Alex had taken her healing, thanked her only when she reminded him, then gone off to play while she slept off the drain it had cost her. --if I'm going to be drained.-- she fired off a single anger powered chi net that hit Alex in the back and pulled him to the ground. "Thank you but no thank you. Arrrrrogant Jack ass." she took back the chi that she had given him (no more and no less), leaving him in pretty much the state he'd arrived in, minus the injuries. She instantly felt better. "Since you obviously have enough energy to go play with your friends, I'll take mine back now. Have a nice nap." she mimicked his tone as she walked away, leaving him to lie where he was until his chi returned.

Alex slowly got up, and shook his head. "Man, that wasn't happy good. Crrrrazy girl," he muttered to himself as Silk saw John running up to Alex and dragging him off to the desert, giving him a full critique of the fight, and what he was going to have to do to make up for toying with an opponent instead of putting him down quickly. Even Silk cringed at the mention of some of the drills that the werewolf told Alex he was in for.

Silk laughed as she shook her head at Alex and his werewolf 'friend' who apparently was going to put him through a hell workout. She went back into the main house, looking for Terry, another one who had taken advantage of her abilities with no thank you. She found him in the kitchen trying to find something to eat. She put a hand on his shoulder, "I'll be taking back what's mine now." she whispered in explanation before taking back most of the ki she'd given him. She wasn't pissed at him, so she left him enough to remain standing. She felt wide awake now, and went looking for the others who had finished their fights.

Happi-Chan had to laugh at the antics of her student. No one messes with the heir to the founding school and gets away with it. She was proud of the way Silk handled the situation.

"Hello? Hello? Hey, anyone there?" A loud banging came from one of the closets in the building before it was blown of its hinges by a slightly irate Ryouga Hibiki carrying a nicely singed Paul Phoenix.

Ranma strided in proudly, dropping the battered Ken Masters into a nearby bed and went to get a glass of water. He saw Ryouga carrying in his opponent. "Heh heh." he laughed at Ryouga when he saw the shape of the fighter he was carrying. "Good job, Ryouga. Maybe I'll see you in the next match. Then again, you could luck out and be paired with someone else." he smirked at him and downed his glass of water.

Kodachi smiled, she always liked it when her darling Ranma won in any martial competition he competed in. "Ranma-Sama." She called as she walked over to Ranma offering him a glass of juice. "I hope to see you win the rest of the tournament."

Ranma took the glass of juice and sipped slowly. "Thanks Kodachi. I hope to see me win too." he said grinning.

About that time, Johnny Cage walked back into the Ranch house. He was gently Cradling an Unconscious Akane and gently sat her on the couch. Akane didn't appear to be injured except for being slightly singed.

Johnny flashed on of his Hollywood smiles at the group. "She'll be okay, she's pretty tough for a young girl."

Silk finished on the food she'd managed to scrounge from the kitchen as Ryouga and Ranma came in, and noticed when Akane was carried in by the arrogant American who's name she didn't know. she checked the list and saw that almost all the fights were complete.

Alex VS Terry Bogard ----------- Double KO
Akane VS Johnny Cage ------------ Cage
Happosai VS Robert Garcia ---------- Happosai
Ranma VS Ken Masters ------------ Ranma
Ryuu VS Andy Bogard ------------ Ryuu
Ryouga VS Paul Phoenix ----------- Ryouga
Keisuke VS Jim King --------------- Keisuke
Kodachi VS Silk ------------------- Silk
Fujiko VS Ukyou ------------------ Ukyou
Brush VS Perfume ---------------- ________
Mimiku VS Rinse ------------------ ________

Only two fights remained in the first round, and there was much speculation as to would be fighting who in the next set of fights.

Perfume entered the house at that point. her Naginata was covered in frost in it's holder on her back. She was helping a shivering and blue frost covered Brush into the house.

How was she to know that her Naginata was capable of reflecting spells at their casters.

Meanwhile, Alex was being drilled in speed attacks and other techniques by John, who was on Alex's case like a drill sergeant on buck privates. "So, you had the gall to hold back on that guy. And look where it got you. Now, it's time to get busy, you! If you think you've been training before, you're going to love this. You're going to learn how to use your other forms speed in your normal body. It's a from of ki manipulation. Here's a demonstration..." The werewolf began to attack at a speed never seen by anyone present, moving fast enough to leave a trail of after-images behind himself at first then he began to go even faster. Alex was being forced to constantly speed up, or get knocked around by the werewolf. "You gotta move faster, Alex. Get going!"

Just then, the door to the big house opened, and Mimiku stepped in, followed by Rinse. Both looked ragged and a little worse for wear, but their match was over with. Mimiku looked about the room, "Well, what's all the hub-bub?"

"Just waiting for you two to finish." Happi-Chan shouted as she made a few more entries on the board.

Meanwhile a Bruised and frazzled looking Jim King came back downstairs. He moved some of the names around on the match up board. "Hey Yall! This here is tomorrow's fighting list.

Silk VS Ryuu
Ranma VS Ryouga
Keisuke VS Happosai
Ukyou VS Perfume
Johnny Cage VS Mimiku

To be Continued