Tropical Amazons.. Getting there is Half the Fun

RNRPG: Tropical Amazons
Started by: Perfume

Scarf, Perfume and the denizens of Curses and Cures were all in the international terminal of the Tokyo Airport. Scarf and Perfume had their Passports and Tickets at the ready. Their flight was leaving in just a few minutes.

Perfume was hugging and saying good bye to her friends. She was very nervous about the trip she and Scarf had won in the swimsuit contest. She was even more frightened about getting on that airplane.

Just then the intercom piped into the terminal. "Now Boarding Japan Airlines flight 369 to Honolulu Hawaii, Now Boarding flight 369."

"That's your plane." Silk pointed out to the pink haired amazon who was currently glomped onto her quite firmly. "You'll be fine. Your English is more then good enough to get you by in Hawaii." the healer smiled at her friends. "Have a good time, and don't worry. I'm sure Nerima won't get any saner while you're gone."

Alex looked at the duo. "Have fun, kids." He handed each of them a phone card, and a business card. If you run into trouble, call me. Now go catch your plane."

Keisuke watched Alex hand over his little 'gifts.' "Gimme a break." he muttered under his breath. "Good luck, Perfume-Chan," he said, giving her a big hug. "Be good over there." he said with a smile." He turned to Scarf, "You keep an eye on her, now." he grinned at him. "You two better hurry now. That plane is about to leave any minute. I'll see you guys later."

Perfume smiled and waved at her friends. Stopping only to wipe a single happy tear away. She had found friends that would miss her while she was gone. No one even noticed she had left the village when she came to Japan.

"I'll bring you all souvenirs when we get back!"

Perfume walked down the terminal ramp toward the plane. Hoping that Scarf was right behind her.

Which he, of course, was...waving at the crew he was temporarily leaving. They both were guided to their seats, first class seats. As he sat down next to Perfume he asked her, "So, what the first thing you want to do when we get to Hawaii?"

Perfume had a nervous white-knuckled grip on her arm rests, and was glancing warily out of the window when she heard Scarf's question. "I don't know Scarf-Chan, Do whatever strikes our fancy. Let's make having fun our top priority."

Perfume's smile was somewhat forced considering she was still struggling with the concept of flying. "How does this huge monster get off the ground?"

Keisuke stood with Silk and Alex, watching Scarf and Perfume disappear among the plane's many boarding passengers. "Well, I hope they have fun." As he turned around to walk away he noticed outside the window, a short, shriveled, old man hiding among the luggage being loaded onto the plain. "Oh man..." he grumbled. Before Silk or Alex could question him, Keisuke had ran out an emergency exit and stealthily slipped into the baggage compartment. "I'd better find that little lecher before this plane takes off." he thought to himself.

Happosai had found himself a nice place to hide inside Perfume's luggage. he may have lost the contest, but there was no way he was passing up an opportunity like this. Hawaii was filled with all sorts of lovely ladies.

Happi was also busy stuffing Perfume's underwear into his pockets. Since Silk made him promise to leave her clothesline alone, he hadn't been able to collect any of these particular Silky Darlings for himself.

Keisuke tossed random suitcases around, in a hurry to find Happosai. The flight crew was already ready and it would be any moment before the plane took off. "Happi! We don't have time for this! Where the hell are you?" he yelled, before noticing Perfume's bag moving around. "Why you little..." he murmured as he grabbed the suitcase and dumped the contents out on the floor.

Silk had watched as Keisuke dashed out of the emergency exit door, ignoring the alarm it set off. When security came running she pretended that she had opened it by mistake, managing through a combination of Shampian Chinese accent and subtle emotional manipulations, to convince them that is was an honest mistake. They smiled and told her to be more careful, and to get someone to translate if she couldn't read the signs. She promised solemnly, and they left. --YOU OWE ME-- Silk's mental voice sounded in Keisuke's mind, the first time she's ever spoken to him like that. --What are you doing?--

"WHOA!" Keisuke yelped in the sudden moment that he had heard Silk's voice in his head. It was as if she was speaking to him through her mind. Actually, it was exactly that. "Oh well, what the hell." he said, attempting to message her back. --Happosai is aboard the plane. I'm trying to find him before this plane takes off. Otherwise, Hawaii is going to be a mess.--

Keisuke heard the distant sound of an alarm going off, and voices shouting. --I'll Help-- he heard Silk's voice in his head again, and a moment later she appeared next to him in the luggage compartment. Not that she ran up behind him, she just appeared from no where. "Null space." she said in answer to his confused look. "I'll explain later." Happosai had made good his escape from Perfume's bag in the confusion of Silk's arrival, and now it was up to Silk and Keisuke to hunt him down and get him out before the plane took off... if they could.

Not that speed even mattered at this point. Two baggage handlers, wearing earmuffs to protect their delicate hearing from the roar of the jet engine, closed all the cargo doors. They didn't even hear the commotion in the cargo bay.

Just as Silk and Keisuke were closing in on Happosai, they felt the plane move and begin Taxiing towards take off.

"Damn." Silk scrambled for the rear of the compartment, found a heavy box against the wall and sat against it. "Get over here unless you want to get thrown around when we take off." She called to Happi and Keisuke, "Looks like we're going to Hawaii."

Alex, who had been dealing with a call on his phone, saw the plane taking off, with Silk, Happosai and Keisuke being inside the cargo bay. "Just my luck." --Silk, what are you three doing?!!? It's not exactly safe, or comfortable where you're sitting. If you wanted to go that badly, you should have just asked me.-- He shook his head in weary resignation. --I'll meet you in Hawaii.--

--It wasn't my idea. Happi stowed away in Perfume's bag. we were trying to catch him. and you don't have to come to Hawaii, we can get home on our own-- Silk sent back as the others joined her against the back wall. --I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you know.--

--Never said you couldn't, Silk.-- was the reply sent back. --I'll go back and make sure the shop is secured. I guess I'll see you when I get back.-- With that, Alex cut the connection, and went to handle the shop, and some business issues.

--Thank...oh-- Silk felt the connection being cut and sighed. --Try assert a little independence and he goes off to pout-- She shook her head, then looked at her compartment mates. "So, what shall we do when we arrive?"

Happi was beside himself with excitement. He loved Hawaii, it had been a long time since he had been there. That's when the others noticed the pink lace poking out from his Gi.

"I knew it!" Keisuke yelled, grabbing Happi by the feet and shaking him upside down, dumping out a whole lot of panties...mostly Perfume's. With that, he tossed him back into the corner, despite his objections. He looked over at Silk, who he guessed, had been 'mind-speaking' to Alex. "What'd he say?" he asked her.

"He wanted to meet us there, so I told him we could take care of ourselves. So he cut me off in a huff. I try to assert a little independence and he gets all huffy, like I'd done some huge blow to his ego. So I don't know if he's coming or not, and I don't really care." Silk's voice was frustrated, but the frustration seemed like a familiar thing to her, not unusual. "Come sit, we'll be taking off soon, and you don't want to fly that way."

Keisuke couldn't help but smile at the fact that Silk had just rejected Alex's offer. Not that he considered doing anything about it but... let's just say it was an interesting revelation. Keisuke took a seat. "This is going to be a reaaaally long trip." he said with a frown.

The light in the cargo compartment went off from automatic timer. "And Dark." Silk added to Keisuke's comment. Keisuke suddenly felt Silk's hand softly wiping his forehead, "Okay, there you are." the hand was removed, "Sorry, I just wanted to know where you were." Silk leaned back against the box. "Very long. Hey Happi, you better find a place to sit, or you'll be-" she stopped talking. It was to late to do anything, as the plane had just started it's takeoff acceleration.

Happosai was trying to find his way in the dark, when the plane took off. He lost his footing on some of the luggage and bounced to the rear of the cargo bay.

Upon landing he discovered that he managed to do accidentally what he could never do intentionally. Even worse he promised Silk he would stop trying this. He had landed between Silk's breast's in the classic glomping position.

All that could be heard from Happosai was a muffled. "Oh SH@T!"

Keisuke blinked. Then he blinked again. After blinking one more time, he found Happosai. Bracing himself for a violent reaction, he held on tight to his box. "Uh oh."

Silk mirrored Keisuke's blinking reaction, then simply grabbed Happosai by the collar, dislodged him from her bosom and dropped him next to her, on the opposite side from Keisuke. "Less warm, but much less hazardous to your health." Only after he was on the floor did she smite him with a swift downward elbow on the head. Then she shivered, "I wonder if we could find a blanket in any of these bags. It's starting to get cold in here."

Meanwhile, back in Japan, Alex was finishing with locking down the Cures and Curses. "Well, now that's done, let's see what else is on the agenda..." He pulled out his planner, and went down the list. What he saw planned for the next day made him smack himself. "I'm supposed to be in Hawaii tomorrow morning! I may as well have went with them! Just great." Alex quickly went to make his own travel arrangements, namely calling home to ask Benson to pack his bags, and call the company pilot.

"Hold on a bit, Silk." Keisuke said, getting up. Using the cargo wall as a guide, he walked down the room till he found a small switch panel. "Aha." he said, flicking a switch. SSSSSSSSHHHHHHH... "AUUUGHH!!" he yelled as his eardrums just about exploded, the cabin depressurizing. Silk and Happosai yelped before Keisuke flicked the switch back and tried another one. The air pressure went back to normal and the lights came on. It wasn't that bad a space they were in, it was actually pretty cozy. Digging into a nearby box, he managed to find some airplane blankets and pillows. They weren't the most comfortable things in the world, but they'd have to do. Walking back over to their spot, he tossed some blankets and pillows over to Silk. "Here ya go." he said. He was about to hand some to Happi but he was out cold. "I think you hit the guy a little too hard." He shrugged. "Oh well."

Silk took the blankets with a grateful smile, "Thanks, you're a dear." she wrapped the konked out master in a blanket and set him on a box, then curled up against the back wall. "May as well rest until we get there, nothing we can do at this point. I think that between us Happosai and I can sneak us all past customs, because I didn't bring my passport or anything beyond my normal wallet and things."

"If anything else, those should help." Keisuke said, pointing at a pair of flight uniforms, one was for a stewardess and the other was a pilot's uniform. "This should be fun." he said grinning.


"...and that's how I defeated Herb." Scarf said finishing off his story. "So what stories do you have to tell?"

Perfume was still very quiet, she had yet to get used to the airplane. Plus she was still trying to cover the fact that she broke one of her armrests off when the plane took off.

"You defeated Herb? That is one for the accomplishment books. I've never seen any one defeat him. " She smiled a bit as she thought about her memories of the musk dynasty. "You probably didn't know it, But I dated Mint for a while, in secret of course."


Fully dressed like a pilot, Keisuke adjusted his cap. "How do I look?" he said grinning. He thought he looked pretty good. The look Silk gave him said otherwise. He walked over to the elevator and pressed the button for the passenger floor. The elevator moved up slowly. It was a simple panel, not many buttons at all. A buzzing sound let him know he reached the floor. Stepping out into the aisle, he looked for Perfume and Scarf. Seeing Perfume, he walked over to her. "Ahem," he said, winking at Perfume. "Would you two please be so kind as to follow me?"

Silk shook her head at Keisuke's audacity. they weren't supposed to be on this plane at all, and they'd doubtless be in trouble if the authorities caught them, so what does he do? go up into the main compartment in a purloined pilot's uniform. She didn't know what he had planned, and decided she didn't want to know.

Perfume sputtered on the soda she was drinking. She had to rub her eyes to verify that this wasn't an apparition she was seeing. "Keisuke!" She whispered. " How did you end up on here?"

Keisuke grinned. "Long story, actually." he whispered back. "Excuse me, sir?" he heard from behind him. He turned around to face a young flight attendant. "Yes?" She looked very nervous. "Um, sir, who is flying the plane right now?" Keisuke looked thoughtful momentarily. "Why, the copilot is. What did you think?" The girl's tone began to change from questioning to suspiciousness. "There is no copilot on this flight. He...ran into some unavoidable trouble. I suggest you end this little charade before somebody gets hurt." "C'mon, look lady, I..." Keisuke tried to protest but was cut short by a gun held to his chest. The lady smiled a sickeningly sweet smile. "We wouldn't want that now, would we?" Five other passengers rose up from their seats, opened their overhead compartments, and pulled out a some guns from their compartments. "Alright everybody!! This is a hijacking!! If you all cooperate, nobody will get hurt!!" the lady screamed, gun still to Keisuke's chest.

Silk was waiting for the axe to fall when she heard a lady screaming about no one getting hurt and extreme emotional switch from startlement t anger in her friends, fear from the other passengers. "What the hell!" she swore, grabbing Happosai and shaking him, she ran towards the elevator shaft. There was a ladder next to it. She decided the ladder would be a better stealth choice then the elevator. She debated fading into Nullspace, but decided to hold that option in reserve. The healer climbed the ladder as silently as only a Nerima martial artists could.

She peeked through the door and saw several people waving guns, still shouting at the passengers. She saw a woman dressed as a stewardess had Keisuke at gunpoint. "Damn." she swore softly. She shook Happosai again and set the now reviving martial arts master on her shoulder. She reached forward and made a grasping motion, hoping that this constituted enough threat... Her demon fighting sword appeared in her hand and she wasn't sure whether to be glad or worried. She could only summon the sword from 'hammerspace' when her life or that of a friend was in immediate danger.

--How many are there? Don't speak, just think it.-- She demanded of Scarf, Perfume and Keisuke all at once, forgetting her usual reluctance to mind-speak the ungifted without permission.

Keisuke flinched as Silk was using mind-speak to talk to him. The gun jabbed him. "I told you not to move." the stewardess/hijacker said, still keeping that same smile Keisuke had first seen her with. "Sorry..." Keisuke grumbled. She jabbed him yet again. "Don't talk, either." Keisuke answered with a light nod. Using the best of his peripheral vision, he counted the hijackers. --Nice of you to drop by. There are 5 of them. Two men, two females, and then this lovely bitch right here.-- "Glad to see you have everything under control, my dear." Keisuke heard another male voice. The pilot of the plane walked out from the cockpit, holding a pistol. "Just keep them under control until we get to Hawaii. If they meet our demands, we'll let the passengers go. For now, just keep them in check. If anyone tries to be a hero," he said, looking directly into Keisuke's eyes. "Kill them." --Um, make that six.--

--I see them-- Silk 'said'. She looked at Happosai, who was by now awake and aware. --Welcome to hijacking 101. No lesson plan, the final is now. prize for passing is survival.-- She thought for a moment, then blatantly invaded Keisuke's privacy further by taking a look at the situation through his eyes. She also glanced from Scarf and Perfume's perspective, but they couldn't see much from where they were sitting. The pilot and the Lady who was holding Keisuke at gunpoint were the closest to her, naturally. The other four people were stationed two in the middle of the coach cabin, two at the back near the other service elevator. All of them stood in the aisles, in perfect shooting range for the potion dipped darts that Shampoo had 'given' her close to a year ago, when she arrived in Nerima. Hmmm.... --Happosai, use the ladder at the rear of the plane to get the drop on those two. Scarf and Perfume, I'm going to try to hit the middle pair with darts, but they'll need to be subdued. Keisuke,-- her mental monologue paused for a moment. --You're going to have to trust my swordmanship this time. When I say drop, you need to hit the floor and stay there.--

Happosai grinned like a Cheshire cat, he loved fighting stupid people who didn't know what they had gotten themselves into. He judged the distance between the ladder and the high-jackers. Then slammed it quite nicely on the last two's heads.

--Did you just miss that guy's whole speech on shooting any potential heroes?-- Keisuke angrily mind-spoke back to Silk. --I suggest you wait for an opening instead of making one. I really don't want anything to happen to you.-- Keisuke already knew that she was damn well capable of taking care of herself, so he was pretty sure nothing he said would change her mind. --But then again, I wouldn't have to pay rent anymore, now, would I? I gotcha. Drop means drop.--

Perfume was a little scared and slightly irritated. She never liked guns, and liked them even less now that they were pointing towards her and her friends. As soon as she had the chance she would make them pay.

As Happi's Ladder nailed the last two, the other hijackers turned to see what had happened. Perfume used the opportunity to put her speed and the broken arm rest to work.

She lunged forward and hit the Pilot/Hijacker with all of her might, and knocked him out with the broken arm rest. Then she swiftly moved out of the way before they could get a good shot on her.

"PERFUME!! NO!" screamed Keisuke as she nailed the pilot in the head. The woman holding Keisuke at gunpoint turned around and fired at Perfume but she was already clear. Keisuke used the opportunity to grab her from behind and yank the gun out of her hands, and push her into Scarf to hold. The last two hijackers were really scared right now and just started to fire their guns. As much as he didn't want to us the gun, Keisuke shot both hijackers in the knees, crippling them both and they dropped their automatic weapons, which he ran over and collected. The plane was a mess. Bullet holes were everywhere but none had hit any windows, thankfully. The passengers were terrified and a few had been shot. Estimating the wounded, Keisuke hoped none were fatal. "Silk," he called her out from her hiding place. "You have to help these people." he told her as he headed toward the cockpit.

Happi ran towards the mess that was the high-jackers. It was a very rare occasion that he got to be a hero of sorts.

"Good work, Perfume and Keisuke!" he was proud of both of them, even though Keisuke wasn't one of his students.

Without another word, he began helping the wounded passengers. Then another thought entered his mind as he noticed the crumpled form of the pilot.

"Ummmm Who's flying the plane?"

Keisuke looked back at Happosai before he entered the cockpit. "I'm going to try." Before doing anything he radioed the authorities and told them that the plane had been hijacked but everything was now under control. He examined the control panel carefully. He had a few flying lessons before but that was on a Cessna. This was a 747. "Okay," he took a deep breath setting into the pilot's seat. "Here goes nothing..."

Silk and Happosai were trying to help the passengers that had been wounded, but one man kept screaming, demanding to know if she was a doctor, Swearing up and down that she was going to kill him. That she was letting him die. There was too much blood, why wasn't the blood stopping, and so on and so forth. He had the whole section in hysterics. The Amazon healer considered pulling a sword on him, but decided that would only make it worse. Silk finally stopped trying to get him to calm down and placed her hand on the wound. "HOLD STILL!" she half shouted, and he stopped moving. She concentrated and the wound healed itself before everyone eye's. "Happy now?" she asked the man.

He nodded, eyes wide "how-

"Then Shut up, you weren't the only one who was hurt!" she left him and the passengers around him to wonder as she tended to the others who had been hurt.

One of the victims had been a small child, who clung to his mother like a limpet despite Happosai and Perfume's attempts to get him to allow them to apply first aid. He was crying. Silk used the same speed healing technique on him, feeling that this chi was much better spent then on the hysterical man. The child and his mother certainly acted more grateful. The other wounds where all superficial at best, so she felt no remorse over coming forward to the cockpit and slumping into the co-pilot's chair. "Well?" she asked.

"Well what? I'm doing the best I can." Keisuke held the throttle steady, monitoring the flight coordinates. "So far we're on course. I'm sure I can fly us there safely, but the landing might be a bit of a problem. But all in all, we'll live." he said, smiling at Silk. "So how're the passengers back there?"

Perfume, meanwhile was still coming off of her adrenaline rush. She still couldn't believe that she rushed the attackers. She looked down on the man she had nailed with the broken arm rest. A large knot was swelling on the side of his head.

"Serves you right for being a criminal. Yen Wo Lang will not be as merciful as I have been to you."

Happosai stacked the hijackers on top of each other, one of them began to stir, so he kicked the miscreant in the head to put him back out again.

He patted Perfume on the leg as he went past. "Good work Girl, but it was way too risky, you could have gotten killed too easily."

he walked into the cockpit dumping a glass of cold water on his head and transforming. She quickly donned a spare stewardess uniform. "I hope that you guys can handle this thing, I'm going to try to calm the passengers down.

She took the intercom microphone. "Attention passengers, we have had a small incident with a group of hijackers, the hijackers have been subdued and the flight crew is in control of the aircraft once more. We will be arriving in Hawaii shortly."

Happi put a hand on Silk and Keisuke's shoulders. "Good work you two, I'm going to restart the in flight movie and resume drink service.

"Okay, Happi..." Keisuke mumbled, trying to keep his concentration on flying the plane. "You do that."

--What in God's name just happened?-- thought the pilot as he came to. Without making any noticeable movement, he opened his eyes to see what he could. He saw his comrades all down, tied up, and being watched by a young man. He saw an old man trying to cheer everybody up by starting the in flight movie and giving everybody drinks. Then he saw another young man flying the plane...and next to him was a woman. --Damn you. Damn you all. You won't ruin my mission. YOU CAN'T RUIN IT!! I WON'T LET YOU!!-- Carefully and silently, the pilot upholstered a gun from his boot, aimed at the man piloting the plane...and fired.

Part of the 'gift' of hearing thoughts is that if you're unshielded, you can hear any and all strong thoughts in the area. Though this is also a burden, in this case it allowed Silk to hear the pilot's thoughts before he acted. She leapt towards the man even as he fired, shouting get down at Keisuke as she moved...

Too little, too late. The bullet impacted her lower chest and lodged there, nestled between her lower ribs. Her trajectory caused her to land on the hijacking pilot, knocking his gun away from him. She planted her fist between his eyes, sending him to the land of the KO'd once again, and it took every bit of will she had not to join him there. "Damn it. Why does this always happen to me?" She demanded of no one in particular as she put a hand to her bleeding side. "God damn Martyr-Hero reflex." she grumbled.

"SILK!!" Keisuke screamed when he finally realized what had just happened. He quickly flipped the auto-pilot switch before kneeling beside Silk. "What did you get yourself into now?" he said with a wry smile on his face as he noticed the wound. He gently ran his fingers through her hair. "Just relax. You'll be okay." Keisuke said, trying to comfort her. "HAPPI!!" he called out, hoping he'd be able to help her. He held on to Silk's hand, trying to keep her from passing out. "Just hang on. We're almost there."

Silk looked at him, accepting the hand, but not looking overly worried. "Quit acting like I'm going to die on you." she said with a sigh. "Lend me a little strength, and I'll be fine."

"You've been shot. What do you want me to do? Tell you a story?" Keisuke asked, slightly frustrated. He quickly calmed down and let up a small chi aura. "Here..." he said, concentrating on maintaining his aura.

Silk smiled reassuringly, "Actually, telling a story is good for a person who might be going into shock. It gives them something to focus on besides the wound." Silk said as she drew some of Keisuke's chi, combined it with her own and used the energy to stop the blood flow. Then she released Keisuke's hand, placing it on her shoulder, so they were still touching. but her hands were free. "You may not want to watch this." she said as she carefully probed into the wound, half burying her hand in her own chest in order to find the bullet and pull it out before she went to close the hole.

Keisuke grimaced as Silk plunged her hand in. "It's okay, I've seen worse." he said. Actually, this was probably as nasty as it got.

Silk finished with a slight grunt, dropping the blood-soaked bullet into her pocket and looked for something to wipe her hands on. She settled for her pant legs. They were already ruined beyond repair anyway. "I think I'll lie down for a little while." she smiled wanly, then slumped over against the bulkhead. "Yeah, here looks good."

Keisuke chuckled slightly. "You do that. I'll get back to flying this plane." Keisuke headed back to the cockpit and continued on course.

Perfume panicked when she saw Silk take a bullet. She paused for a second to crush every bone in the now unconscious pilot's hand and removing all weapons from the area.

She then moved over to Silk placing a hand on the younger woman's shoulder. Infusing her with a dose of Perfume's own Chi.

"Thanks." Silk reached to give Perfume's hand a reassuring squeeze, then stopped. "Do you have anything that would fit me?" she held up her blood-streaked hands. "I'm a bit of a mess."

Happi-Chan ran as fast as she could back to the front of the plane. She got there just in time to see Silk work her healing magic on herself. The look of worry on Happi's face turned to one of relief.

"Is everything alright?"

"Everything's alright now, Happi" Perfume answered the old lech turned stewardess. She looked at Silk doing a quick body size comparison. "umm I don't think any of my clothes will fit you properly, Silk-Chan"

Silk nodded agreement. She was built nothing like the shorter amazon. then she noticed Scarf silently tying the pilot into an extremely uncomfortable position using seatbelt extenders and some twine. "No problem." she pulled herself up and went to where Perfume and scarf had been sitting, opened the overhead compartment, and grabbed Scarf's bag. She pulled it down, opened it up and rummaged through it, coming out with a pair of black Chinese pants and a sky blue shirt. She put the bag back. "These should fit, don't you think?"

Perfume smiled in spite of herself. "Very nice Selection Silk-Chan." She thought better of any tomboy comments that might be made. IN her mind anything would look good on Silk.

Meanwhile, in a Concorde a couple of miles away...

Alex was sitting back and watching the news, having nothing better to do until he got to Hawaii. He saw the report on the hijacking, and noticed that the plane was the same flight that Scarf and the others were on. "Poor hijackers. They probably got their asses kicked rather badly." He went to the cockpit of his own plane, and asked the pilot to monitor the transmissions from the other plane. He tuned in just in time to hear Keisuke's transmission. "Hey, how are you guys?"

"Alex?" Keisuke said as he heard the familiar voice from the radio. "We're a point. Where the hell are you?"

Alex looked at the radar in the plane he was in. "I'm about 3 miles northwest of you guys, and closing. By the way, I got you guy's paperwork and stuff. You forgot it. So, what's up over there? Already got the hijackers under control?"

Alex heard Silk's voice in the background, "Damn straight they're under control. Only after one woke up and shot me. Well, to late to worry about it now." Silk had just reemerged from the cargo hold, where she'd gone to change her clothes, "Anyone have an extra belt? these pants are just a bit too big." The blue tanktop and pants fit fine otherwise, just a bit big around the waist.

Perfume yanked the belt off of the very hurt and very knocked out pilot. "Here you go Silk-Chan, this should fit."

Within an hour or so, with a minimum of directions from the tower, Keisuke managed to arrive in Hawaii. The plane was carefully taxied to the Run way, and all of the passengers disembarked. The Nerima crew spent some time making and report to the authorities and turning the battered hijackers over to the FBI.

Trying to explain the lack of wounds on the people who'd been shot was a bit of a problem, as was the explanation for their presence on the plane. It took quite a bit of convincing to persuade the authorities that they weren't really in league with the hijackers. Eventually, they succeeded...

It was very late by the time the group made it to the hotel where they're reservations were waiting for them.