Slayers 1/2 Introduction

Slayers 1/2 (intro)

Started by: Happosai

It was a quiet night in the wilderness. A group of rough looking people settled down in the remains of an old temple, all were armed with swords and arrows. They had several bags between them. "hey, man" The first one spoke roughly "Look at all of this stuff.. This is a helluva haul, we're on easy street now!"

"Maybe not as easy as you think, thieves!" a female voice spoke from the side. All the Thieves turned to her. She was a short woman with long red hair and small breasts, she was dressed as a sorcerer. He had a huge evil grin, and was looking longingly at the bags.

All the men drew their weapons menacingly.. the girl wasn't even fazed. "WHO ARE YOU LITTLE WENCH!!?" The bandit leader shouted at her.

"Oh, me??" She responded playfully, "I'm Lina Inverse."

The entire bandit group at once shouted, "OH NO!!! LINA INVERSE THE BANDIT KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" As the group turned to run shouting in terror, all that could be seen was Lina's fireball engulfing the bandits and their screams of terror turning into screams of pain.


Back in Nerima...

It was late on a moonless night. Two strange men were in the old Shinto shrine on the outskirts of town. One was Tall and large the other was thinner. Both had dreadlocks and their faces were done up in Black and white clown Makeup. They had just left an interesting statue in the abandoned temple.

"Yo, two dope.. ya think this gonna work, ninja?" The larger one whispered.

"Sure thing J" The thinner one answered, "The ringmaster needs ta have the Dark Carnival prevented in dat world, dawg.. All We gotta do is lure the proper people there and stop that Lina Inverse B@#$^ from Activating the portal, no prob, dawg."

The larger one looked around apprehensively. "And How do we get them here, dawg.. I don't see too many volunteers."

"Don't worry, J.. Milenko is in their dreams as we speak.. Dey'll show up for a martial arts Tournament.. and we use Dat statue to send them on their way."

"dat's cool, Dope."

That night Martial artist in Nerima had the same dream. They dreamed of a martial Arts tournament in the old abandoned Shinto shrine at the edge of town. They dreamed of fighting to save the world from total destruction. Everyone felt compelled to be there.

Brush woke from the dream in a cold sweat. --Something is very wrong about this. This sounds like something that would happen to Alex or Ranma. But I already know Alex will be there, so I'd best get a move on. He'll need my magic, that I'm sure of.-- She got up and dressed, grabbing her spellbook and weapons on the way out the door.

She left the Nekohanten, towards the source of the call.

"Going to the dream tournament?" a voice called from a side street. Silk stepped out from the shadows, dressed in her usual outfit, but carrying her weapons and lunch in a mid sized pack, sword handle and neon green canteen strap over her shoulders creating a rather incongruous image of ancient Chinese warrior equipped with a Leatherman Multitool (TM) in addition to the iconic heirloom sword.

The Healer fell into step next to the Lore Master apprentice. "Have you ever been to that temple? Old and abandoned, I thought." she said softly, "Perfect place for a tournament with dream sent invitations, don't you think?"

"Yep." Alex dropped from above the girls, startling them. "It's nice to know that I'm not the ONLY one this kind of weirdness targets, though." Alex was carrying the Eye of the Shaljo, as well as a small pack on his back with food, an extra canteen of water in addition to some to drink, and the lightsabre he kept from an earlier incident involving someone he never thought he'd see outside of the movies, Darth Maul.

"I suppose this means we'll have more guests arriving, ne?" A small sound was suddenly heard... like a tiny bell. All of the sudden the group of martial artists looked up and saw a small figure falling from the sky. It was Rinse on his bicycle, landing on top of Alex, crushing him. He leaped from his bike and bowed to his fellow amazons. "Nihao, Silk, Brush!"

He looked back to see Alex twitching on the ground then suddenly rising up quickly with a bump on his head and regains his usual suave self. A large sweat drop appeared on Rinse's head as he smiled innocently and said, "Whoops! Rinse sorry Mr. Alex-psycho-boy sir! Rinse need learning how to land properly."

Alex rubbed his head, muttering something about inventing a few NEW way to skin a kitten. He glared at Rinse and said, "As tempted as I am to blast you, I think we'd be better off saving our energy. So I'll let you off the hook this time." He walked towards the temple, muttering about that this is only supposed to happen to Ranma.


Somewhere in Nerima, close the Kuno's Mansion... "No, this can't be possible." Immediately, a steward entered the room looking very worried "Sir, is everything ok?", and he replied "Oh... I'm fine, Oswald... It's just that I had a strange dream... No, it wasn't a dream."

"Mr. Ulysses, don't pay attention to those things. It was just a dream" Ulysses's hand began glowing in a green color, "Sorry but I can't... a voice is calling me..." "It's your stomach, sir. You forgot to take your dinner."

Ulysses left the place carrying a bag full of food. When he finally arrived to the source of the call and saw the rest of the Martial artists. "Good!! So it wasn't a dream after all. I'll stay here and see what happens."

Alex looked at the newcomer and said, "I don't believe we've met. You are...?" Alex began to make a quick examination of the unknown persons ki levels.

Elsewhere in Nerima Happosai was sleeping soundly on a huge pile of feminine unmentionables. He fidgited in his sleep. His dream was not pleasant.

"Get out of my dreams Milenko!!" Happosai shouted in his dreams. looking up at the Image of Milenko. "I left the Carnival a long time ago!"

The glowing green image of Milenko looked down at him. "Happosai.. I for one know your heart.. Your not as evil as you think you are, I know you'll do the right thing and help those kids out."

Happosai woke up with a start. His head spinning from the dream. "I'm not helping Milenko, or those kids, or anyone." He whispered to himself. He sat there for a moment, then got up and ran in the direction of the group in question.

Back with the others..

. Ulysses turned to the group, "Oh, excuse me for not showing my manners. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Ulysses Alonzo. Nice to meet you." Ulysses shook hands with Alex, "Mmm... impressive. Psyonic energy..." After introducing himself he took a snack from his bag and started to eat. "Mmm... You guys, had that strange dream too, right?" ~munch~ ~munch~

Alex nodded. "Yep. We all did." Satisfied by the lack of darkness in Ulysses's aura, he began to continue. "By the way, you aren't as much of a jynx as your namesake, are you?"

"Mmm...?? Sorry. I wasn't paying attention to your question. But I already introduced myself. I'd like to know who are you guys. I can feel that you're not ordinary persons." And realized that some of them were carrying a lot of things. "Why are you carrying all that stuff with you? Planning to camp here?"

As the group was focused on Alex and Ulysses, all they heard was a divebombing pervert. "HA CHA!!! SILK-CHAN .. BRUSH-CHAN!!!!" the old martial arts master was making a diving Bee-line to Silk's Chest.

Silk brought her sheathed sword down quickly, warding off the old lech before he could try to grope her. Happosai had yet to succeeds in latching onto her chest, and perhaps saw it as a challenge? She used the handle of her sword to strike him atop the head, driving him down into the ground with a little expended chi force. She then stepped on his head with one foot as she turned to Ulysses.

"I am Silk, Healer, Demon Hunter, owner of the Curses and Cures, and an oft delinquent college student. That," She tapped her toe on Happi's head, all that showed above the ground, "is Happosai, master of Anything Goes Martial Arts and the biggest Hentai you've ever had the misfortune to meet." she ground her heal in a little harder into the lech's ear, then replaced her sword in her pack, "And when unsure of the nature of an invitation, one should always be prepared to provide for one's own food and shelter. It's only good manners."

Brush nodded. "She's right. I am Brush, Lore Master apprentice and heir the Organized Chaos Magic techniques. He," nodding towards Alex, "is Alex, heir to the School of Organized Chaos Martial arts. He's my fiancée."

Happosai quickly recovered and jumped up onto Brush's shoulder. "Fiancée?? C'mon Brush Darlin' leave this sad sack behind and marry me instead."


At the shrine the two wicked clowns watch the goings on through Milenko's crystal ball. The larger one looked at his partner, a look of confusion crossed his brow.

"Two dope, ya sure this group can stop Lina Inverse, dawg?"

"Absolutely sure, J.. These Girls, boy and pervert will make a great team.. almost as good as us man." He grinned evilly at J.

"I sho hope your right, man!"

With a speed that would impress even Cologne, Brush grabbed Happosai and punted him into the distance. "Not a chance, pervert! Go bug someone your own age!" She lowered her foot and looked at the group. "Well, what do we do now?"

Happosai meanwhile landed right at the abandoned shrine.. or should I saw into the shrine landing right on Violent J.

"ARGHHHH!!!! Get IT OFFA ME MAN!!!!!" Was all he could scream before Happosai jumped back to his feet.

The other clown stared at Happosai as he recovered his footing. " Happy, man.. I figured you'd be the first one here. Now all we need is the rest of your party."

For several moments they stood in silence, and nothing happened, then Silk said "Well, no sense in standing here all day. Move out!" with that they all took the rooftop route to the temple shrine.

A few minutes later they landed in the courtyard and looked around the place. "Yep, old and abandoned." Silk pronounced it. The others spread out a bit, looking for their unknown hosts. Meanwhile Violent J was staring at Happosai rather open mouthed.

" that you, man.. you got old."

"Shaddup J Some of us just aren't immortal." Was Happosai's response.

Shaggy looked around using supernatural powers of detection. "the Team is close.. time to fly." Shaggs placed his hand on Happosai's head. "all you guys gotta do is stop Lina Inverse from opening the portal." Shaggs grinned evilly. "and to make sure you don't get distracted.... I'm taking your perversion away until you get back." Happosai screamed in terror as a bright light enveloped the temple.. and the group of adventurers. rendering them all unconscious.

Slayers 1/2 part 1