A Little Sisterly Love Part 2

A Little Sisterly Love, Part 2
Started By: Perfume

Brush chose that moment to walk in. Dressed in a low-cut, slinky black dress and with the pheromone-enhancing perfume, she walked into the shop, and up to Alex. "I'm back!" She spun in place, sliding a bit closer and letting him (and incidentally everyone in the shop) get a good dose of the pheromones, and gave Alex a full view of the outfit she was wearing. She then stepped right in front of him, and began to run her fingers along his face and chest. "Alex, do you like it?"

Konatsu quickly moves his arm around Perfume so as to deceive Brush, and then blinked his eyes at Brush's dress and manners. "Umm, Perfume-San?" he whispered. "I think Brush just got vaselined."

"Indeed." Silk agreed, as Brush ran her fingers up and down her back, seeming to have completely missed the fact that Silk was still wrapped in Alex's arms. "Brush, would you mind not doing that?" Silk's voice was calm, but her expression was one of extreme irritation. --Talk about only having eyes for one person!--

Upon Brush's entrance Keisuke began to feel a little woozy. Before he knew it, he was damn near aroused. Tightly, he gripped the banister of the stairs as if it was his last hold before falling into the Earth's core. "Geez! What is it about these Chinese Amazons??"

Perfume meanwhile was having her own troubles. She was experiencing a feeling she had not felt since the incident with the pervert potion. She held onto Konatsu a little tighter, her love for him was the only thing keeping her from jumping Brush right now.

"You've got that right Konatsu-Chan" The nervousness in her voice was apparent. "Big Sis did a number on her."

Alex didn't noticed any of the comments being made. He was too busy trying to not have a raging hormone attack from being in close proximity to Brush...and due to his enhanced sense of smell, failing at it. The only thing keeping him from jumping Brush right then and there was the fact that Silk was holding him rather tightly all of a sudden.

--Are you a man with a mind or an animal controlled by hormones?-- Silk asked Alex telepathically. Silk could smell the pheromones, and she knew what they were doing to every person in the shop, including herself. She grip on Alex had tightened as she pulled him closer to herself.

--I'm an animal. Is that a problem, Silk?-- Zuberi stated. Silk soon found herself mentally watching Alex arguing with Zuberi about why raging hormones should be kept in check. Alex finally stated, --Listen, if you want to go have some fun, fine. But find your OWN body to do it in! You're in mine, and I'm not about to mess with Brush. She's like a sister. And I HAVE a girlfriend, or hadn't you noticed?-- --I care because? She's half-scared of you, and even though you may see Brush as a sister, I DON'T!!!-- Zuberi then said to Silk, --Don't you think it's fair that I should get a say in what happens? This is my body too!--

--It is Alex's body. You are the soul and personality of a long dead griffin, who happens to reside in Alex's body because of his curse. You had your chance at life, this is Alex's. you have no right to force your will upon him-- Silk shot back.

Brush, in the meantime, got annoyed at Silk's tight grip on Alex. She calmly slipped Silk's grip from Alex, and said to Alex, "Well, you didn't answer my question. What do you think?" She took a quick glance down, and she knew EXACTLY what he thought of it. She stepped closer to Alex, and pushed the still-stunned Silk totally out of Alex's arms, filling the space herself. "I think it's time for us to go. Later guys." She started to pull Alex towards the door.

Silk was never known for showing her emotions, and her temper was slow. But she was tired of Brush and this pushed her quite nicely beyond the limits of human endurance. She grabbed the shorter Amazon by the arm and broke her grip on Alex by simple expedient of tossing her halfway across the room. "Such honor, this amazon has, to compete unfairly in this of all contests! Such confidence in the attractions of her mind and spirit that she uses her body and pheromones to try to win what her mind and soul could not! Such maturity, to be concerned with nothing beyond the moment! Such honor, such confidence, and such wonderful maturity." Silk's voice was dripping with cutting sarcasm and reproach, "Such grace that she could never admit to taking the fall."

Brush flipped in midair, and landed gracefully on her feet. "Coming from one who uses mental powers to always stay a step ahead of everyone, and may have used same abilities to help influence things. Somehow I'm not impressed. Happosai, you should know about 'Anything Goes'. And I don't intend to lose this battle, not by a long shot." Brush then reached out, and slapped Silk across the face.

The look on Silk's face could have melted tempered steel. "You think that I would use mental abilities on someone who could detect it? I know you don't like me, but if you think I'm stupid you missed something." Silk grabbed a bottle of fingernail polish remover and flung it in Brush's eyes. "This fight is pointless, but it's begging." silk followed the nail polish in lancing six heavy blows to Brush's body and head before she could get the stinging acid out of her eyes. Then the taller girl grabbed the redhead by the arm, twisted it into an impossible position and swept out her feet, sending her horizontal in the air. But Silk didn't let her fall easily, no, she shoved her into the ground and landed a heavy-hand on the girl's sternum as they hit. The blows fell like rain, heavy-handed blows and dropped knees hitting again and again, without hesitation or remorse.

"Holy shit!" Keisuke watched in disbelief as Silk pounded Brush into the hardwood floor. "She's lost it. This has got to be stopped." He moved out from the stairs and tackled the insane person who apparently had possessed Silk's body to the ground. "Whoah, tigress." he said, restraining her.

Silk's face was perfectly calm, almost inhumanly so. Only her eyes betrayed her. Their surface was agate like, hard, but at the corners were the beginnings of tears. She didn't resist when Keisuke restrained her. She lay calmly on the hardwood beneath the heavier man. "She wanted a fight. I didn't. So I didn't let there be a fight. She'll recover."

Keisuke held on to Silk, lightly wiping away a tear. "Don't worry, you're alright." He looked over at Brush. "Wish I could say the same for her." he said solemnly. "Vaseline is going to get it for this. Brush wasn't in control right now, it was that damn pheromone scent." He motioned toward Alex. "You watch her. Perfume and I will tend to Vaseline. Let's go."

Konatsu just stood there, in slight shock of the violence he had just witnessed.

Perfume's grip on Konatsu tightened slightly when Silk suggested that they go up against her sister. She never went against her sister, things were much safer that way.

What she did to Brush was unforgivable. The amazon mage was her friend, and she wasn't in her right mind. --Sometimes family doesn't always mean you have to be related.-- She thought to herself.

"I'll be right back Konatsu-Chan. " Perfume grabbed her sword and stepped up to Silk. "Are you ready to rock, Silk-Chan?"

Across the street at Ucchans, Vaseline had watched the entire drama unfold through a pair of binoculars. Her little plan had failed Miserably. It looked like Silk and little Sis were going to be gunning for her now.

Vaseline never ran from a fight in her life.

As her odd guest peeped across the street, Ukyou stood behind her grill shaking her head. Nerima just seemed to get odder and odder these days. Girls peeping at Silk's shop? Probably Scarf she looked at. Probably.

Brush stood up, wiping the nail polish from her eyes with some water from the sink and holding her chest. "That tears it." Brush began drawing power for a lightning spell.

Alex, who had still been arguing with Zuberi, was interrupted by the outbreak of sudden violence. He grabbed Brush's hands and pulled them apart, preventing her from casting the spell. As she looked him in the eye, it was obvious that Alex VERY upset. "I'm very disappointed in you. You know I don't feel that way about you. I think of you as a sister, but you're really beginning to try my patience." He then finished cleaning the polish out her eyes, and set her on her feet, outside the door. "You're going home. I'll be there to talk to YOU later." The smell of the pheromones hit him again, and he added, "And take a shower, too." The tone of voice he was using left no room for argument. He then looked over at Silk and Keisuke. "Umm...Keisuke, you can get up now. Silk, mind if I talk to you for a second?"

Silk rolled away from Keisuke and stood up. "What is it?" She asked softly, her face downcast, not looking up at him.

Alex guided her upstairs to her room. "Silk, I know Brush went way out of line. But, that's still no excuse for getting violent yourself. The two of you are my favorite females in the world. Having the two of you at each other's throat isn't going to work."

Silk's eyes flashed for an instant. "What would you have me do? I don't fight often, so you people forget that I'm as much of a martial artist as you are. I have my pride. How do you think I feel, constantly having to justify myself to her? Constantly having to watch over my shoulder, because the girl who's after my boyfriend is always trying to trip me up? And you're always defending her." Silk's tone went from hurt to reproach without missing a beat, "She doesn't care that we have a relationship. She just sees me as an obstacle to you. Not even as a person, as a rock wall in the way. I'm tired of being stepped on by her. Brush believes she's better then I am. For whatever reason, I don't know nor do I care. She's wrong, and if senseless violence is the only language she understands besides sex, then that's how we'll have to communicate. If you think you can work out another solution, you're welcome to try. Good Luck, you'll need it." she turned on her heel and walked down the steps, out into the main room, where she announced that she was going for a walk and would be back later, then strode out the door.

Alex blinked. "Well that went rather well." he said sarcastically. He left the shop as well, by hopping out the window and continuing to levitate. But before he left, he and Silk both saw the person who caused the day's fiasco...Vaseline.

Scarf finally came to. "Ooooowww." He said. "What hit me?" Then he remembered why he had been KO'ed and looked around in fear. Realizing he was in his room he decided to jump out the front window.

Scarf hopped out the front window practically on top of Silk. She eeked and moved out of the path of descent by simply sitting down. he landed right where she had been standing, "Careful, you could have hurt somebody." she said to him, the edge of irritation in her voice slowly fading.

Perfume followed Silk out of the shop. Vaseline was a deadly opponent and she wasn't going to let her face the slut alone. Even if that meant going against Vaseline.

Vaseline meanwhile had left Ucchan's and stood in the center of the street waiting for her hit squad. Her hand resting gently on her whip.

"Is something wrong, Ladies?"

Silk pushed Scarf gently towards the door and stepped forward, "Yes. There is certainly a problem. There was just a fight between me and Brush. I came very close to hurting her very badly. I want to know why you set her up like that. I also want to know why you came to Nerima in the first place. The real reasons."

Vaseline seemed a little stunned that Silk had attacked Brush, that wasn't a part of her plan. She looked up and smiled inwardly at her little sister, she was doing Vas proud today.

"A sister's love knows no bounds, Silk." Vaseline smiled slightly as she spoke. "My dear little sister was banished from the village for saving your life. I knew how unassertive she could be, and I knew that I would no longer be able to watch out for her anymore."

The setting sun was just beginning to reflect off of her platinum hair. "I wanted to make sure that Perfume would be able to stand on her own. I want my little sister to make something of herself, something that I will never be. The only way to do that was to give the girl a little backbone."

Vaseline smiled at her sister, still not removing her hand from her whip. "She stood up to me finally, I knew Perfume would never stand up to me, she never has before. I figured that if I could get her to stand up to me, then I would know she would always stand up for herself."

"I've always had to be the strong one, to make sure what happened to me when I was twelve would never ever happen to Perfume. She won't be where I can protect her anymore. "

Vas bowed her head, smiling but proud of her sister.

Silk listened carefully to what the other woman said, and realized something unpleasant about herself. She had hated this girl for years, with what she thought was a good reason, so she'd never thought of her as really human before. --I treated her just like they treated me. I'm no better then they were...--

Silk walked over to the other girl and lifted her chin with one hand. She spoke softly, only the blonde could hear what she was saying, "Vaseline, I want to apologize. I've hated you for years for what you and the others did to me when we were younger. I don't want to continue hating you. And I want you to know, that as long as I'm around what happened to _us_..." she paused for a moment, her eyes reflecting something deeply hidden within Vaseline's, a common thread that had altered both their lives, "What happened to us won't happen to Perfume. I swear it. She saved my life from Cologne, giving up willingly her life, something I would never have asked. I owe her my life and everything I am and more for that."

Vaseline's smile dropped away when she saw the reflection in the younger woman's eyes. She never knew that the same thing had happened to Silk. She had also never heard what had really happened between them and Cologne, but now it was all starting to fit together.

"Silk, Your going to have to tell me the entire story about Perfume and Cologne one day. I can hear it in your voice and see it in your eyes. As long as your around I know my little sister is safe. I have to stay in the village, our family has always held the post of Tribal Enforcer, and i must do it in Perfume's absence. I would like to do take my place with Perfume here."

Before Silk could answer, Vaseline gave her one of those Perfume patented Bear hugs.

Perfume for the most part was reliving a memory from the words that Vaseline spoke. She remembered the day that Vaseline disappeared, even though she was only nine at the time. She also remembered when the tracker, Jewel brought Vas's battered body back.

She knew that her sister had been beaten severely, it was just now that what really happened to Vas became clear to Perfume.

Cologne and Her mother, the tribal enforcer at that time, disappeared into the wilderness. Returning two days later with the heads of the three bandits that had attacked her. Putting all three heads on stakes in front of the village, as a warning to others.

Perfume also never realized just how much her older sister really loved her. Vaseline was always so tough that she didn't have time to express it, but it was there all along.

She walked up to Vaseline and Silk just as Vas hugged the younger amazon. "I'm sorry, Sis, I misjudged you too. I never understood until now. " She grabbed both of them into a hug. "For the first time I think I understand you, Sis. I love you too. "

For someone who was not used to being hugged, getting two Perfume style rib crushing bear hugs at once would be more then a little unsettling, but Silk didn't resist, and was therefore not completely flattened. She rather enjoyed it. She had no siblings, so she had no idea what it would be like to have a sister. She was glad these two had finally found a way to understand each other, though she felt guilty about the circumstances that had forced the issue, holding herself mainly responsible for them. The fight with Cologne had been hers, not Perfume's, and she had been the one to lose her temper and thrash Brush. "I'll tell the tale, what I remember of it. Happi and Perfume can fill in the holes in my memory." She offered, recalling the fight in question. Not a pleasant memory at all.

After several moments of ruminating, though, she realized her brain was suffering from lack of oxygen. She started chirping, "Air, air!"

Alex, who had been silently hovering in mid-air and overhearing the conversation, decided to announce his presence. He dropped down next to Vaseline, while upside-down. "Um...Vaseline? I think she might want to breathe." He pointed towards Silk's blue face.

Meanwhile Mousse, who had heard everything that had been going on, not seen it though, had managed to figure most things out. Except one small detail.

"Saotome?" he asked Brush, narrowing his eyes as he peered at her.

Perfume and Vaseline both realized that they were crushing the younger amazon in their collective embrace. Both let go at the same time, leaving Silk a little woozy.

"Sorry Bout that!" They said together, then Perfume and Vas both laughed when they realized they had spoke in stereo.

"C'mon Silk" Vas laughed "You owe us a story, and I owe Brush an apology."

Silk took a moment to catch her breath. "I'll tell it anytime you want to hear, but I don't think that Brush and I seeing each other right away would be a good idea." she looked pointedly at Alex, "I lost my temper, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm not going to apologize for it, either. What I did Brush asked for, many times. I won't be responsible because she didn't know what she was asking. You said once 'tis foolish to wake a sleeping dragon'. well, I'm wide awake. Tell her that, will you?" she didn't wait for an answer, but walked back into the shop, through the storefront, down the stairs and flung herself onto the couch in the recreation room.

Keisuke was sitting on the couch reading a book when Silk plopped down. He turned to face her. "Rough day?"

Silk looked up at him from where she lay, feet dangling over the end of the couch. "You were there. You tell me." she said, closing her eyes and folding her hands behind her head. "I made an enemy out of what was a somewhat friendly rival, and a friend from an enemy. I went from being the stepped on to the one who does the stepping. A day for changes, I guess." she opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling, then startled whistling an old Chinese fold tune.

Keisuke just nodded and went back to his book.

Vaseline got the reaction she was looking for, but not quite the way she wanted it, she never meant for Brush to get hurt. She turned to her little sister and clasped her affectionately on the shoulder. "You go talk to Silk and Calm her down, I know you can do it."

Vaseline was no dummy, she could tell the look that Perfume gave Konatsu was the same one she tried to conceal when she looked at Silk. "Well I guess she doesn't need a BOYfriend. " She thought to herself with a wry grin.

She smiled seductively at Alex. "Sorry for all the trouble, Alex, you understand I had Perfume's best interests at heart?" She moved closer to him tracing the contours of his chest with her finger. "I could make it up to you. " She whispered her suggestion into Alex's ear, causing the young martial artist to blush in embarrassment.

"Come along, I need to talk to Brush."

Perfume made her way stealthily to the door to the rec room. She had never seen Silk go off the way she did with Brush before. Perfume certainly didn't want to be the next recipient of her wrath.

She knocked softly on the door. "Silk-Chan, I brought some herbal tea to help you relax."

Silk looked up at Perfume, lazy smile on her face. "Don't worry Perfume. I'm not going to rip your head off. Keisuke convinced me not to." she pulled herself up from the couch till she was sitting on the arm of it. "But that tea does smell good." she said, taking a cup. "So, you want to know... why I pounded Brush? Or what I said to Vaseline? or perhaps something simpler, the origin of the universe and the reason for the cosmos?"

Perfume grinned slightly as she handed a cup of tea to Silk and to Keisuke. She sat softly down on one of the folding chairs facing Silk.

" I suppose all of that would be good, But I think i understand your conversation with Vaseline, I never knew. " She paused without elaborating on that part. "I've never seen you lose your temper like that before. have you always held back a little?"

"I don't get angry often. You know that. So when I do... well, I was holding back against Brush, otherwise she'd be very dead right now, not just bruised. But it was a very near thing, for me. I don't like living that close to the edge." Silk paused to sip her tea. "As for the other, I don't mind that you know that. Simple enough story. Five years ago I was living in Hong Kong, as a student and a monster hunter. My group was involved in hunting down an organized crime ring with supernatural allies. I was captured by them. I was subsequently beaten, raped, and used as a blood sacrifice in the ritual for summoning a major demon. Then they made the mistake of letting me go. I wreaked some major havoc in the docks of Hong Kong, and said demon was killed, along with the summoners." Silk's voice was clipped, detached, like she was telling someone else's story or reciting a shopping list. "After that... well, I don't remember very well." her voice finally cracked, and she buried her face in her teacup, draining it in one gulp. "But that's in the past. Done and over with." she seemed to be speaking more to herself then to the others.

Perfume sank back into her chair, she never even knew about all of that. She had just found out that the two women she loved the most, Silk and her sister had been violated in the worst ways. It was alot to take in one day. She really didn't know what to say to Silk.

"I'm sorry Silk-Chan, I never knew." there was a look of profound sadness in her eyes. " I see why Vaseline was testing me, and I see why you always watch out for me now. I swear that will never happen to you or Vas again while I'm around."

Keisuke looked stunned. He had no idea. "Wow, Silk-Chan...I...I'm sorry to hear that." He straightened up from his slouched reading position. "You're a very strong woman, to live through all that and still be the caring person you are...except for beating the crap out of the occasional pheromone induced Amazon mage here and there." He finished on a lighter note, trying not to make the mood too somber.

Silk laughed, glad for the joke, "Can't forget the occasional perverted martial arts master or wandering demon. I also beat the crap out of them." she caught Perfume in a hug, then Keisuke, seriously startling them both in turn. She whispered, "Thank you. I do feel better now."

"Your welcome Silk-Chan" Was all that Perfume could say as she returned her friend's hug.

Back at the Funryu manor, Vaseline sauntered back into Brush's room. She gave Brush the pheromone antidote. She felt rather bad about what had happened.

"I'm sorry, Brush Chan. " She whispered as she moved some stray hairs out of the mage's face. "I underestimated Silk's temper, and her skill. I never meant for you to get hurt."

Brush was finishing casting her healing spells, restoring herself. "It's at least partially my own fault. I should have known better than to try such an underhanded trick. I think we owe Alex an apology. I was WAY out of line." Brush looked outside into the hall, and saw Alex going into his room down the hall. "Shall we?"

"Certainly, my friend." Vas agreed as they started for Alex's room. She was still entertaining thoughts about him, but for once she had made a friend, and she wasn't about to lose her over some man.

Alex was in his room, changing into his workout clothes (Kung fu pants, slippers and a tank top) , when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in."

Vas entered Alex's room first. She smiled at the dark skinned martial artist, this time without any lust in it. "Brush and I thought that we'd stop by and apologize to you."

Alex still felt a bit uneasy around Vaseline, but managed to hide it. After a few moments of silence, Alex replied neutrally, "That's a good start. But tell me something. Why in the world would you try to use such a cheap trick?" And the look on his face seemed to add, "And why try that on ME?"

Vas was a little surprised, she didn't think it was a cheap trick, it almost succeeded. "It was simple, if it had worked Brush would have gotten what she wanted, and you would not have complained. In the chaos that followed Perfume would have been forced to stand up against me just to keep me from trying something like that again. I just hadn't planned on Silk defending her claim so fiercely. I underestimated her."

Alex nodded. "You most certainly did. And I would have been quite upset with Brush for a LONG time if she had succeeded. She's like family to me. It just feels...wrong. Besides, from what I see of how Mousse is treated, there's no way I'd ever become an Amazon."

"Mousse is not treated that way merely because he is male you know. " Vas just had to clear up this misunderstanding. "You don't see anyone treating Rinse or Scarf like that do you? No, Mousse is weak and he is obsessed. Amazons hate weakness."

Vaseline stood up to walk out of the room. "I've said my bit.. I'm going to the shop. Silk owes me a story, and Keisuke offered me his bed earlier."

With that the Tribal Enforcer turned on her heels heading back to Curses and Cures.


By the time the bell over the door rang to announce Vaseline's presence, things had calmed down considerably. The trio was downstairs watching MST3K, adding their own comments to the robots'. Silk and Keisuke were trading shots back and forth as usual, and even Perfume joined in with a few ironic observations. Silk hopped up to see who it was. "We're closed..." she began as she climbed the ladder to the main floor. "Oh, Vaseline. Come on down."

Vas quietly climbed down the steps and sat right next to Keisuke, on the other side from Silk. She smiled at Keisuke as if to say she remembered his offer from earlier.

"I think everything is almost calmed down at Alex's house." She announced matter of faculty. Her voice seemed tired. almost regretful. She really did wish that her plan would have worked without getting Brush hurt.

Perfume glanced over at her sister. She could read the regret in her eyes. Her heart went out to the older sister that she never understood before.

Silk almost said something then, but hesitated a second. "One question, Vaseline. If your little plan had succeeded, what would you have done?" the healer was curious, and wondering if she'd just brought more trouble on herself then Alex was worth.

"My plan did succeed Silk." Vaseline answered softly. "Just not the way I wanted it to. I know now that Perfume will make it here in Japan. That was my main concern. Everything else was just fun."

Keisuke inched away from Vaseline. "Um, even my supposed 'offer,' I hope. Fun? Yes...just fun. Nothing more. Um, okay, bye." With that, he got up and ran to his room.

"Oh Pooh! He's too skittish." Vaseline sighed. Then she shouted after his retreating form. "Of course that would have been fun! More than you know!"

Silk laughed. "Congratulations, you managed to scare off one of the biggest flirts in Nerima." Silk told Vaseline what she had told Perfume and Keisuke, voice less neutral during the second telling of the day, but she didn't crack. "So, you see? We are alike, yet not."

Vaseline listened intently to Silk's story. The two shared a horrible event in the past but both dealt with it differently. In a way Vas treated men the way she did, as sort of a way to get revenge.

"Silk-Chan, You and I share a bond. Of course we are different people and we will deal with things in different ways." She smiled slightly. "You are my friend now, if you ever have need of me all you have to do is call."

She glanced over at Perfume and winked at Silk. "And you had better treat my little sister right."

Perfume got a look of panic on her face. She knew what Vaseline meant by that statement, he just hoped Silk didn't notice. She figured she would try to cover it up a bit.

"Sis, I'm not 10 years old anymore. I can handle myself."

"Don't worry, She'll be fine." Silk smiled, oblivious to any undercurrents between the two sisters. She looked down the hall at Keisuke's closed door again. "I think I'll offer you the couch, since it appears your other arrangements for a bed dried up." She got up and headed towards the stairs, "Just please try not to freak Scarf out to much while you're here. It's hard to sleep when he's so upset."

Vas smiled as Silk left the room. "I won't freak him out any more than he wants to be."

She then turned to her younger sister. She smiled warmly at her. "I've heard the story of how you saved Silk from Cologne. I'll do my best to have you, Silk, and Brush reinstated as amazons. Meanwhile, you stay here and have fun until I return. With both Konatsu and Silk you ought to be just fine in the relationship department."

Perfume interrupted at that point. "You don't understand Sis, Silk doesn't know how I feel about her, and I'm not going to tell her. Kami only knows how you figured it out! Konatsu is all I need."

Vaseline ruffled her sister's hair a bit. "Alright, I'll leave you to it then. I just wished you had told me about your tastes earlier, I knew a few girls who might be interested in you."

"Enough Vas, I can handle relationships on my own, thank you."

"Ok." The blonde responded. "I'll get some sleep and be gone in the morning." She grabbed her little in a huge hug.

"I love you Sis."

"I Love you too."

With that Vaseline went to the couch to get a little sleep before she traveled back home. Perfume placed a blanket over her older sister's sleeping form. She smiled slightly at her before she herself went to bed.

The End