Secrets, Perfume's Story

RNRPG: Secrets, Perfume's story
Started by: Perfume

Note: Anything between ** is spoken in English.

Perfume sat on the wall outside Funryu estates. She wasn't dressed in black for a change but was in a pink outfit similar to Ranma's. It's shade blended perfectly with her hair. Her expression was thoughtful, a mix of Jealousy, confusion, and love.

She knew she was in love with Konatsu, but she had strange feelings for her friend Silk. Feelings that went beyond friendship. She had yet to understand the feeling in her heart.

Every time she saw Alex and Silk together, she was happy for her friends. Inwardly, it hurt every time she saw the couple share a hug or a kiss. It always left her scared and VERY confused.

So confused in fact that she left Cures and Curses when Alex came to visit this time. She needed time to think, and didn't even realize she was sitting on Alex's front wall.

Alex was running back home, having spent about an hour with Silk. As he approached his house, he saw Perfume on the wall, looking confused about something. He slowed to a walk, and hopped up to hover in front of her. "Penny for your thoughts, Perfume?"

Perfume jumped, she was so deep in thought that she didn't even hear Alex approaching. Of all the people to see her like this it had to be Alex.

"When I figure them out, I'll let you know." She responded dryly as she hopped off the wall. She was definitely depressed about something. Perfume began to walk away, and then stopped a few feet away from Alex.

"How do you feel about Silk?"

Alex blinked at the question. "I care for her a great deal, Perfume. Silk, well, she's my heart." Alex blinked again, and blushed, realizing he sounded mighty stupid.

She paused for a second before turning back to her friend. "I'm sorry for embarrassing you, but I had to know. Because I don't know my feelings." She drooped her head and her voice became barely audible.

"When I get near her, my pulse quickens and I get so confused. Is that what you feel?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah that's about right. Heart going crazy, confusion, giddiness, I basically lose it. Why do you ask?" Then the rest of Perfume's statement caught up to his brain. He sat down on the wall around his house. "Sit down, Perfume. Let's talk about it. I think you have something on your mind."

Perfume sat down next to Alex, her confusion still evident. She was silent for a few moments before she began to speak. "I know the feeling Alex, I get the same way around Konatsu." She clenched her fists as she spoke. "I also have the same feelings around Silk-Chan. I don't understand why, but it hurts sometimes when I see the two of you together."

Alex almost face-faulted at this, but managed to keep his reaction down to a mere blink. "Well, Perfume, this is something I've never dealt with before, so try to bear with me." Alex rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "I think you might have a thing for Silk, Perfume."

Her head drooped a bit lower when she thought about what Alex said. That was exactly what she was afraid of.

"I kind of thought so, Alex-Chan, and that's what scares me." She seemed to calm down a bit while she spoke. "My sister was always the oversexed pervert, not me. I'm scared of becoming just like her."

Alex stopped and thought a moment. 'Hmm, how to deal with this...I know.' "Well, I don't think you're anywhere near that bad. Your sister...well, she's who she is, I'll leave it at that. But you're not being oversexed or a pervert. If that's what you like, who are we to judge you?"

Perfume brought her hands together in a thoughtful gesture. She was silent for a moment as she collected her thoughts. Just admitting that she might be in love with Silk was hard enough, but talking with her boyfriend about it just wasn't what she planned on.

"This is all very confusing to me Alex-Chan. I think maybe I've always been like this, but afraid to admit it. It's strange but I also find men very attractive to. I love Konatsu, but it's no secret that I also find you attractive. This confuses the hell out of me."

Alex looked sheepish for a moment. "Well, at least you aren't nearly as bad as some of the crowd that I attract." After a brief pause, he continued. "I can't say I've been there you're at, but I empathize with you. As far as I've ever seen, though, love is a confusing emotion. The only thing I could recommend is to think about it, and try to draw your own conclusions. If that's the way you are, I'm sure your other friends will accept it." As an afterthought, Alex added with a grin. "But somehow, I don't think I want to share Silk."

Perfume blushed bright red, the last bit of Alex's statement reminded her of her offer to Silk during the Pervert Potion incident. She had offered to share Alex with Silk, an offer that Silk violently refused.

"What do you mean not nearly as bad?" She joked with Alex. " I have never been bad." She smiled for the first time in a while. "At least I didn't attract the love of the Psycho Flower girl."

She couldn't help but laugh at that thought. "I guess being too attractive can have it's drawbacks." she paused for a second before getting serious again. "Thank you Alex Chan. I know I have to figure some of this out on my own, but you've really helped me."

She just hoped that this part didn't sound like she was asking him out. "I'm not going back home for a little while, would you like to join me for dinner? I think I'll try this new American restaurant."

Alex thought about it, then replied, "Sure." Then in a teasing voice and a grin, he added, "Asking your best friend's boyfriend out on a dinner date? Naughty girl."

Perfume blushed bright red. "It's not like that really, I just need a friend today." She managed to get that out before she noticed Alex's grin.

"Oh my, Your teasing me." She calmed down a bit.

Alex replied with a roguish, heart-stopping grin. "But of course, dear lady. What fun would it be if I didn't?" Alex then offered his arm. "Shall we?"

Perfume took Alex's arm and walked quietly with him to the restaurant. She was completely lost in thought. As soon as she was seated she glanced over at Alex.

"I've needed someone to talk about my feelings with for a while, thank you. I've also decided that I would rather see you and Silk happy. So as long as you treat her right, I'll stay out of it. Is that acceptable to you?"

Alex nodded. "I wouldn't have it any other way. And I'm always available if you need me. Anything in my power to help a friend, I'll do." He then gestured to the food. "Shall we?"

"Most certainly." Perfume started at the round dish set between her and Alex. She always wanted to try a pizza, but really had no clue what it was.

"Alright, how do we eat this silly looking thing?"

Alex used the spatula to put a slice of pizza on Perfume's plate, then took one for himself. "With your hands, like this." Alex lifted his slice, and proceeded to eat.

Perfume smiled as she tasted the pepperoni flavored dish. She had a little trouble with the stringy sort of cheese, but she definitely enjoyed what she was eating.

She smiled as she finished her first slice. "You know Alex-Chan, one day I think I would like to go to America." *"My English is not so bad, no?"*

*"Not too bad at all, Perfume. Not bad at all." Alex replied as he finished his second slice. "Anytime you want to go, let me know. I'll arrange your transpiration and lodging."

Perfume paused for a very long moment. "You would do that for me, Alex-Chan? I don't know what to say." She got very quiet for a moment. "Why do you do so much for me? You've always watched out for me, even when you didn't know at first whether I was friend or foe. Why are you so nice to me?"

Alex blinked in surprise, then replied with the beginnings of a blush, "Hey, what's the point of being rich if you can't help your friends? Besides, you're talking about going to my home turf. I am from the States, after all. I can't let you go there without making sure you'll be taken care of."

Perfume was pretty sure that Alex had missed the point other question, but that was alright. She also knew that with Alex making the arrangements she would travel first class.

"Thank you Alex-Chan. One of my goals is to see Dodgers Stadium."

Alex nodded. "I can arrange that, no problem. I'll even take you there myself." He grinned. "Besides, the first impression I got from you was someone who probably wasn't going to become hostile towards me, or try to marry me right off the bat. Not something I find often."

"I would like that very much Alex-Chan." She smiled as Alex noticed her eyes following the waitress behind him. "Of course you I'm something that you wouldn't find very often. I'm too unique of a person."

Alex chuckled in reply. "How true. I think I should let you in on a little secret. When I first saw you, I thought you were rather hot, myself."

Perfume sputtered on the tea she was drinking. She was very surprised that Alex had said that. "Are you serious Alex-Chan? You found me desirable?"

She paused for just a second. "I'll let you in on something also. For a little while I had wished you'd have beaten me in combat after we fought that gang."

"As serious as a heart attack, Perfume-Chan." Then the rest of Perfume's statement registered in his brain. Now it was Alex's turn to sputter on his drink. "Wha? You're kidding, right?"

Perfume smiled sweetly. "I rarely kid Alex-Chan. It's the truth, I wanted you to beat me. I see now what that law had done to Shampoo and Brush, and I don't approve of it anymore. Part of that still hasn't changed, I'd be a fool not to find you attractive."

Alex blushed. "Why thank you. But you're right, that law is jacked up. I mean, just because a guy beats an Amazon, he's expected to marry them. And then people try to force the issue. Love can't be forced." He shuddered, remembering the incident with Cologne.

Perfume's expression became very thoughtful, she was remembering the same incident. Because of Cologne she would have to make her way in Japan instead of the village.

"As Silk-Chan told me recently, Amazon laws have stagnated. They will have to adapt or die out. I don't intend to go without a fight, so I'm adapting. I still have problems with all of this. Since I met you and Silk and all the others, I think I'm finally starting to adapt. Thank you so much Alex-Chan."

She leaned across the table and gave Alex a kiss on the cheek.

Now Alex was really flustered. He turned even redder (not easily done for someone of African descent) and rubbed the back of his head. "Ah, it wasn't something that any other gentleman wouldn't have done."

Perfume couldn't help but laugh at Alex's reaction. Who would have thought she could get him flustered so easily. Men were so strange sometimes.

"That's just the problem, Alex-Chan. There aren't very many gentlemen left anymore. The few that are around seem to get all the attention. "

Alex shrugged, but looked thoughtful. "Well, that might explain my woman problems..."

Perfume smiled sweetly, she was getting the hang of this flirting stuff. Who better to practice on than Nerima's most sought after bachelor.

"Well, that and you just too darn cute for your own good."

Alex grinned, getting into the flirting bit. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Perfume. But I'm mediocre at best compared to such a vision as yourself."

Try as she might, Perfume would never get used to people complimenting her. With a lifetime of negative reinforcement it was hard to deal with positive.

"Enough of the flattery, Alex-Chan." Perfume smiled as she teased him. "I'm not that pretty, close but not quite." She winked at Alex as she spoke. "You know, you and I should go out more often, it really helped my mood."

Alex grinned, sensing that Perfume was feeling better. He took a bow as he stood up. "Glad to be of service, dear lady. I am at your disposal."

Perfume stood up a few seconds later. She smiled broadly at Alex. He definitely had a well deserved reputation as a lady killer. She took a couple of coins out of her purse and set them on the table as a tip for their server.

"I like the sound of that, Alex-Chan." She looked Alex right in the eye. "But please keep my little secret, okay?"

"of course. It's not my business to tell your business anyway." That said, the two friends left the restaurant, walking and talking about other things.

The End