The Vampire Nosferatu
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I went looking for trouble, and boy I found her......She’s in love with her self....She likes the dark....On her milk white neck....The Devil's mark....It’s all hallows Eve....The moon is full....Will she trick or treat....I bet she will.....She’s got a date at midnight....With Nosferatu....[Black no. 1 (Little Miss Scare-All) by Type O Negative] Her pace quickens....Footsteps, following her?...The night chill surrounds her with the fog.....There is someone following her, but she dares not turn.....Panic is beginning to set in.....She turns down the ally to seek refuge, and I am on her......Her scream is not heard....Slowly she yields to me.....My fangs pierce her flesh....Her life begins to ebb, and the new one begins....I feed....she joins me...

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