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Halloweenguy's Homepage
Halloweenguy's Homepage

"I met this six year old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face with... the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes" - Donald Pleasance


Hello and welcome to my site about the great Halloween movie series. I have changed the title of this site and some design. Hope you like it. Click on each of the links below to check out each of the pages. This site will have lots of sounds and such soon so come back often. Also, Please sign the guestbook I would greatly appreciate it. If you came to this site and the url is: ( Use the url: ( for future use, it's easier to remember.

Michael Myers

Today's News

May 17, 2000 - I haven't updated this page in forever. I haven't been as big of a Halloween fan as I used to lately. However, I'll try and put some new stuff on here soon and put some news up. If you e-mailed me and I didn't reply, I apologize. I've really neglected this website and will work on it quite a bit more soon.

The Pages
Movies | Sounds | Film Series News | Links | E-mail Webmaster | Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook



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