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(full bibliographic information is provided in the Bibliography )

ABZ - Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste (Borger)

AfO - Archiv für Orientforschung (Periodical)

AHw - Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (von Soden)

AMPI - ŠÀ.ZI.GA: Ancient Mesopotamian Potency Incantations (TCS II: Biggs)

ANE - The Ancient Near East: A History (Hallo and Simpson)

ANEM - A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology (Leick)

ANET - Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Pritchard)

AO - prefix for cuneiform tablets of the Antiquités Orientales in the Musée de Louvre, Paris

AS - Assyriological Studies (Series)

BBR - Beiträge zur kenntnis der Babylonischen Religion (Zimmern)

BBN - Beiträge zur kenntnis der Beschwörungsserie Namburbi (Ebeling)

BG - The Babylonian Genesis (Heidel)

BM - prefix for cuneiform tablets in the British Museum, London

Bm - Babylonian Menologies and the Semitic Calendars (Langdon)

BTT - Babylonian Topographical Texts (George)

CAD - The Assyrian Dictionary of the University of Chicago

CC - Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East (Cohen)

CLAM - The Canonical Lamentations of Ancient Mesopotamia (Cohen)

CT - Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum (Series)

DAB - Dictionary of Assyrian Botany (Campbell-Thompson)

DAGC - Dictionary of Assyrian Geology and Chemistry (Campbell-Thompson)

DB - The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East (Oppenheim)

Devils - The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia (Campbell-Thompson)

FM - Female and Male: The Cultic Personnel (Henshaw)

GDS - Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary (Black and Green)

HKL - Handbuch der Keilschrift Literatur (Borger)

HMH - House Most High: The Temples of Ancient Mesopotamia (George)

HP - Hymnes et prieres aux dieux de babylone et d'assyrie (Seux)

HR - History of Religions (Periodical)

HUCA - Hebrew Union College Annual (Serial)

IE - Der Mythos 'Inanna und Enki' unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Liste der m e (Farber- Flügge)

IQH - Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth (Wolkstein and Kramer)

Iraq - Iraq (Periodical)

JAOS - Journal of the American Oriental Society (Periodical)

JCS - Journal of Cuneiform Studies (Periodical)

JNES - Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Periodical)

K - prefix for cuneiform tablet in the Kuyunjik Collection of the British Museum, London

KAR - Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts (Ebeling)

LDF - Lorsque les dieux faisaient l'homme (Bottéro and Kramer)

ME - Myths of Enki, The Crafty God (Kramer and Maier)

MEA - Manuel d'epigraphie akkadien (Labat)

MFM - Myths from Mesopotamia (Dalley)

MMEW - Mystical and Mythological Explanatory Works of Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars (Livingstone)

MPS - Mesopotamian Protective Spirits: The Ritual Texts (Wiggermann)

MRB - Mythes et Rites de Babylone (Bottéro)

NTBM - Namburbi Texts in the British Museum (Caplice)

OBab - Babylon (Oates)

OBE - Old Babylonian Extispicy: Omen Texts in the British Museum (Jeyes)

OrNS - Orientalia (Nova Series) (Periodical)

OrVS - Orientalia (Vetus Series) (Periodical)

RA - Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie Orientale (Periodical)

RAcc - Rituels Accadiens (Thureau-Dangin)

RlA - Reallexikon der Assyriologie

Sex - Sex and Eroticism in Mesopotamian Literature (Leick)

Sm - prefix for tablets from the Smith Collection in the British Museum

SN - The Necronomicon (Simon)

SP - The Earliest Semitic Pantheon (Roberts)

STH - The Collection of the Sumerian Temple Hymns (TCS III: Sjöberg and Bergmann)

TCS - Texts from Cuneiform Sources (Series)

TuL - Tod und Leben nach der Vorstellungen der Babylonier (Ebeling)

UBab - Babylon (Unger)

VAT - prefix for cuneiform tablets from the Vorderasiatische Abteilung, Tontafeln collection in the Museum of Berlin

YBC - prefix for cuneiform tablets in the Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven

ZA - Zeitschrift für Assyriologie (Periodical)

"+" - between two tablet numbers indicates that they are one tablet, broken and separately catalogued but are now to be joined (see glossary)

"+" - between two logographic (see glossary) readings in a transliteration means that one the second sign follows the first so closely that they seem to be one sign, whose reading is uncertain.

"x" - between two logographic readings in a transliteration means that the second sign appears contained within the first sign, the reading of which combination is uncertain.

For a general explanation of the principles of transliteration, see "The Basics of Babylonian Magick."