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MillenniuM FanFic

(Author's Note: I am terrible with titles and don't really like
the ones I have here, if you can come up with a better title for any
of my pieces, please let me know and I will give you the credit for it.
Thanx for reading these, more will come soon.)

O hearken ye who would believe,
The gracious tidings now receive:
Gloria, gloria, In excelsis Deo.

I bring a tale of truth

It's better to light a single candle
Than to curse the darkness.

As long as you're here ... you might as well read some of my X-Files FanFic


This Too Shall Pass : Takes place directly after the 'cabin scene' in 'THE TIME IS NOW'. Frank is coping with Catherine's death, and struggles to regain his will to go on.


Blackness : A wild and crazy piece, too hard to explain it all here, go read it for yourself.

Cracked Mirrors : This one can be either X-FILES or MILLENNIUM poetry depending on who you believe is speaking (Frank or Fox).

I . . . Care . . . ? : X-FILE/MILLENNIUM poem, Frank Black or Mulder could be speaking.

MillenniuM Theme Music : This is a poem written from MILLENNIUM's theme music, read this poem while watching the introduction for the second season . All the images on the screen have found their way into this piece.

THEND : A very short piece, the speaker (not neccessarily Frank) dwells on typical 'End-Time' themes. There is not much to this one, it just hit me as belonging here.

There are men . . . : This is another X-FILES/MILLENNIUM poem (not yet completed though) the first two paragraphs are understandable, but the last five lines don't make much sense without me finishing the poem, I'm thinking of adding more about Frank Black, Millennium, and the problems the two are facing.

In most of the poems, no names are stated,
but I'll say this just to appease the legal drones at FOX.
Frank and the Group don't belong to me,
(DUH...NO SH*T!!!)
They belong to themselves (as much as any of us can) and CC, 1013, FOX.
Some of these poems are revisions of a work I originally made
that had nothing to do with MillenniuM,
I just added a name or two from the show. (If even *THAT* much).
I haven't made any money off this yet, but should the chance arise
I'll take every penny I can get.
I'll just change a few things first.
If any of the legal-hounds at FOX want my blood or money,
they won't get it without a fight.
If YOU SUE ME, the only things you'll get are
an enemy for life,
and a foot UP YER ARSE!!!
You can't have it all
This is my empire of dirt
I will not bow down
I will make you hurt
I will gladly be a martyr to the cause.
I will fight the good fight.
Come on FOX, are you willing to risk turning one man's religion into a crusade?
You've already started the avalanche, do you think you can stop it now?

Sorry, but all this legal bullsh*t pisses me off!!!!
