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Thyroid Information Page


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Updated 06-26-06

Hi, welcome to my home page. The purpose of this home page is to try and get the word out about a great thyroid patient support group called:


A friend of mine by the name of Kelly started this group along with other thyroid patients in 1992 after she was diagnosed with a thyroid condition called Graves' Disease. The AFTP has an extensive library on a lot of thyroid conditions and diseases, a quarterly newsletter full of information,and a physician referral list for just about every town in the US. But the main thing about the American Foundation of Thyroid Patients, is that they are there to help the thyroid patients and their families. I hope that after reading this, you will visit the AFTP web site.

American Foundation of Thyroid Patients

Send Kelly an email at:

If you would like information on AFTP through the mail, please send a self-addressed stamped #10 envelope along with $2.00 for postage and handling to:

P.O.Box 4914
Odessa, TX 79760

Kelly will send out your information package within 48 hours.

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06-26-06 American Foundation of Thyroid Patient Links

A few pages from the American Foundation of Thyroid Patients web site.

Thyroid Symptoms

Graves' Disease Symptoms (a large graphic, but worth the wait!)

Thyroid Eye Disease

The New "T3 Treatment"
Thyroid Solution or Unethical Experiment?
by Sara Rosenthal

American Foundation of Thyroid Patients Symposium Videos

Newly Revised, third edition of "THE THYROID SOURCEBOOK"
and THE THYROID SOURCE BOOK for WOMEN (both books cover many Thyroid Topics, in comprehensive and easy to read formats)

The Hypothyroid Sourcebook by Dr. Sara Rosenthal

Living Well with Hypothyroidism by Mary Shomon

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"The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running."

Picture of Kelly shortly BEFORE she was diagnosed with Graves' Disease

2nd picture of Kelly before being diagnosed.

Picture of Kelly a few years AFTER she was diagnosed with Graves' Disease

Kelly's Eye Surgery Page

Kelly After Eye Surgery Photo

bullet Information contained in this site is for educational purposes only. The content is not to be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease and should not be used as a substitute for medical care.
* The American Foundation of Thyroid Patients is not affiliated with any other non-profit organization.

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Thank-you for visiting my site and the best of health and happiness to all who have visited. Loreece

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