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Hopefully, this will turn out to be a unique page. Since you are here, please sign the guestbook so i will know who has visited my wild jungle. I know that if you have a web page, you would want people to sign your guestbook so you could keep track of all who visit. So please sign in. Thank you.

The Tiger is one of the most beautiful of the big cats. The largest living cat in the world is the Siberian Tiger. This big cat possesses both grace and beauty. Although it spends a lot of time hunting, its reputation as a vicious killer is undeserved. The rare Siberian tiger gets its name from its cold homeland, which is covered in snow for much of the year. Its range is larger than that of any other tiger subspecies, and it frequently embarks on long journeys in search of food.Tiger info & PIX (under construction) will lead you to another wounderful page of information about these wounderful animals and other cats in the big cat family and some wounderful pictures.

Enough about the real tigers for now. Keep a check on this page for updates, new links,pix,and more information about the Tiger species. I will add more facts about these marvelous creatures as I get time to do so. I will also try to get some pix to go along with the info. The information given is taken from "The Wildlife Fact File".

My info and Family Pix page.

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This page Copyright © 1998-2003 by Tim Samples "Tiger"®. All rights reserved.ICQ#19881746

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