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This is the Animorphs Answering Machine. Click "GUEST BOOK."
Welcome to the Animorphs homepage!
Hello! Welcome to the Animorphs homepage. The new book number 25 is out! If you would like to leave a message on my guest book go up and click "Guest Book or just click here."
Please e-mail me at Thanks for coming to the Animorphs home page.
Visit my message board: Message Board.
This month there will be a MARCO book. The Yeerks are trying to set up another ground base kondrona. The only problem is that they are building it in the north pole. And the north pole is no place for kids in spandex.In January We will have a JAKE book.This is the one where we find out about the red eye in #6. Also for January I will be holding another contest. But first try Decembers contest. The question for December is:Why doesn't Ax kill Visser 3 in book #8? The answer is in the books. Please answer in my message board: Message Board. Do you have any animorph pictures you want posted? Then send them to me And I will post them in my new gallery under your name.Please VOTE
for me!Need links to animorph pages? CLICK HERE!
This is my my pet Joman! He loves to dance!
go to The Animorphs Database-click me
Oh and don't forget to Chat about animorphs

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