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Carotenoid Complex™

Research Review Carotenoid Complex™

Carotenoid Complex™ is bioavailable

Presented at the New York Academy of Sciences and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

This study was entitled "Plasma Carotenoid Levels Before and After Supplementation With a Carotenoid Complex." GNLD was one of only three non-academic organizations (and the only direct seller ever selected to present) at the 1993 NYAS conference in San Diego. Golden Neo-Life is also the only direct marketer to have published a study in the highly selective, peer-reviewed American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study shows that the carotenoids in Carotenoid Complex™ were absorbed into the bloodstream. GNLD, as well as the USDA, found that Carotenoid Complex™ significantly raises blood levels of carotenoids.

Carotenoid Complex™ increases immune function by 37 percent in just 20 days

Presented by the USDA at the Experimental Biology Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

The USDA presented a study on Carotenoid Complex's™ immune enhancement activity at the 1995 Experimental Biology Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, held in Atlanta, Georgia. It was found that the recommended dosage of Carotenoid Complex™ increased immune response in normal, healthy people who were fed a low carotenoid diet--which included beta-carotene supplements. Immune response increased 37% in just 20 days. No other retail product can claim such far reaching implications. Results of this study show that three Carotenoid Complex™ capsules a day can increase your immunity against disease.

Carotenoid Complex™ decreases blood lipid peroxidation

As published by the US Department of Agriculture Research Group at the Human Nutritional Research Center in San Francisco

Lipid peroxidation causes LDL cholesterol particles in our blood to be modified. These oxidized LDL particles can accumulate in the arteries and eventually lead to cardiovascular disease. The USDA Research Group at the Human Nutritional Research Center in San Francisco published a study showing that Carotenoid Complex™ reduces the likelihood of LDL oxidation. This has never been shown for any other retail product before.

Carotenoid Complex™ increases natural killer cells by 20 percent

Presented by the USDA at the Experimental Biology Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

One of our bodys' natural defenses is a type of white blood cells called natural killer cells. These natural killer cells kill the sick and infectious cells in our system. For example, they are our first line of defense against cancer. Natural killer cells can take cancerous cells out of circulation. A USDA study measured a 20 percent increase in natural killer cells after 20 days of supplementation with Carotenoid Complex™.

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