A True Story

"When I aborted my first child I was told at Planned Parenthood that this little 'blob of tissue' would be as easily removed as a wart. Terminating a pregnancy, I was told was no more significant than removing a tiny blood clot in my uterus. At that time no other options, such as adoption, or single parenting were explained. At the abortion clinic I was not administered pain killers. When the suction aspirator was turned on I felt like my entire insides were being torn from me. Three quarters of the way through the procedure I looked down to my right and there I saw the bit and pieces of my baby floating in a pool of blood. When I screamed, 'I killed my baby!' the Planned Parenthood counselor in attendance told me to shut up. But the worst was yet to come. I was not forwarned the deep psychological problems I would encounter in the months and years to follow. I was never told that I would have nightmares about babies crying in the night. Neither was it explained, previously to the abortion, that I would experience severe depression in which I would contemplate suicide. I didn't mourn the loss of my appendix so why would I grieve the passing of an enigmatic uterine blob? The answer is that it wasn't a mere 'blob of tissue', it was a living baby. I realized it the moment I saw his dismembered limbs. I realized too late! By now the reader may be asking him/herself, 'isn't this an extreme example of an abortion experience?' Actually no. Mine was a routine suction abortion. Millions have been done. Some women have had worse experiences than mine. There are women that I know who have delivered their own dead babies following a 'safe legal' saline abortion. After poisoning, the baby thrashes around for a couple of hours as he or she is suffocated, choked and burned to death. It's a horrible death. Some, however are born alive and are left to die."

Email: sxemxpxgrrl@hotmail.com