Pro-human; Pro-Life
.silent holocaust exposed.

In 1973 a law was passed that allowed a women to kill her unborn baby at any time, for any reason during her 9 months of pregnancy. Since that time, more babies have been murdered then all the poeple killed in every American war in the history of the United States. This is insanity. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. It is a sin against God as well as a sin against mankind. What kind of world do we live in where we choose who lives and who dies?

*An essay I wrote for English.
*Karen Sullivan Ables tells her experience with her abortion...
*Effects and Statistics
*Salt Poisoning Or Saline Abortion
*Step-by-Step of Baby's Growth In Womb

Abortion Poll
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Here are some links to Pregnancy Crisis Centers and information that can help you if you are in trouble or need help or information:

  • Pregnancy Crisis Centers Online
  • Pregnancy Support Services
  • America's Crisis Pregnancy Helpline
  • Links to helpful sites
  • Teen Moms, Teen Wives
  • Abortion! Absolutely Not!
  • No More PBA Vetoes

    Links to Prolife Services and Information on the WWW:

  • Prolife Sites
  • Prolife Homepage
  • Prolife Links
  • Life Advocates Magazine
  • LifeLinks
  • Pro woman; Pro Life
  • America's Memorial For The Unborn
  • Catholic Information Network For Life
  • Save The Baby Humans on AngelFire
  • Save The Baby Humans's Home Page at LeisureDome
  • cheryl51's Home Page at LeisureDome

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