Pro-Human; Pro-Life!
November, 1998

Since 1973, more innocent babies have been legally murdered through the process called abortion than all the people killed in every American war in United States history. In the United States, a woman has the right to kill her unborn baby at anytime during her nine months of pregnancy and it is called abortion. If the baby is killed even one second after birth, it is called murder. Supporters of abortion argue their position by calling the unborn baby a blob of tissue or by saying that it is not a living human because it is in the mother's womb. In truth, abortion is the wrongful murder of a helpless and innocent human life.
First of all, the right to abortion sends out a message to people that says you can do away with things you don't want to deal with and not suffer any consequences- in this case even a human life. Abortion is a scapegoat for unwed mothers and inconvienant babies. Some will argue that abortion is necessary many times because the mothers life is in danger. With today's advanced technology and medicene, very rarely is this the case. Teenager's growing up these days see abortion as an easy option to 'get rid of' their unborn children.
Secondly, abortion is an exreamly painful and unnecessary death for a baby to go through. A baby's heart is beating steadily and all the organs are present at a mere eight weeks. At just ten weeks, a baby is extreamly sensitive to touch and can squint, swallow, frown, and suck its thumb. Most abortions are performed any time before four months but can, and are performed any time there-after. At this time, nobody can deny that what is growing inside the mother's womb is a baby or that the death is painful and unnecessary. In a routine suction abortion, a vacuum is used to suck the helpless, living baby out of the womb and kill it. Abortionis never something that has to be done. Nine months of your life is nothing to give when the only other option is murder.
Most importantly, abortion is the senseless murder of an innocent human life. What gives us the right to decide who should live and who should die? That is God's decision alone. That innocent human life whose only protection in the world is its mother's womb can no longer feel protected because even its very own mother can and might have it murdered. Yet that baby did nothing deserve to have its life snatched away so suddenly. A tiny baby who can feel, taste, breath and move can be condemned to die without ever saying or doing anything wrong. In the very constitution that our country is founded on, we are all given the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...why is it that a pure baby is not given these rights as well?
Abortion is murder; plain and simple. It is a holocaust not much different from that of the Jewish race in the 1940's. What will the future of America be like if we continue to have the legal right to murder our unborn children- the very people we are meant to love and protect unconditionally? To stop this holocaust, everybody needs to get involved by contacting your government leaders, voting pro-life, and praying to end abortion.
