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The Disclaimer

It has been pointed out to me that my page sometimes appears to have a "defensive" tone. At first this offended me. Then I did some thinking. Websters defines 'defend' as : 1)to repel danger or attack from, 2) to act as attorney for, 3) to oppose the claim of another, 4) to maintain against opposition. Well, when it comes to my parenting style, I am a defender! I feel the need to defend my beliefs for several reasons. The first is attachment parenting is a very important lifestyle choice that is often undermined by the "mainstream" or "conventional" parents as an uneducated or lazy decision; when in fact it is usually a well-informed and well-researched one. This site serves two purposes, to provide other parents with like views a sheltering place to read more about their choice, and meet and learn more about others with their lifestyle. The second purpose is to educate people who lack information in this area. As I say in my may not always agree with me and you may even think I'm a little over the top, but this is my platform. If you come away from this page learning one new thing, or being more open to someone else's lifestyle choice, then my job is done. That mission, that hope, is why I staunchly defend my views and feel compelled to educate others on my choices.
