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Who does this "Sunny" think she is?

Welcome to my home on the net. Here you will find a multitude of links and my ideas on topics ranging from breastfeeding to vegetarianism and much, much more. This site started as a way for me to express my feelings on different parenting and life issues. This site is dedicated to everyone tired of 1) being asked "When will you wean?" by complete strangers, 2) Tired of being told that if you let your baby sleep with you, it will continue into their adult years, or 3) being drilled and criticized for deciding not to eat dead animals...well, you know all the conventional wisdom.
This site is a window into my soul. Here you will find my thoughts on many topics...the list is growing longer everyday. Sometimes you will agree with me, sometimes you'll walk away stark-raving mad! I hope you experience both of these emotions while visiting, because often, it's only when a topic awakens our inner self that we really take the time to stop and think about it and formulate our own opinion. Please feel free to write me with your opinions, feedback and critiques.

What was she thinking?
I started this page so that mamas everywhere could have a voice.
Not the voice assigned to them by child-rearing book and magazines.
Not the voice they are told to used by pediatricians.
An not the voice they were raised to use by well-meaning family and friends.
Not even the voice you hear on this page!
There is only one voice for each person..Your own!
Dare to be the kind of mama you've always dreamed of!
Take it from a mama who loves !!!!!!!!!!! (exclamation points)

Milk Mamas Rule!