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Fertility and Pregnancy

I've been pregnant, and here are some of my favorite links I visited during that time. Also, check out my personal pregnancy experience (link at bottom of page), complete with journal, photos and ultrasound!
For me, pregnancy came after a year of trying to get pregnant and facing infertility. It was a joyous, amazing time. I was in disbelief for so long that I was actually pregnant...that there was a life growing inside me! People would tell me I had that 'pregnant glow' and that was probably true. Increased oil production on my face and that flushed, constant hot feeling have that effect. What I knew was that I was glowing on the inside. This was what I had waited for for so long! Ken and I had a baby and it was growing inside me. I was empowered as a woman. I felt like I had a secret that no one else knew. Like I was the first person to experience pregnancy. I knew intellectually that this wasn't true. I was one link in the chain of billions of women since the beginning of time to pass on life to another creature. The feeling doesn't go away. When my son was born, and I first breastfed him, I had the same feeling. I was passing on my life-blood, the essence of who I am, and the essence of all that is good about humanity, to my son, the most perfect person I have ever known.

Interactive Pregnancy Calendar
Chinese Gender Prediction Chart
Gestational Age Calculator
HCG levels in Pregnancy
Cathy's Pregnancy Web Page
Why Can't We Have a BABY!?!
Stork Site's Homepage
It's Just Another Baby
September Pregnancy Mailing List Homepage
Baby Links...May not work
Stages of Your Baby's Development
The Whole Nine Months by Homearts
Information on Ultrasounds
Baby Names
The Positive Pregnancy Site
OB/GYN Tools
Pregnancy Journal Online
Make A Birthplan
Birth After Caesarean Unlimited Possibilities (BACUP)
The Birthing Options Page
Birth Psychology
The Bradley Method
Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
Doulas of North America (DONA)
Giving Birth Underwater
International Childbirth Education Association
The Labor of Love
Light Hearts
Midwifery Today
The Midwives Alliance of North America
Mid-Oregon Midwifery Services
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers
Online Birth Center
Waterbirth Website

More sites and commentary to come!

My Pregnancy with Forrest

Click here to learn more about my experience
Brazos Valley Birth Stories