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Mothers Dying Love

I opened my eyes for the very first time
To see what this world had in mind
For a baby boy with lots of love
And a beautiful mother laying above
I was connected inside of a womb
This mother of mine I trusted I assumed.

I grew and grew like a weed
But no matter she kept giving food to me
I was not a perfect boy
Thats why we are mean and selfish with our toys
Daddy, Momma what a GREAT pair
Yet the love we had I didn't have to share.

Days became weeks, months became years
I had to learn with discipline even if it made me tear
Rebelious, mean, clumsy, and tall
I changed my ways cause it seemed I would always fall
Live and learn is the motto of mother
The motto I give, Tiffanie, as an older brother.

School came and diminished
Kindergarden, Graduation, then I was finished
Love and Hate but, give respect
Mother always said, and made sure I was in check
I am on my own, a man that I am
Mother is worried for the place that I stand.

A gentleman that I have become
'Cause mother wouldn't let me become a bum
It is hard cause we change our roles
Mother is weak and I have to go
I stay to help, it hurts so bad
When mother is down and very sad.

Suffering is a terrible thing
Selfishness is what I am hearing
Take her LORD I cry at night
'Cause mother is hurting but, still fights with all her might
She's been through hell and back
Yet keeps her head up like there is no cancer attack.

A woman that is crying inside
She has a mask that shows she is alive
Mother fights for life deep down inside
But, her love ones know it time for the HEAVENLY ride
Go mom, we will see you in PARADISE
'Cause you gave me what no woman could............
Mother's LOVE.

This is my Mama and Her replica.....

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